900字范文 > 聋哑 hearing-speech impairment英语短句 例句大全

聋哑 hearing-speech impairment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-18 17:19:58


聋哑 hearing-speech impairment英语短句 例句大全

聋哑,hearing-speech impairment

1)hearing-speech impairment聋哑


1.lip language(聋哑人用的)唇语

2.International Committee of Sport for the Deaf-Mute国际聋哑人体育联合会

3.the manual alphaBet(聋哑人用的)手语字母

4.Helen Keller became blind and deaf.海伦?凯勒是个聋哑人。

5.deaf-and-dumB alphaBet (manual alphaBet)(聋哑人用的)指语字母

6.International Association for the Education of Deaf- Blind国际聋哑人教育协会

7."Chinese Blind, Deaf & Mute Association"中国盲人聋哑人协会

8.sign language( for deaf and dumb people)手势语(如聋哑人用的).

9.Rome International Deaf-mute Film Festival罗马国际聋哑人电影节

10.The deaf and mute communicate by sign language.聋哑人用手势交际。

11.He knew the" finger alphabet, whereby the deaf and dumb communicate.他懂得聋哑人交流用的“盲文”。

12.Deaf people communicate with sign language.聋哑人通过手语与人交流。

13.They are going to build a school for the deaf and the blind .他们将为聋哑和盲人建一所学校。

14.visible speech教聋哑人说话用的发音部位分解图

15.The deaf and dumb are sent to a special school.聋哑人都被送到一所特殊的学校读书。

16.Unable to speak or hear.聋哑的既不能说又听不见的

17.Why are deaf children so often seen as stupid?为什么聋哑儿童常常被认为是傻子?

18.Gallaudet College加劳德特学院(聋哑人学院)


deaf-and-dumb parturients聋哑产妇

1.Objective To explore the effect of using communication skills indeaf-and-dumb parturients at the stage of puerperium.目的探讨沟通交流技巧在聋哑产妇产褥期中的应用效果。

3)hearing impaired rehabilitation聋哑康复

4)Deaf-mute Children聋哑儿童

parative investigation on deaf-mute children s optical reaction time;聋哑儿童视觉反应时对比研究

2.Objective To explore the relationship between Children s Social Desirability and Parental Rearing Behavior ofDeaf-mute Children.目的探讨聋哑儿童的社会期望与父母教养方式的关系。


1.The Analysis of the CongenitalDeaf-mutes in the South Area of Jiangsu Province;苏南地区先天性聋哑人手纹特征

2.The Characteristics and Countermeasures of CurrentDeaf-mute Crime;当前聋哑人违法犯罪的特点与对策探析

3.XianmeDeaf-mute Football and the Situation of Research厦门市聋哑人足球运动开展现状与对策之研究

6)deaf-mutes patient聋哑病人


