900字范文 > 宏观结构理论 theory of macro-structures英语短句 例句大全

宏观结构理论 theory of macro-structures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-04 19:23:18


宏观结构理论 theory of macro-structures英语短句 例句大全

宏观结构理论,theory of macro-structures

1)theory of macro-structures宏观结构理论

1.The paper briefly introduced the basic components and the main concepts of thetheory of macro-structures.概述宏观结构理论的基本构成及主要观点,分析宏观结构的操作规则和应用,认为宏观结构理论突破了语法和语言学的限制,借鉴认知心理学、逻辑学和其他社会科学知识,对语篇进行更为综合的分析,为观察、分析和描写语篇的结构提供了一套更加动态的、实用的方法。


1.Cognitive Analysis of Schema and Macrostructure Theory and Discourse Community Comprehension;图式及宏观结构理论与语篇理解的认知分析

2.Macro-Structures Analysis of Discourse and Reading Comprehension in College English;语篇宏观结构理论与大学英语阅读教学

3.Thinking Model of Decoding and Producing an English Text Based on the Theory of Macrostructure;基于宏观结构理论的英语语篇解构与生成的思维模式

4.Theoretical Studies on the Micro-structure of Molten Silicates and Its Relation with the Macro-properties;硅酸盐熔体微观结构及其与宏观性质关系的理论研究

5.Analysis on Relationship of Microstructure and Macro-performance of Cement-based Materials under Percolation Theory基于渗流理论的水泥基材料微观结构与宏观性能关系的分析

6.Quantum theory underlies much of macroscopic physics.量子理论构成大部分宏观物理学的基

plementation of Schema Theory and Macro-structure in English Listening Teaching;图式理论、宏观结构在英语听力教学中的互补作用

8.Structural Multiplier and Its Development to Keynesian Macroeconomics结构式乘数及其对凯恩斯主义宏观经济理论的发展

9.On the Internal Relationship between Macrostructure of Higher Education and Economic Structure略论高等教育宏观结构与经济结构的内在关系

10.Macrostructure and Macroregulation in News Story Production;宏观结构、宏观规则与新闻语篇生成

11.The Macrostructure and Rhetorical Structures of Research Articles in Linguistics;语言学语域学术论文的宏观结构和修辞模式

12.The Interest Order and Successively Increasing Structure of the Law of Macro-regulation;论宏观调控法的利益调控位序与层级递进结构

13.The Macrostructure of English Research Articles:Similarities and Differences不同学科英语学术论文宏观结构:共性与特性

14.On the Instructive Significance of Van Dijk s Macrostructure Theory on Reading Text;语篇宏观结构分析在阅读理解中的应用

15.Model Conception for Macroscopic Decision-Making Theory of Rural Land Conversion Circulation;农地非农化流转宏观决策理论模型构建

16.theory on macroregulation and control宏观调节和控制理论

17.Macro tech-economics ?宏观(理论)技术经济学

18.Macro-control of the subject s psychological inner sturcture for the composition quality of literary works;心灵的化合——关于文学创作构思质量的主体心理内结构的宏观把握


Marco-mechanical and Micro-mechanical Constitutive theory宏细观本构理论


1.In the light of the reading theory on linguistics,this paper discusses the application of discourse analysis ——macro-structure and micro-structure to the intensive teaching in College English.根据语言学关于阅读的理论,对语篇分析———宏观结构、微观结构应用于大学英语精读教学进行论述。

2.Schema theory and van Dijk s theory ofmacro-structure,which originated from cognitive psychology,provide a new approach to foreign language teaching.以认知心理学为基础的图式理论和van Dijk的宏观结构理论为外语教学开辟了新的研究视角。

3.For one thing,a discourse title is conceptually contiguous to themacro-structure of the discourse under the title,and themacro-structure is conceptually mapped and profiled into the title following some macro-rules.标题的转喻性包括两个方面:一是标题和语篇宏观结构在概念上有邻近性,标题是对宏观结构在概念上的映现和突显;二是标题有时可以超越语篇宏观结构产生指向篇章外概念实体的参照点效应。


1.Fractal analysis onmacrostructure characteristics of concrete materials;混凝土材料宏观结构形貌的分形解析

2.Training of Discourse Macrostructure Strategy in English Reading Teaching;英语阅读教学中的语篇宏观结构策略训练

3.Article s Macrostructure and EFL Writing Teaching;语篇的宏观结构与EFL写作教学

5)macro structure宏观结构

1.Through analyzing the micro andmacro structure of the text, discourse analysis helps the reader to understand the article more completely and more deeply, thus to accelerate the reading speed and to improve the ability of reading comprehension.语篇分析可以帮助学习者通过分析篇章的微观和宏观结构 ,更全面、更深刻地理解文章 ,从而加快阅读速度 ,提高阅读理解能

2.This current paper addresses the implications ofmacro structure for sense relationship among linguistic items, especially among the items hierarch.宏观结构是篇章的高层次语义结构。

3.Some focus on themacro structure such as productivity and production relations,economic basis and superstructure.在历史唯物主义的研究中,一些人强调生产力和生产关系、经济基础和上层建筑的宏观结构;而另一些人则强调历史唯物主义是现实的人及其历史发展的科学,从个人活动的微观维度来考察历史。

6)macro theory宏观理论


