900字范文 > 绿色国民经济核算 green national economy accounting英语短句 例句大全

绿色国民经济核算 green national economy accounting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-10 10:52:42


绿色国民经济核算 green national economy accounting英语短句 例句大全

绿色国民经济核算,green national economy accounting

1)green national economy accounting绿色国民经济核算

1.The Accounting of environmental pollution is the comprehensive accounting of environment and economy as well, ie a part of thegreen national economy accounting, which is the general term of accounting of the water pollution cost, air pollution cost and solid waste cost in physical volume and value.环境污染核算是环境与经济综合核算,即绿色国民经济核算的一部分,是对水污染、大气污染、固体废弃物污染、放射性污染和噪音污染的实物量和价值量进行核算的总称。


1.Study Report for Green National Economic Accounting;中国绿色国民经济核算研究报告

2.Drawing on a Comparison of Green National Accounting Systems;绿色国民经济核算的国际比较及借鉴

3.Study on the Framework of China s System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting;我国绿色国民经济核算体系的框架及其评价

4.Research on the Construction of Integrated System ofEnvironmental Economic Accounting in China;中国绿色国民经济核算体系的构建研究

5.Study on the Measurement of Environmental and Resource Values in Green System of National Accounts;绿色国民经济核算中资源环境的估价研究

6.Accounting of green GDP and change of economy growth manner;绿色GDP核算与转变经济增长方式

parative Study on National Economy Accounting and Business Accounting;国民经济核算与会计核算的比较研究

8.Green GDP--The Cognition of SEEA;绿色GDP——对环境与经济综合核算体系的认识

9.Study on the Government Economic Performance Evaluation under a Green Growth Accounting基于绿色增长核算的政府经济绩效研究

10.GDP-Core Index in System of National Accounts国民经济核算体系核心指标GDP研究

11.The Accounting Problem of Green GDP in SEEA Frame;再论环境与经济综合核算体系(SEEA)框架下的绿色GDP核算

12.Analysis of the Problems Existing in Implementing the Green National Accounts;实施绿色国民核算存在的若干问题研究

parative Analysis of Two Green National Accounting Approaches based on Different Theories;两种基于不同理论的绿色国民核算方法比较

14.The Theoretical Construction of National Welfare Accounts--The Re-exploration of Accounting Theory of Green GDP;国民福利核算的理论构造——绿色GDP核算理论的再探讨

15.The Development,Reform and Challenge of China s National Accounts;中国国民经济核算:发展·改革·挑战

16.Talk on China National Economic Accounting System 2002;谈《中国国民经济核算体系(2002)》

17.On China s System of National Accounts(2002);《中国国民经济核算体系(2002)》刍议

18.SNA Framework for Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting国民核算体系综合环境与经济核算框架


green national economy"s calculating system绿色国民经济核算制度

3)green national accounting system绿色国民经济核算体系

1.Based on related research on economics of environment and resources, this paper analyses systematically the definition and evaluation methods of ecologic capital andgreen national accounting system,and points out some existing problems such as unclear dimension and confused application of evaluation methods.在对大量环境资源相关文献研究的基础上,对生态资本的界定、价值评估方法、绿色国民经济核算体系等进行系统的分析和综述,认为研究中存在评估方法应用范围不明确、使用混乱等不足,需要在建立生态资本价值评估指标体系、完善评估理论与技术以及生态资本积累方式等方面做进一步的研究。

4)Green National Accounting绿色国民核算

parative Analysis of TwoGreen National Accounting Approaches based on Different Theories;两种基于不同理论的绿色国民核算方法比较

5)National economy accounting国民经济核算

1.China s new national economy accounting system is built on 93SNA, in which the extent of single material production is expanded to include both material production and service production.按劳分配、按资分配和按需分配在各种社会形态里都是兼而有之,我国新国民经济核算体系是以93SNA为蓝本,生产核算范围由原来MPS的单一物质产品生产范围,扩大到既包括物质产品生产又包括服务产品生产的范围。

6)national economic accounting国民经济核算

1.Accounting Material Sources in National Economic Accounting;论国民经济核算的会计核算资料来源问题

2.Green accounting(green GDP) has been a hot spot innational economic accounting system research in recent years.将传统GDP绿色化,也就是"绿色GDP"是国民经济核算研究和探索的热点,综观目前国内外的研究情况,主要体现在对国民经济核算宏观水平的思考,对于中观、微观的层次考虑较少。

3.This paper studiesnational economic accounting under the conditions of sustainable development, which includes natural resources and ecological environment.本文研究了包含生态资源和生态环境的可持续发展条件下的国民经济核算问题 。


