900字范文 > 古典作者观 the classic view of author英语短句 例句大全

古典作者观 the classic view of author英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-20 08:50:01


古典作者观 the classic view of author英语短句 例句大全

古典作者观,the classic view of author

1)the classic view of author古典作者观

1.Consequentlythe classic view of author fell in the trap of paradox,so that author,being the authority but having been transcended by itself,became a non-self.从古希腊一直到现当代作者观伊始之前,都属于古典作者观时期。


1.The Sacred Authority--about the Classic Views of Author闪烁神圣光芒的权威——古典作者观刍议

2.Cao Xueqin and his garden masterpiece --Grand View Garden;曹雪芹及其古典园林艺术杰作——大观园

3.English Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry and the Aesthetic Views of Western Readers;中国古典诗歌英译与西方读者的审美观

4.The Meaning of Guan as Chinese Classical Aesthetic Category;观:作为中国古典美学审美范畴的意义存在

5.The Perspective of Drama Being History: Core Notion of Literati Writing Chinese Ancient Historical Dramas;曲史观:中国古典史剧文人创作的中心话语

6.Aesthetic Perspective of "Zen Awakening" on Creation Patterns of Chinese Classical Poetry“禅悟”对中国古典诗歌创作范式的审美观照

7.Jack is a scholar steeped in the classics of ancient China.杰克是一位精通中国古代经典著作的学者。

8.You must become either a god or else a coupes你就得是神或者是死尸(古雅典剧作家米南德)

9.The former is backed up by a long and resilient classical tradition.前者有悠久而富有弹性的古典传统作后盾。

10.Studies of Traditional Chinese Poet Identification Based on Machine Learning;基于机器学习的古典诗词作者的判别研究

11.Contrast between Daisaku Ikeda s Concept of Children s Home-education and Ancient Chinese Concept of Home-education of Ethics;池田大作的儿童家庭教育观与中国古典家教观之源缘探微

12.or classical and jazz,或者古典音乐与爵士乐,

13.an advocate of neoclassicism.新古典主义的倡导者。

14.Defending Loneliness:the Necessary Competence of a Scholar--Enlightment from Loneliness Concept of German Classic University守护寂寞:学者一种必要的能力——源于德国古典大学寂寞观的启示

15.A literary work of ancient Greece or Rome.古典文学古希腊或古罗马的文学作品

16.His writings are reminiscent of ancient classical writers.他的作品很像古代的古典作家的作品。

17.A Classical Genre in Modern Times:Fu and Its Literary Fate in the 20th Century;古典文体的现代命运——以20世纪赋体文学观念及创作为中心的思考

18.Lin Gengbai s Reflection and Transformation of Song Dynasty Poetry genre and His View on Classic Poetry;林庚白对宋诗派理论的反思与改造及其古典诗歌创作观



3)socioeconomic view古典观

4)One versed in the classics;a classical scholar.精通古典者;古典学者

5)interpretation of classic novels古典小说观

6)classic culture view古典文学观


