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内向性 introversion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-17 03:56:41


内向性 introversion英语短句 例句大全



1.Studying modernist literature from the perspective of modernity of post-modernism,researchers can find four intercontacted and interacted poetical features:the experimentality,introversion and abstractness of style,and the intransparency of text.从后现代主义时期的“现代性”立场出发,通过对现代主义文学资料的重新梳理,现代主义文学的诗学特征可以概括为以下相互联系、相互影响的4个方面:文体的实验性,内向性,抽象性,文本的不透明性。

2.Based on this kind of aesthetic coordination of prose poems,and by some comparing and analyzing,this paper reveals the individualized aesthetic characteristics of prose poems different from poems and prose, namely,theintroversion of the aesthetic visual angle,the imagination of images constructing,and the rhythm sen.文章基于对散文诗的这种整体观照 ,并通过一定的比较分析 ,揭示了散文诗有别于诗歌和散文的个性美学特征 ,即审美视角的内向性 ,形象构筑的意象化 ,“韵在骨里”的节律


1.Inwardness and Outwardness of New Age Chinese-English Dictionary《新时代汉英大词典》之内向性与外向性

2.The direction of or tendency to direct one"s thoughts and feelings toward oneself.内向性将思想及感情引向自己内心的方面或倾向

3.The Introversion and Extroversion of District in the City: Study Comparative between Shanghai and Paris;居住街区的内向性与外向性:上海—巴黎比较研究

4.You are very much an introvert.你是一位地道的内向性格者。

5.Are you introverted or extroverted?你个性内向还是外向?

6.On the Relationship Between Outward Subjectivity and Inward Subjectivity;论“外向主体性”与“内向主体性”

7.electric plane characteristic电场平面内的方向特性

8.intrinsic anisotropy(纤维的) 内在各向异性

9.A personality trait including the qualities of both introversion and extroversion.中向性格一种包括内向和外向的性格特征

10.Would you say that you are more outgoing or more reserved type?你觉得你的个性是倾于外向,还是内向?

11.Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?你认为你性格内向还是外向?

12.Influence of Extravert/introvert Disposition onLearning Foreign Language;外向/内向型性格对外语学习的影响

13.He the introvert;Tom the extrovert.对他们俩来说,他性格内向,汤姆性格外向。

14.And some looked at personality: Are you an extrovert or an introvert?还有一些则涉及个性:你的性格内向还是外向?

15.One whose thoughts and feelings are directed toward oneself.性格内向的人思想和感情都指向自我的人

16.On the internal characteristics of financial market and the supervision trend toward the market论金融市场的内在特性与面向市场的监管取向

17.Study on Oscillatory Properities of the Forward and Backward Waves in the Fiber Gratings;光纤光栅内部前向波、后向波振荡特性研究

18.Personality Factors in Second Language Acquisition--Extroversion and Introversion;论第二语言习得中的性格因素——内向与外向


intra character内倾向性

3)introverted/extroverted characteristics内外向性


1.A Correlative Research on Extraversion/Introversion and Overt/Covert Behavior in Foreign Language Output;从整体上讲,内向性格的学生的外语成绩比外向性格的学生要好一。


6)introverted personality性格内向

1.Conclusion Unstable emotion andintroverted personality show more frequently in patient with PSD,which maybe correlative in the occurrence of depression in patient with stroke.结论PSD病人的病前人格中有更多的情绪不稳定和性格内向,情绪不稳定和性格内向与PSD有相关性,是其危险因素。


内向性思维内向性思维autistic thinking内向性思维(autistie rhinking)亦称“我向思维”、“孤独性思维”。指病人与周围世界相脱离,好像独自一个人生活在另一个世界一样,其联想方式与推理过程,只有病人自己懂得,别人完全不能理解或感到莫名其妙。思维的内向性与孤独性使其对周围的一切不感兴趣,对外来的刺激也很少有反应。这种病人很少”J他人往来,其思维活动沉酒于十分空洞、抽象而目前不能解答的问题之中,如“为什么有了太阳还要有一个月亮”、“1+1为什么等于2”;有时低头不语、独自发笑,有时自言自语如白日梦。巴甫洛夫认为这是因为皮质细胞脆弱无力,外界刺激,即成为超强度了,所以皮质产生了保护性抑制,形成与世隔绝的印象。见于精神分裂症r(江开达撰徐俊见审)
