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诗篇 Poem英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-10 09:42:33


诗篇 Poem英语短句 例句大全



1.Poetic Iconicity and Its Stylistic Function of thePoem;诗篇的表现形式及其文体功能

2.Li Qingzhao makes great achievement in ci(a Chinese poetic genre),poem and essay in the literature history of China.她的抒情词作细腻入微,至真至情,婉约凄绝;她的爱国诗篇贞心若石,慷慨悲壮,豪气逼人;她的文论《词论》内容丰富,立论尖锐,压倒须眉。


1.A Study on Phenomenon of Poem in Poem in ShiJing;试论《诗经》诗篇结构的“诗中有诗”现象

2.The choir sang the 23rd Psalm.唱诗班唱《旧约·诗篇》之第23篇.

3.Psalm 121:1-8 (A song of ascents.诗篇第一百二十一篇(上行之诗。)

4.A book containing the Book of Psalms or a particular version of, musical setting for, or selection from it.《诗篇》译本(唱本,选本)一本包含《诗篇》特殊版本,配乐或《诗篇》选本的书

5.Li Bai"s poems are often and widely quoted.李白的诗篇脍炙人口。

6.poetry imbued with grace;浸透着文雅的诗篇;

7."General Booth, Other Poems"布斯将军和其它诗篇

8.The Beautiful Changes and Other Poems美好的变化及其他诗篇

9.The Black Christ and Other Pooms黑人基督及其他诗篇

10.Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing .(Psalms 5:6).说谎言的,你必灭绝 (诗篇第5篇第6节) 。

11.The Everlasting Artistic Beauty of Psalm 23论《诗篇》第23篇的永恒艺术魅力

12.Most of the book of Lamentations, like Ps 119, is an acrostic.耶利米哀歌的大部分篇章都和诗篇119篇一样,属于离合诗。

13.poems extracted from a modern collection由一本当代诗集中摘选的诗篇

14.If a poet is divorced from the hustle and bustle of life, he can"t write inspiring poetry.诗人是写不出感人的诗篇的。

15.Poems full of Thoughts;思想丰富的诗篇——读《唐加勒克诗选》

16.The lines form a prelude to his long narrative poem.这几行诗是他那长篇叙事诗的序诗.

17.The line form a prelude to his long narrative poem这几行诗是他那长篇叙事诗的序诗

posing a poem /a speech写一首诗/一篇演讲稿


long epic长篇史诗

1.There are many complex reasons for nolong epics in Book of Lyrics.由《诗经》中有无史诗引出为何无长篇史诗的关键问题,《诗经》没有长篇史诗的原因较复杂,影响它的因素很多,特别是周人单一神教、人神分离的宗教思想,具有明确政治目的的采诗制度以及中国诗歌重抒情、言简意赅的特点影响了长篇史诗的形成。

3)odes to the Dream of the Red Mansion"咏红"诗篇

4)Poems at the Beginning of Passages篇首诗

5)poetic discourse诗歌语篇

1.This study mainly explores the cognitive pragmastylistic features ofpoetic discourse as "the end and aim of literature" and "the sublimation activity of the human mind".本文主要探讨作为"文学的终极目标""人类智慧的升华"的诗歌语篇的认知语用文体特征,如图形与背景、认知指示语以及概念隐喻等。

2.Furthermore,it proposes a model of perlucution for explainingpoetic discourse.本文通过对取效行为研究的回顾,在语用学的框架内梳理出取效行为的本质,并在此基础上提出了解释诗歌语篇的取效行为模式。

3.This study makes apoetic discourse analysis from a pragmastylistic approach based on the notion of perlocution within the framework of speech act theory.本研究采用语用文体学方法,在言语行为理论的框架内,将取效行为的概念应用于诗歌语篇分析,旨在研究诗歌作为特殊的文学语篇与取效行为之间的关系。

6)three hundred poems诗三百篇


诗篇1.诗的总称。 2.比喻生动而有诗意的事物。
