900字范文 > 社会性网络服务 Social Networking Service英语短句 例句大全

社会性网络服务 Social Networking Service英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-21 09:48:50


社会性网络服务 Social Networking Service英语短句 例句大全

社会性网络服务,Social Networking Service

1)Social Networking Service社会性网络服务

1.0 technology in Internet, the concept ofSocial Networking Service (referred to as SNS) has come into the view of people, and then rapidly expands, impacts people\"s work and lives in all aspects.0技术在互联网上的广泛应用,其技术体系下的社会性网络服务(Social Networking Service,简称SNS)这个概念走进人们的视野,随即迅速发展,冲击着人们生活工作的各个方面。


1.Utility Analysis of Personal Knowledge Management in Campus Social Networking Service校园社会性网络服务的个人知识管理效用分析

2.Research on the Characteristics of Social Network Services and Its Impact on Enterprise s Competitive Intelligence Work;社会性网络服务的特点及其对企业竞争情报工作的影响

3.Study on Viral Marketing Communications of SNS基于社会化网络服务的病毒性营销传播研究

4.Research on Social Work Services on Withdrawal of Youth Internet Addiction;青少年网络脱瘾的社会工作服务研究

5.Non-profit-making networks refer to those serving the public interest which are not operated for making profits.公益性互联网络是指为社会提供公益服务的,不以盈利为目的的互联网络。

munity Health Care of weak Group:The Construction of Community supporting network社会弱势群体的社区卫生服务—社会支援网络的构建

7.Buyer Behavior,Social Network and the Industry Policy for Service Industry;买方行为、社会网络与服务业的产业政策

8.Pluralism,socialization and network information service in countryside;农业农村信息服务:多元化、社会化、网络化

9.Service Quality Word-of-mouth Spreading Based on Complex Social Network基于复杂社会网络的服务质量口碑传播

10.Research on Personalized Implicit Information Service Based on the Community Structure Theory of Complex Networks基于复杂网络社团结构的个性化隐式服务研究

11.Constructing Women"s Community Service Network:A Comparative Study between Shenzhen and Hong Kong构建女性社区服务网络:深圳、香港的比较研究

12.A Research on the Society-supported Network-a Case Study on the Public Service Corporations in Dalian s Communities;社会支持网络研究——对大连社区公共服务社的实证分析

13.A Probe into Formming Network FinancialCompany to Serve Accounting Unit;对成立社会网络财务公司为会计单位提供服务的探讨

14.On the Rural Public Service Network Reconfiguration--the Farmers "Socialization of Production"Perspective;论农村公共服务网络的重构——以农户“生产社会化”为视角

15.Investigation of development of networked service system for manufacturing informatization technology and its socialization;制造业信息化技术服务体系的网络化和社会化发展研究

16.The Selling and Maintenance &Restoration of Scientific Instrument Should Evolve to Socialized Service Network;科学仪器营销维修应向社会化服务网络方向发展

17.The Reuters wire service also uses a mixed model in its Web offerings.路透社在网络服务中也采用这种模式。

18.Strengthening the Constructure of MCH Network at ehe Basic, Widening the Field of Community Service加强基层网络建设 拓宽社区服务领域


social networking services社会性服务网络


4)social service of network网络社会服务

5)women"s community service network女性社区服务网络

6)Community service network社区服务网络


