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汽蚀筒 cavitation-tank英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-20 10:38:39


汽蚀筒 cavitation-tank英语短句 例句大全



1.Numerical simulation of flow incavitation-tank of pump test-bed;水泵试验台汽蚀筒内部流场数值模拟


1.CFD Research on Flow in Cavitation-tank of Pump Test-bed Based on VOF Model基于VOF模型的泵试验台汽蚀筒流场的CFD研究

2.cylinder liner used for auto engine汽车发动机用汽套筒

3.etching machine for preparing printing plates or cylingers蚀刻机,制备印版或印版滚筒用

4.barrel reactor plasma etching圆筒形反应期等离子腐蚀

5.Technical code for anticorrosion of shaft equipment of vertical shaft of coal mine煤矿立井井筒装备防腐蚀技术规范

6.Inspect outer tub for cracks or corrosion检查外筒看有无裂缝或腐蚀

7.Countermeasure on Solving Corrosion of Flue Gas to Brick Sleeve Stack in Power Plant解决电厂砖套筒烟囱烟气腐蚀的措施

8.Research on Accelerated Filiform Corrosion Test Method of Steel Cartridge钢制药筒丝状腐蚀加速试验方法研究

9.boiling water and water vapour etching test沸水和水蒸汽侵蚀试验

10.Corrosion Inspection and Corrosion Inhibition Prevention of Shaft of Pump Recovery Well in Tahe Oilfield塔河油田机采井井筒腐蚀监测及缓蚀剂防护技术

11.Research on Anti-Corrosion and Anti-Encrustation Process for Oil and Water Well Drill Rod;油水井筒腐蚀结垢及防垢除垢工艺研究

12.Roller speedometer testerGB/T13563-1992滚筒式汽车车速表检验台

13.diaphragm between crankcase top and cylider liner曲国同箱顶和汽缸衬筒间隔板

14.Roller opposite forces type automobile brake testerGB/T13564-1992滚筒反力式汽车制动检验台

15.Example of attachment of the automatic cylinder upon up and down.例如连接自动圆筒状汽缸上下运动。

16.Crack Analysis On The Drum Downcomer Union Joint of 20MnMo锅筒蒸汽下降管接头20MnMo锻件裂纹分析

17.The Application and Study of Cylinder Fuel Sensor直筒式汽车燃油传感器的应用与研究

18.To remove by erosion, melting, evaporation, or vaporization.消融,侵蚀由于腐蚀、熔化、蒸发或汽化而消失



1.Reutilization of evaporation condensate water and Prevention of cavitation in pump;蒸发冷凝水回收利用及泵内汽蚀的预防

2.Centrifugal PumpCavitation and Its Prevention;离心泵汽蚀产生原因分析及防止措施

3)cavitation erosion汽蚀

1.Application of epoxy resin composite material to thecavitation erosion mending;环氧复合材料在汽蚀修补中的应用

2.Analysis on thecavitation erosion of regulating valve and control measures;调节阀汽蚀现象的分析与控制

3.Hardness and resistance tocavitation erosion of Fe-Cr-based HVOF-sprayed coating超音速火焰喷涂Fe-Cr基涂层的硬度与汽蚀性

4)vapor corrosion汽蚀

1.On the basis of preventingvapor corrosion and using the basic principle of calculating the physical volume,it is presented that the two methods of calculating the installing height by permissible vacuum suction height HS or net pump suction head Δh are corrected and their results are absolutely consistent.从防止汽蚀出发 ,通过一系列分析运算说明 ,从允许吸上真空度Hs 或从气蚀余量Δh两种途径计算离心泵最大安装高度 ,方法正确且结果完全一致。

5)steam corrosion汽蚀

1.Steam Corrosion Cause of a Circulating Water Pump and Its Application;循环水泵汽蚀的原因及改进措施

2.Associated with thesteam corrosion of Hebei some certain power plant circulating water pump,after analyzed the main reasons of circulating water pumpsteam corrosion,brought forwards the effective measures of this problem,to offer the basis of economic safe operation of the power plant.结合河北某电厂循环水泵的汽蚀情况,在充分分析了循环水泵汽蚀的主要原因后,提出了解决问题的措施,为电厂的经济安全运行打下了良好的基础。

3.The reasons of air entering pump have been detailed analyzed for its sudden abnormity and inspection based on the comparison of two accidents:steam corrosion against the pump and air entering pump and combined with the special accident example of the condensate pump.以600MW亚临界火电机组的立式长轴凝结水泵作为研究对象,通过对水泵汽蚀和水泵进空气2种事故的原因、异同点的介绍和对比,并结合凝结水泵的具体汽蚀事故特例,较为详细的分析了系统运行中突发异常和备用泵检修导致凝结水泵进空气事故的原因。


1.There may be two reasons in relation to vibration:(1) No grid connection with long screw bolt at the flanges of at two ends of extension joint;(2) Vibration arose out from cavitations.分析中发现引起振动的原因为:(1)伸缩节两端法兰没用长螺杆刚性联接;(2)泵有汽蚀,从而引起振动。

2.In order to analyze the distribution and the bubble volume of the internal flow field under the condition of cavitations in centrifugal pump,numerical simulation of the threedimensional turbulence cavitations flow field inside impeller was calculated through adoption of hybrid model of twophase flow.为了分析离心泵发生汽蚀情况下叶轮内流场的分布以及汽泡相的体积分数,采用两相流混合模型对叶轮内三维湍流汽蚀流场进行数值计算。


泵的汽蚀分子式:分子量:CAS号:性质:是离心泵运行时常发性的严重问题。其产生机理是:液体在泵叶轮中流动时,由于受叶轮流道形状的约束和高速旋转的影响,使压力不能均匀分布,当低压区的压力下降到与液体温度所对应的饱和蒸汽压力时,局部液体会立即汽化而形成气泡,使泵的性能突然下降甚至产生严重的振动和噪声,长期结果会使叶轮流道表面受到破坏,形成呈海绵或蜂窝状的汽蚀痕迹。可通过改善泵的吸入条件,提高泵的汽蚀余量,改进泵的吸入安装高度 ,改进泵自身的结构以及增设进口诱导轮等措施来解决。
