900字范文 > 作者群体 the group of authors英语短句 例句大全

作者群体 the group of authors英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-20 20:35:59


作者群体 the group of authors英语短句 例句大全

作者群体,the group of authors

1)the group of authors作者群体

1.In this paper,the author will rearch "Yong Yan Magazine" from these aspects:the group of authors,the contents of communication and the strategies of communication.针对学术界《庸言》杂志研究缺位的现实,本文以拉斯韦尔的“5W”模式为理论框架,综合运用文献资料分析法、个案分析法等研究方法,对《庸言》杂志的作者群体、传播内容、传播策略进行全面的分析,从而在形式到内容、经营管理诸方面细腻的剖析了《庸言》杂志。

2)the group of literature writers文学创作者群体


1.Statistical Analysis of the Papers,Authors and Citations in Journal of Combustion Science and Technology;《燃烧科学与技术》载文、作者群及引文统计分析

2.Editors of University Journals to Graduate StudentsAuthors" Fostering高校学报编辑对研究生作者群的培养

3.A statistical analysis was made for the groups of authors contributing to the journal Acta Prataculturae Sinica on the basis of their ages, scientific titles, residence locations, rates and degrees of cooperation etc.文章对已出版的《草业学报》论文作者群进行了发展趋势、合作情况、合作度、合作率、合作类型和作者的年龄、职称、地区、系统构成进行了统计分析,以定量化检验该刊聚合学术研究和提供学科成长的文献分析依据。


1.The Training of Postgraduate-level Academic Researchers;略论高校学报对研究生作者群的培养

2.On the Cultural Mentality of Contributors to the Short Story Monthly from 1910 to 1920;1910—19《小说月报》作者群的文化心态

3.On Make-up Features of Modern Times Authors;试论《现代》杂志作者群的构成特点

4.A Probe into the Causes Periodical Writers Got Together around the Early-period Creation Society前期创造社期刊作者群聚合成因探究

5.Statistical analysis on the papers and authors published in the Journal of Fruit Science in 2001-《果树学报》2001—载文作者群统计分析

6.Guantitative Analysis the Group of Authors Dispatched in HUANGZHONG During 2002~2002-《黄钟》作者群的定量分析

7.Editors of University Journals to Graduate Students Authors" Fostering高校学报编辑对研究生作者群的培养

8.Creation of Author Group and Course Arrangement in Scientific Writing for Postgraduate Students;研究生作者群的形成与科技写作课的设置

9.Study on author group s structure of new local colleges;新升本地方院校学报作者群构建的策划研究

10.An Analysis of the Present Condition of the Authors of Journal of Henan University(Social Science);《河南大学学报》(社会科学版)作者群现状分析

11.Author Grouping in Journal of Jimei University and Its Countermeasures;《集美大学学报(哲社版)》作者群现状分析与思考

12.Pay Attention to Paper Sources from Post-graduates and Strengthen the Cultivation of Post-graduate Writers;重视研究生稿源,加强对研究生作者群的培养

munity Analysis of Contributors to the Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural science Edition);《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》作者群分析

14.Analysis on Author Groups of 《Journal of Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry(Social Science)》;《西北农林科技大学学报 (社会科学版 )》作者群分析

15.The readers of a publication considered as a group.读者群被认作一个整体的某出版物的读者群

16.Let the masses discuss who will be chosen as an advanced worker.让群众评议一下谁当选先进工作者。

17.Interpreting the Theory of "the Death of the Author" from the View of the Subalterns;从弱势群体的角度解读“作者之死”理论

18.A Research on Exercise Forms Prescribed for Occupational Groups--Especially of Vocal Workers;职业群体运动处方探索——声乐工作者


the group of literature writers文学创作者群体


1.Statistical Analysis of the Papers,Authors and Citations in Journal of Combustion Science and Technology;《燃烧科学与技术》载文、作者群及引文统计分析

2.Editors of University Journals to Graduate StudentsAuthors" Fostering高校学报编辑对研究生作者群的培养

3.A statistical analysis was made for the groups of authors contributing to the journal Acta Prataculturae Sinica on the basis of their ages, scientific titles, residence locations, rates and degrees of cooperation etc.文章对已出版的《草业学报》论文作者群进行了发展趋势、合作情况、合作度、合作率、合作类型和作者的年龄、职称、地区、系统构成进行了统计分析,以定量化检验该刊聚合学术研究和提供学科成长的文献分析依据。

4)Authors group作者群

1.Meanwhile, the author made several suggestions: finding the distinctive features in journal, developing the authors group, and selec.认为高校社科学报在市场竞争中生存下去的手段是开办特色栏目,并指出设置特色栏目的方法:找准特色,开发作者群,选择好学术带头人。

5)author group作者群

1.Statistical analysis and evaluation of theauthor group in the Journal of Tianjin Institute of Technology;《天津理工学院学报》作者群的统计与评价

2.Study onauthor group s structure of new local colleges;新升本地方院校学报作者群构建的策划研究

3.Analysis on regional distribution and quality ofauthor group of nursing academic periodicals;护理学术期刊作者群地区分布及其素质分析

6)contributors group作者群

1.In order to improve the source of contribution to a journal,the following measures should be taken:(1) Innovating the idea of operation and changing from internally oriented to externally oriented;(2) Dealing with free contribution carefully and fostering its own regularcontributors groups;(3) Seeking contribution actively and in different ways;(4) Setting up a netw.学报要想解决稿源问题,应从以下方面入手:(1)创新办刊理念,从内向型向外向型转变;(2)谨慎对待自由投稿,努力培养刊物自己的作者群;(3)主动出击,多方约稿;(4)实现管理网络化,提高工作效率;(5)加大宣传力度,提高学报知名度。


