900字范文 > 当代书法 Contemporary calligraphy英语短句 例句大全

当代书法 Contemporary calligraphy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-28 06:38:59


当代书法 Contemporary calligraphy英语短句 例句大全

当代书法,Contemporary calligraphy

1)Contemporary calligraphy当代书法

1.Contemporary calligraphy has completely escaped the limitation of pragmatism and truly become a pure art.当代书法彻底摆脱了实用性制约,书法真正变成了纯粹的艺术。

2.The paper makes a further discussion on the effects that human being s thought structure brings to contemporary calligraphy creation Meanwhile, the problems existing in contemporary calligraphy creation and the main developing advantages are also analyzed to offer reference to people who work for the same cause while doing creation.本文就思维结构对当代书法创作的影响进行深入探讨,同时分析了当代书法创作主流和存在的问题,认为书家应有明确的主体意识和相应的思维结构。


1.Scripts on Wooden and Bamboo Slips and Silk, the Study of Calligraphic History, and Modern Calligraphic Creation;简牍帛书与书法史研究及当代书法创作

2.Discuss The Characteristics and Influences of Network Spread of Modern Calligraphy Briefly论当代书法的网络传播特点及其影响

3.Henan Calligraphy in Modern Calligraphy Revival Movement--Henan Calligraphy in the Past 30 Years since China"s Reform and Opening-up当代书法复兴运动中的河南书坛——改革开放30年的河南书法

4.Perspective on the Methodology of Research on the History of Modern Calligraphy Schools in View of Research on the Academic School of Calligraphy;从学院派书法研究引向对当代书法流派史研究方法的思考

5.Exploring New Horizon of Calligraphy and Entering New State of Art-On the Innovation of Contemporary Calligraphy;开拓书法新时空 步入艺术新境界——论当代书法的创新之路

6.Effective Means of Enriching the Experience of Calligraphers’ Aesthetic Taste of Our Time;论当代书法家丰富审美经验的有效途径

7.It also points out , to acquire the essence of calligraph, calligraphists should spurn the utilitarianism, emphasize the inner self-experience.指出当代书法家必须摒弃创作功利意识,着重自我内在体验的感悟,才能获取书法艺术真谛。

8.A Legal Analysis on Contemporary Pseudographs and the Countermeasures for Libraries;当代“伪书”的法律分析及图书馆的对策


10.The Study of Non-Calligraphic Factor in the Prevailing Calligraphic Style;当代“流行书风”现象下的非书法因素研究

11.The Significance to Contemporary Chinese Painting Drew from the Relationship between Calligraphy and Painting;浅论古代书画关系暨书法对当代中国画的实践意义

12.Qi Gong, Manchu, is the contemporary celebrated calligrapher who was born in Beijing in1912.启功,当代著名书法家,满族,一九一二年生于北京。

13.Criticize of the Contemporary Public Culture and Developing the Chinese Calligraphy Art;当代大众文化批判与发展中国书法艺术

14.On the Relation between College Calligraphic Art Teaching and Quality-oriented Education;论当代大学书法艺术教育与素质教育的关系

15.Calligraphy as a Resource: A New Orientation of Chinese Modern Arts;书法作为资源:中国当代艺术的一个新方向

16.Preservation and Development--On "Chinese Characters and Calligraphy" in Contemporary China and Korea维护与发展——当代中韩“汉字与书法”观点解析

17.A Library Management Method based on"S":Concept and Application基于“S”的当代图书馆管理法:概念与应用

18.His calligraphy,especially t he cursive hand,is quite unique and has a great impact in China.他的书法,尤其是草书在当代中国独树一帜,影响巨大。


contemporary calligraphy in the form of the ancient script on tortoise shells or animal bones当代甲骨文书法

3)contemporary calligraphy art当代书法艺术

4)modern calligraphy creation当代书法创作

1.The combination of forms of printed character is an important express form in the creation of calligraphy, getting to know it is really helpful to themodern calligraphy creation.字体组合是书法创作中的一个重要表现形式,认识字体组合对于当代书法创作是洵有裨益的。

5)modern calligraphy education当代书法教育

6)Contemporary books当代书籍

1.Contemporary books are blended with new techniques and cultural features, taking on many original ideas and different forms.无论是从书籍的历史沿革,看书籍设计的交替更迭,还是从当今信息化、高科技、快节奏的生活中,看人们多元化的阅读方式,当代书籍设计都面临着巨大挑战。


