900字范文 > 当代书法教育 modern calligraphy education英语短句 例句大全

当代书法教育 modern calligraphy education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-15 01:24:39


当代书法教育 modern calligraphy education英语短句 例句大全

当代书法教育,modern calligraphy education

1)modern calligraphy education当代书法教育

2)contemporary education当代教育

1.The influence of life education theory oncontemporary education;生活教育理论对当代教育的影响

2.In contemporary diversified era which emphasizes the development of technology, Mohist s educational thought can give us useful reference and enlightenment incontemporary education.本文试图将墨子教育思想置于具体的历史语境和纵横比较的平台上,来凸现墨子教育思想的特色,并由此来反思当代教育,尤其是语文教育,为当下问题重重的教育提出一些建设性的意见。


1.The Educational Thoughts in Analects and Its Inspiration to Modern Education;《论语》教育思想及其对当代教育的启示

2.Confucius Enlightenment of Educational Ideology on China s Contemporary Education;孔子教育思想给中国当代教育的启示

3.Irrational Education:The Indispensable Part of Modern Education;非理性教育:当代教育不可或缺的部分

4.Inspiration for Modern Education from Educational Method and Thinking of Confucius孔子的教育思想和教育方法对当代教育的启示

5.Inspiration for Modern Education from Educational Method and Thought of Confucius;孔子教育思想和教育方法对当代教育的启示

6.Physical Education Iidea of Cai Yuan-pei and Contemporary Physical Education蔡元培体育教育思想与当代体育教育

7.Thinking of Ancient Health-building Education and Contemporary Physical Education Health-building;古代健身教育思想与当代体育健康教育思想

8.The Influence of Post-modernist Teaching Thinking on Today s P.E. Teaching;后现代主义教育思想对当代体育教育的影响

9.Inter-subjectivity Education: The Pursuit of the Contemporary Chinese Education;主体间性教育:当代语文教育的追求

10.The Impact of Confucius Educational Thought on the Contemporary Creative Education;孔子教育思想对当代创新教育的启示

11.Current Education Reform in China:Seen from the Concept of "Life Being Education";从“生活即教育”看当代中国教育改革

12.Civic Education:A Historic Choice of the Contemporary Chinese Education;公民教育:当代中国教育的历史选择

13.The Implication of Confucius Education Idea to Contemporary Harmonious Education;孔子教育思想对当代和谐教育的启示

14.Private Moral Education: Inevitable Content in Modern Moral Education;私德教育:当代道德教育的必然内容

15.Horizons Education : the Constructive Inadequacy of Modern Higher Education;境界教育:当代高等教育的结构性缺失

16.Confucius" Educational Ideology and Current Ideological and Political Education孔子的教育思想与当代思想政治教育

17.Teacher Leadership Training:Study on the New Trend of Contemporary American Teacher Education;教师领导教育:当代美国教师教育新趋势

18.Two Major Educational Thoughts and Modern Distance & Open Education;当代国际两大教育思潮与现代远程开放教育


contemporary education当代教育

1.The influence of life education theory oncontemporary education;生活教育理论对当代教育的影响

2.In contemporary diversified era which emphasizes the development of technology, Mohist s educational thought can give us useful reference and enlightenment incontemporary education.本文试图将墨子教育思想置于具体的历史语境和纵横比较的平台上,来凸现墨子教育思想的特色,并由此来反思当代教育,尤其是语文教育,为当下问题重重的教育提出一些建设性的意见。

3)modern education当代教育

1.The examination-based educational tradition and the misleading ofmodern education——On the 100th anniversary of its abolishment;我国的应试教育传统与当代教育的歧路——乙巳百年祭

2.This article discusses the major problems existing in ourmodern education, and the inspiration formodern education from educational thinking of Confucius including education to both the rich and the poor, combination of study and thinking, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude and elicitation method.阐述我国当代教育存在的主要问题,在此基础上,论述了孔子有教无类、学思行结合等教育思想和因材施教、启发诱导等教育方法,以及其对当代教育的启示。

3.This article probes into the educational characteristics of the learning society, analyzes operating mechanism of the individual construction and discusses its influence on themodern education.本文探讨了学习化社会的教育特征,分析了学习化社会个体构建的运行机制,着重论述了学习化社会对当代教育的积极影响。

4)Contemporary calligraphy当代书法

1.Contemporary calligraphy has completely escaped the limitation of pragmatism and truly become a pure art.当代书法彻底摆脱了实用性制约,书法真正变成了纯粹的艺术。

2.The paper makes a further discussion on the effects that human being s thought structure brings to contemporary calligraphy creation Meanwhile, the problems existing in contemporary calligraphy creation and the main developing advantages are also analyzed to offer reference to people who work for the same cause while doing creation.本文就思维结构对当代书法创作的影响进行深入探讨,同时分析了当代书法创作主流和存在的问题,认为书家应有明确的主体意识和相应的思维结构。

5)ancient calligraphy education古代书法教育

6)education of today当代的教育


