900字范文 > 国家市场经济 national market economy英语短句 例句大全

国家市场经济 national market economy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-15 10:03:52


国家市场经济 national market economy英语短句 例句大全

国家市场经济,national market economy

1)national market economy国家市场经济

1.Chen Yun\"s idea ofnational market economy was enriched and improved in1950s and 1960s.20世纪五六十年代,陈云的国家市场经济思想得到了充实和完善。


1.Chen Yun"s Idea of National Market Economy in the Early New China新中国初期陈云的国家市场经济思想探析

2.Study of Correlation between Market Economy Environment of Emerging Markets and Cross Border M&A;新兴市场国家市场经济环境与跨国并购相关性研究

3.developed market economics发达的市场经济国家

4.The Theoretiocal Proof that China is One of Market Economy Countries--On China s Nascent Market Economy Stage;中国已属于市场经济国家的理论证明——论中国已处于初期市场经济

5.Probe into Regulative Objects of Economic Law through Exploring the Functions of the Government and the Market;从国家与市场经济角度探讨经济法调整对象

6.OECD stock market经济合作及发展组织国家的证券市场

7.Analysis of Socialism Market Economy and Government Intervention;社会主义市场经济发展与国家干预度

8.Harmony between Confucius Virtue of Sincerity and the Market Economy of China;儒家诚信之德与中国市场经济的契合

9.Institutional Analysis of the Liberalization of Interest Rate in the Transitional Countries;经济转轨国家利率市场化的制度分析

10.Towards the Status of "the Non-Market Economies" in the WTO;论“非市场经济国家”在WTO中的地位

11.Policy of "non-market economy countries"in Europe and America and our country s counter measures;欧美的“非市场经济国家”政策及其应对

12.Social Market Economy and Duality of State and Society;社会主义市场经济与国家社会二元化

13.Study of the functions of the state planning in the system of the market economy;市场经济体制下国家计划的功能研究

14.Foreign-Funded Bank"s Market Entry:From the Perspective of Economy-Switching Country外资银行市场进入:转轨经济国家视角

15.The Discrimination of the Western Countries Anti-dumping against the Non-Market Economy Nations;西方国家对“非市场经济国家”反倾销的歧视性

16.The experience and revelation from typical market economy nations geological perambulation industry management;国外市场经济国家地勘行业管理经验与启示

17.The Impact of "Non-market Economy Countries" to China in International Anti-dumping;“非市场经济国家”在国际反倾销中对我国的影响

18.On Market Economy and Jail Production and Operation of Western Countries;当代西方国家的市场经济与监狱生产经营


countries of completed market economy市场经济国家

1.An overview of uranium industries incountries of completed market economy;成熟市场经济国家铀矿业活动一瞥

3)non-market economic country非市场经济国家

4)Non-Market economy country非市场经济国家

1.One of the most important reasons is that China is considered as a non-market economy country with a non-market economy status in law.究其主要原因是中国被认定为“非市场经济国家”,在法律上处于“非市场经济地位”。

2.The thesis analyses the concrete differences on the investigation procedures of anti-dumping,the measure of anti-evading,the punishment of taxes substitute and the definition of non-market economy country.对欧盟与美国在反倾销调查程序、反规避措施、对替代赋税制裁以及对中国是否为”非市场经济国家”认定方式等方面存在的具体差异进行了分析。

3.Labeling China as a non-market economy country, western countries have long been applying surrogate country approach to determine the normal value of Chinese goods.在我国企业应对反倾销诉讼过程当中,非市场经济国家条款是制约我国企业胜诉的一个瓶颈。

5)non market economy country" policy"非市场经济国家"政策

6)western market economic countries西方市场经济国家

1.The transformation of the function of the government inwestern market economic countries has been caried out been under the guidance of two different economic theories and policies - economic liberalism and government interference.西方市场经济国家政府行为职能的转变经历了经济自由主义和国家干预主义两种不同的经济理论和政策主张。


