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英美小说 British & American Fiction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-18 19:37:59


英美小说 British & American Fiction英语短句 例句大全

英美小说,British & American Fiction

1)British & American Fiction英美小说


1.The Theory of the Novel:Why So Inclusive?;小说之说大——《英美小说叙事理论研究》述评

2.A Continuous and Further Study of the Theory on Anglo-American Novels-On The Rise of the Novels and The Rhetoric of Fiction英美小说理论研究的拓展与深化——《小说的兴起》与《小说修辞学》述评

3.From Traditional Fiction to Modern One --Exploration on Concepts of British and American Fictions;从传统小说到现代派小说——英美小说观念的变化初探

4.For convenience in analyzing the forms of the novel, critics often place them in three categories, that is19 th-century novel, modern novel and post-modern novel.可以大致将英美小说划为三个发展阶段,即19世纪的传统小说,现代派小说与后现代派小说。

5.On Pluralism and Complementarity of Stylistics Analysis of English and American Fictions;论英美小说文体分析中的多元性与互补性

6.Stylistic Value of Distance Iconicity in Anglo-American Fiction;距离象似性及其在英美小说中的文体效果

7.On the Distance Similarity and Its Stylistic Effects in British and American Novels;距离象似性及其在英美小说中的文体效果浅析

8.His succinct and lucid prose style exerted a powerful influence on American and British fiction in the20 th century.他简洁明白的文字风格对20世纪的英美小说影响极深。

9.Nature in the Contemporary American Novel;生态批评视角下的当代美国小说(英文)

10.Splendor of balance--On the principle of balance used in Jane Austen s novels;论简·奥斯汀小说中的平衡美(英文)

11.Hero and Beauty:Innovation and Crisis in Gu Long s Novel;英雄和美女:古龙小说的创新和危机

12.Artistic Accomplishments of the English Version of KONG从小说美学的角度看《孔乙己》英译文的艺术成就

13.Construction and Deconstruction-A Study of Feminism Utopian Fiction of English and American Literature;建构与解构—英美文学中的女性乌托邦小说研究

14.The Analysis of the Tradition of the English and American Women’s Experimental Fiction;英美女性实验小说传统及其先验创作的特征

15.Consciousness of Mission;20世纪美国战争小说的英雄主义困境解读

16.The Application of Task-based Teaching in the Course of British and American Short Stories;任务教学法在英美短篇小说教学中的应用

17.The Heroic Narration of Chinese Contemporary Literature (a special topic for discussion);20世纪90年代以来英雄叙事小说的审美特征

18.Wandering and choosing on the edges of bicultural milieu--Analyzing Zha Jian-ying s novel To America! To America! ;文化边缘的游离与抉择——析查建英小说《到美国去!到美国去!》


British and American Short Stories英美短篇小说

1.The Application of Task-based Teaching in the Course ofBritish and American Short Stories;任务教学法在英美短篇小说教学中的应用

3)theories of British and American novels英美小说理论

1.The Rise of the Novel and The Rhetoric of Fiction made to the development of thetheories of British and American novels, and points out that The Rise of the Novel indicates the pluralistic studies of the novel, whereas The Rhetoric of Fiction helps to lay the foundation for the modern narratology.简述了《小说的兴起》与《小说修辞学》两部小说理论专著对英美小说理论发展的贡献 ,指出 :《小说的兴起》标志着小说理论研究的多元化格局开始出现 ,而《小说修辞学》的发表则为现代叙述学的诞生奠定了基础。

2.This paper briefly reviews the historical development of thetheories of British and American novels from pre-Jamesian period to the publication of three important theoretical books of the novel, summarizes and evaluates all important views of the novel and the unique contributions that each theoretician made to the development of the aesthetics of the novel.简述了英美小说理论从前詹姆斯时期到三大小说理论专著发表期间的发展历程,总结并评介了重要的小说理论观点(尤其是小说理论专著的观点)及其对小说美学发展的独特贡献。

4)British and American Detective Fiction英美侦探小说

5)British fiction英国小说

1.The Crises of the Character and Its Transformation in Modern British Fiction;论现代英国小说人物的危机与转型

2.Postcolonialism provides a new perspective for the interpretation and comprehension ofBritish fiction with contents concerning colonialism and colonies.后殖民主义的出现为解读英国小说中涉及殖民和殖民地的作品提供了新思路。

6)English novels英语小说

1.This paper,on the basis of the introduction of the common and special usage of slang,will focus onits usage inEnglish novels.在介绍俚语的一般用法和特殊用法的基础上,重点分析了英语小说中俚语的用法。

2.As a special kind of creative works of the English language,Lin Yutang sEnglish novels interweave within them the author s original purpose to introduce the traditional Chinese culture,his own cultural idealism and other factors.林语堂的英语小说是一种特殊的英语文学。

3.Many high school English teachers also consider it of little value to invest a large amount of time and energy in the reading of classicalEnglish novels.学生更多关注的是现代流行文学,而对经典的英语小说则较少涉及。


