900字范文 > 韩诗 HAN poem英语短句 例句大全

韩诗 HAN poem英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-18 09:54:51


韩诗 HAN poem英语短句 例句大全

韩诗,HAN poem

1)HAN poem韩诗

1.TheHAN poem Style not only to SONG Poem discussed,has had the significant influence "take Wen as Shi",moreover also impels the Song Dynasty other literature styles the mutual seepage and the development,specially and its afterwards the word world innovation had merit of the literary style model to SU Shi.韩诗这一特征不仅对宋诗的议论产生了重大影响,而且也推动宋代其他文学样式间的互相渗透,特别对苏轼及其后世词坛的革新有文体借鉴之功。


1.Discerning on Buddhism in HAN Yu’s Poetry: Remarking on the Transitional Meaning of HAN Yu’s Poetry to the Development of Poetry’s Style from Tang Dynasty to Song Dynasty;韩诗佛辨——兼论韩愈诗歌之于唐宋诗风变迁的过渡意义

2.Changes in Han Yu s Poems and Changes in Su Shi s Changed Poems--On Su Shi s Learning from and Reforming Han Yu s Poems and the Establishment of New Poetic Style in the Song Dynasty;韩诗之变与苏诗的变中之变——论苏轼对韩愈诗歌的承传创变与宋代新诗格的确立

3.Preliminarily Talking about the Application of Structural Words in Han Yu s Poetry and its After-effects;试论韩诗中的虚词运用及其对后代诗歌的影响

4.Elaborating the Quality and Ideological Signification of Hanshi-Waizhuan;论《韩诗外传》的性质及其思想意义

5.An Equal Approach to Confucianism and Taoism:Han Shi Wai Zhuan s Thoughts about State Government and Self-cultivation;儒道并举:《韩诗外传》的治国修身思想

6.The Myths in Han Shi Wai Zhuan and the Confucian Thought of Courtesy and Music;《韩诗外传》的神话与儒家礼乐思想

7.A Study on the Rhyme Scheme of Han Wo s Poem--One of the Researches on the Rhyme scheme of the Poetry of Five Dynasties;韩偓诗韵研究——五代诗韵研究之一

8.Brief Research on a collection of the Missing Poems of Tang Dynasty Found in the South Korean Copy of Shichaoshi;韩国本《十抄诗》中的唐人佚诗辑考

9.From the reform of Tang Poetry to the accomplishment of Song Poetry--Analysis the background of acceptance of HAN Yu s Poems in Song Poetry;从唐诗之变到宋诗风貌的形成——韩愈诗歌对宋诗影响之背景分析

10.The Course of the Reception of Han Yu s Poetry in North Song Dynasty and the Elucidation of Its Poetic Significance;韩愈诗歌在北宋的接受历程及其诗学意义发微

11.Zhan Hu and Han Yu s poem views and creative characteristics of poems;论张祜、韩愈的诗学观及其诗歌创作上的特点

12.On Acceptance and Criticism of Korean Poetry to Chinese Poetry in the Pre-Tang Dynasty;韩国诗话对中国先唐诗文的接受与批评

13.On the Poems of Wang Ling in the North Song Dynasty;循韩孟之脉,立奇瑰之风——北宋诗人王令诗歌简析

14.OU-YANG Xiu s Role from HAN Yu to Song Poetry;论欧阳修对韩愈诗歌的接受与宋诗的奠基

15.On images of fish and cultural connotations in fishing poems in HAN Yu s verse;论韩愈诗歌中的鱼意象与钓鱼诗的文化内涵

16.From Han Wo s Poetry in Unbosom-oneself-when-touched Style to S eek the Poet s Psychology after His Exilement;从韩偓的感时述怀诗看诗人被贬后的心态

17.An Important Achievement of Eclogues Creations;田园诗创作的重要收获——评韩光耀诗集《田园新唱》

18.Between Chinese and Korean Modernist Poets the Comparatise Analysis Bian Zhilin and Zheng Zhirong中韩现代主义诗人卞之琳和郑芝溶诗歌之比较


Han yu"s poets韩愈古诗

3)poetry in Korean韩国诗话

4)Han Shi Wai Zhuan《韩诗外传》

1.An Equal Approach to Confucianism and Taoism:Han Shi Wai Zhuan s Thoughts about State Government and Self-cultivation;儒道并举:《韩诗外传》的治国修身思想

2.The Myths inHan Shi Wai Zhuan and the Confucian Thought of Courtesy and Music;《韩诗外传》的神话与儒家礼乐思想

5)The Unauthorized biography of Han Poem韩诗外传

1.The topic of pleasure-seeking test and its text form feature inThe Unauthorized biography of Han Poem;《韩诗外传》中的享乐考验主题及其文本形态特征

6)HanYU school of poetry韩愈诗派


