900字范文 > 着陆 Landing英语短句 例句大全

着陆 Landing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-08 20:56:40


着陆 Landing英语短句 例句大全



1.Model Study of Modern Fighter DuringLanding in Ground Motion;现代军机着陆数学模型研究

2.Dynamic model of seat-buffer landing system for manned spacecraft;航天飞船座椅着陆缓冲系统的力学模型

3.The Effects of Deck Obstruction on Carrier PlaneLanding Performance;甲板障碍对舰载机着陆性能影响仿真研究


1.At last he touched down on the mainland.最后他在大陆上着陆了。

2.To land an aircraft on its underside without aid of landing gear.机腹着陆不用着陆档而以机腹进行着陆

3.soft-heartedness (soft landing landing of a spacecraft ,eg on the moon)软着陆(航天器着陆而不受损,如着陆于月球时).

4.Touchdown Stability Simulation of Landing Gear System for Lunar Lander月球着陆器软着陆机构着陆稳定性仿真分析

5.The Eagle has landed.“老鹰已经着陆了。”

6.To cause(an aircraft)to make a pancake landing.使(飞机)平坠着陆

7.To land an aircraft short of(a landing area).使飞机着陆未达(着陆区域)

8.ILS attempt试图用仪表着陆系统着陆

9.instrument landing system approach用仪表着陆系统进场着陆

10.An area within which a spacecraft is supposed to land.着陆区域宇航飞船的预定着陆点

11.We set down in a heavy fog.我们在浓雾中着陆。

12.localizer aerial着陆航向信标台天线

13.maneuvering area起飞着陆和滑行地带

14.Our plane came down to the earth.我们的飞机着陆了。

15.The pilot landed the plane.飞行员将飞机着陆。

16.The plane undershot the runway.飞机着陆未达飞机跑道。

17.The plane landed ten minutes ago.飞机在十分钟前着陆了。

18.the plane was given clearance to land.飞机被给予着陆的许可。


Landing lamp着陆灯

3)Landing bounce着陆跳跃

4)landing impact着陆冲击

1.Objective To quantify the response of human-chair system duringlanding impacts, and to testify the detecting position for system impact tests.目的测定在固定支撑和有缓冲器支撑方式下两种假人对系统着陆冲击的响应;检验人椅系统内冲击测量位置的设置是否正确。

2.Objective To study the characteristics of human body dynamic responses tolanding impact.方法 5名健康男青年 ,以仰卧 2 0°,承受 4~ 1 0G、5 0~ 80ms ;仰卧 30°~ 60° ,1 0G、5 0ms,半正弦脉冲的着陆冲击。

3.Objective To study changes of human dynamic response tolanding impact in selected body orientations.目的探讨不同体位着陆冲击时人体动态响应的变化。

5)Airport instrument landing system机场着陆

6)anding processt着陆过程


