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内向 introversion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-23 00:43:05


内向 introversion英语短句 例句大全



1.Extroversion-Introversion and English Learning Strategy Utilization;外向内向与外语学习策略的使用

2.This thesis reports a study in a Chinese context of extroversion/introversion and its relationship to English achievement of tertiary-level English majors.人们通常认为,一个人的性格是由一组特性所组成的,例如:外向和内向,神会和抑制,自尊心,冒险性,责任感等等。

3.Based on these considerations, this project is exploratively borne to access the relationship between personality, on the dimension of extroversion/introversion, and LLS choice in a comprehensive approach.该研究的焦点是探索内向与外向学习者在语言学习策略选择上的差异。


1.inboard turning内向旋转(从尾向首看

2.Are you introverted or extroverted?你个性内向还是外向?

3.The act or process of introverting or the condition of being introverted.内向使内向的行为或过程或者内向时的状态

4.I wouldn"t call myself introverted.我不认为自己内向。

5.I think I"m rather on the shy side.我想我是比较内向的。

6.fire point-blank at sb在近距离内向某人射击

7.Growing inward or into, especially into the flesh.向肉中生长的向内生长的,尤指向肉内

8.peek in [ out ] through a hole从小孔里向内[向外]偷看

9.To tilt(a motor vehicle)laterally and inwardly when negotiating a curve.向内倾斜使(汽车)在拐弯时向内或向内倾斜

10.To turn(a tubular organ or part) inward upon itself.使向内陷使(管状器官或部位)向内塌陷

11.To turn or direct inward.使向内弯转向或指向里面

12.A violent collapse inward, as of a highly evacuated glass vessel.向内破裂强烈内爆,如真空玻璃的内爆

13.He dictated a letter to his secretary他向秘书口授信的内容。

14.electric plane characteristic电场平面内的方向特性

15.bash sth in/down; cause sth to collapse inwards by striking it violently猛击某物使之向内塌陷

16.intrinsic anisotropy(纤维的) 内在各向异性

17.She turns her toes inwards when she walks.她走路时,脚尖向内。

18.The enemy were still dropping shells into the town敌人仍向城内发射炮弹。



1.Most of the tales of mysteries and the supernatural in the past posses extrovert characteristics, while Er Shi Lu manifestsintrovert char- acteristics.以往的志怪幻想大都具有外向性特征,《耳食录》则表现出内向性特征。

2.He was anintrovert and exquisite emotion.李商隐是晚唐时期重要的诗人,他性格内向,感情丰富细腻。

3.Lived in a closed and hard environment and received simple but old - fashioned and inflexible education, the Bronte Sisters wereintroverted by nature, which made it difficult for them to adapt to society.闭塞的环境,简单、古板的教育,使牧师家庭出身的勃朗特姐妹性格内向;这使她们难以适应社会,生活封闭,经历简单,对人生充满痛感,精神上反叛社会,幻想超现实的自由生活。


1.RUAN Ji wasinward,careful,not showing his feeling.阮籍性格内向,做人谨慎小心,内在情感从不轻易外露,长期压抑自己的情绪而内心痛苦不堪。

2.According to the distinctive requirements of users of various Chinese-foreign language dictionaries,I put for- ward three suggestions:First,the label of parts of speech in theinward Chinese-foreign language dictionaries should differ from that in the outward one.根据不同类型汉外词典目标用户的需求特点,提出:内向型汉外词典与外向型汉外词典标注词类的对象应该不同,前者应为外语对应词语标注,后者应为汉语词目词标注;内向型汉外词典中,外语对应词语可以与汉语词目词具有不同的词类,编者不必刘意追求"词类对译";根据汉语词语的特点,汉外词典的释文宜先按语义划分义项,而在义项之下可以再划分各个词类项。





内向1.指归服朝廷。 2.谓向内地进发。 3.谓寡言谈,感情不外露。
