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落地 landing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-19 12:49:15


落地 landing英语短句 例句大全



1.Paying attention tolanding technique will have the feed-back effects of the whole process and help them under- stand the main point of the whole movement.重视落地技术,将会对整个动作过程起到一个反馈的效果,以加深对完整技术动作要点的理解,增加过杆的练习时间,提高学习质量,在有限的教学时数内,掌握提高背越式跳高的基本技术。


1.by ones and twos两两地,零零落落地

2.cut cleanly or easily through sth(干净利落地)切,割

3.Base cabinet end-shelf. Drag to the side of base cabinet.落地橱端架。拖动到落地橱的侧面。

4.To place on or cause to touch the ground.把…放在地上,使落地

5.The school children straggled along the country lane.学童零零落落地走在乡间小路上。

6.The second team tailed off behind.第二队零零落落地跟在后面。

7.We straggled down quickly through the rain to the cars.我们零零落落地在雨中跑回到车子上。

8.A few shanties sprawl in the weeds.杂草丛中零零落落地歪着几所棚屋。

9.The Status of ChiDi’s Gaoluo in Spring and Autumn and Explanation of Gaoluo Spear Inscription;春秋赤狄皋落地望与皋落戈铭文释读

10.cupboard, tool, of metal, floor-standing落地式金属制小工具柜

11.You see,his landing is both swift and sure.你看,他的落地又快又稳。

12.To fall from a higher to a lower place or position.落下从较高地方或位置落到落低地方或位置

13.The dust slowly settled down.灰尘慢慢地落在地面上。

14.The Swede remained near the window, aloof瑞典人落落寡合地站在窗口附近。

15.Night"s black curtain will be heavily lowered, but has not yet completely fallen.夜的黑幕沉重地将落未落。

16.When the sun sets, it drops below the west horizon.日落时,太阳就落到西方地平线的下面。

17.Study on Relationship between Larch Needle Cast and Forest Soil落叶松落叶病与林地土壤关系的研究

18.Already the sun had slipped beyond the horizon.太阳已经落下了地平线。


To touch or reach the ground.触地,落地

3)by ones and twos零零落落地

4)not fall to the ground不落地

1.2 coal mine of SDIC replaced bynot fall to the ground,and found a new way for maintaining the hand bearing.介绍了国投新集二矿主井摩擦式提升机上天轮轴承不落地更换的方法,为天轮轴承维修找到了一条新途径,使用效果良好。

5)Oily sludge落地油泥

6)ground concentration落地浓度

1.In the system of gas desulfurization by wet process,whether GGH system will be provided,it has a larger impact on capital cost and economical operation of desulfurization project and an important effect onground concentration of SO2 and nitrogen oxides(NO2).在湿法烟气脱硫系统中,是否设置烟气再热系统(简称GGH)对脱硫工程投资和经济运行有较大影响,对SO2及氮氧化物(NOx)落地浓度也有重要影响,结合某电厂2×600MW燃煤机组脱硫工程,对是否设置GGH的技术经济性进行了比较。

2.In the system of gas desulfurization by wet process, whether GGH system will be provided, it has a larger impact on capital cost and economical operation of desulfurization project and an important effect onground concentration of SO2 and nitrogen oxides (NO2).在湿法烟气脱硫系统中,是否设置烟气再热系统(简称GGH)对脱硫工程投资和经济运行有较大影响,对SO2及氮氧化物(NOx)落地浓度也有重要影响,结合某电厂2×600MW燃煤机组脱硫工程,对是否设置 GGH的技术经济性进行了比较。


落地1.指婴儿出生。 2.指物体的下端直达地面。 3.物体落到地上。 4.谓声音停止。
