900字范文 > 宏观结构模式 macro-structure models英语短句 例句大全

宏观结构模式 macro-structure models英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-06 14:58:40


宏观结构模式 macro-structure models英语短句 例句大全

宏观结构模式,macro-structure models

1)macro-structure models宏观结构模式

2)macro-sequencing mode宏观序结构模型

1.The application of bionic method in themacro-sequencing model of “a social vitality system” is discussed.讨论了仿生学方法在社会生命系统的宏观序结构模型中的应用 ,分析了社会生命系统的宏观动力结构 ,为复杂社会系统宏观控制的研究提出了一个可供参考的理论模型 。


1.In the light of the reading theory on linguistics,this paper discusses the application of discourse analysis ——macro-structure and micro-structure to the intensive teaching in College English.根据语言学关于阅读的理论,对语篇分析———宏观结构、微观结构应用于大学英语精读教学进行论述。

2.Schema theory and van Dijk s theory ofmacro-structure,which originated from cognitive psychology,provide a new approach to foreign language teaching.以认知心理学为基础的图式理论和van Dijk的宏观结构理论为外语教学开辟了新的研究视角。

3.For one thing,a discourse title is conceptually contiguous to themacro-structure of the discourse under the title,and themacro-structure is conceptually mapped and profiled into the title following some macro-rules.标题的转喻性包括两个方面:一是标题和语篇宏观结构在概念上有邻近性,标题是对宏观结构在概念上的映现和突显;二是标题有时可以超越语篇宏观结构产生指向篇章外概念实体的参照点效应。


1.Macrostructure and Macroregulation in News Story Production;宏观结构、宏观规则与新闻语篇生成

2.An Analysis of the Macro-| and Micro-|Structure of Lectures Given in English;试析英语学术讲座的宏观结构与微观结构

3.Reading Comprehension--The Transformation of Macrostructure to Microstructure;语篇解读——从微观结构向宏观结构的转化

4.On How Tang Taizong and Zenguan Poets s Group Constructed the Tang Poems at the Macro Level;唐太宗及贞观诗人群对唐诗宏观结构的构建

5.Macroscopic Features of Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English;《朗文当代英语词典》的宏观结构特征

6.Leaf Architecture of Eurya and its Taxonomic Significance柃属植物叶宏观结构及其分类学意义

7.On the Internal Relationship between Macrostructure of Higher Education and Economic Structure略论高等教育宏观结构与经济结构的内在关系

8.Thematic Progression, Macrostructure and the Teaching of College English Writing;主位推进、宏观结构与大学英语写作教学

9.Research on the Life Characteristic of Internet Macroscopic Topology;Internet宏观拓扑结构的生命特征研究

10.Macro- and Micro-mechanics Strength Analysis of Composite Structures;复合材料结构宏、细观强度破坏分析

11.The Synthesis and Application of Different ZnO Nanostructures with Macroscale in Appearance;氧化锌纳米结构宏观体的制备及应用

12.The Macro-economy Adjustment and Control and the Public Finance Optimizing Structure Counterplan;宏观经济调控与财政的结构优化对策

13.Macroeconomy Fluctuation and Credit Risk: Structural Model;宏观经济波动与信用风险:结构模型

14.The Relative Analysis on the Structure of Tax Categories and Macro - tax Burden;我国税种结构与宏观税负的相关分析

15.Agriculture Restructuring-Horizons,Goals,and Macro-Adjustments;农业结构调整:视野、目标与宏观协调

16.On the Relativity between Taxing and Taxation System in China;我国宏观税负与税制结构的相关分析

17.Coreness Analysis on Large-Scale Software Macro-topology大规模软件宏观拓扑结构的核数分析

18.Empirical Research on the Effects of Public Investment to Economic Structure公共投资与宏观经济结构的实证研究


macro-sequencing mode宏观序结构模型

1.The application of bionic method in themacro-sequencing model of “a social vitality system” is discussed.讨论了仿生学方法在社会生命系统的宏观序结构模型中的应用 ,分析了社会生命系统的宏观动力结构 ,为复杂社会系统宏观控制的研究提出了一个可供参考的理论模型 。


1.In the light of the reading theory on linguistics,this paper discusses the application of discourse analysis ——macro-structure and micro-structure to the intensive teaching in College English.根据语言学关于阅读的理论,对语篇分析———宏观结构、微观结构应用于大学英语精读教学进行论述。

2.Schema theory and van Dijk s theory ofmacro-structure,which originated from cognitive psychology,provide a new approach to foreign language teaching.以认知心理学为基础的图式理论和van Dijk的宏观结构理论为外语教学开辟了新的研究视角。

3.For one thing,a discourse title is conceptually contiguous to themacro-structure of the discourse under the title,and themacro-structure is conceptually mapped and profiled into the title following some macro-rules.标题的转喻性包括两个方面:一是标题和语篇宏观结构在概念上有邻近性,标题是对宏观结构在概念上的映现和突显;二是标题有时可以超越语篇宏观结构产生指向篇章外概念实体的参照点效应。


1.Fractal analysis onmacrostructure characteristics of concrete materials;混凝土材料宏观结构形貌的分形解析

2.Training of Discourse Macrostructure Strategy in English Reading Teaching;英语阅读教学中的语篇宏观结构策略训练

3.Article s Macrostructure and EFL Writing Teaching;语篇的宏观结构与EFL写作教学

5)macro structure宏观结构

1.Through analyzing the micro andmacro structure of the text, discourse analysis helps the reader to understand the article more completely and more deeply, thus to accelerate the reading speed and to improve the ability of reading comprehension.语篇分析可以帮助学习者通过分析篇章的微观和宏观结构 ,更全面、更深刻地理解文章 ,从而加快阅读速度 ,提高阅读理解能

2.This current paper addresses the implications ofmacro structure for sense relationship among linguistic items, especially among the items hierarch.宏观结构是篇章的高层次语义结构。

3.Some focus on themacro structure such as productivity and production relations,economic basis and superstructure.在历史唯物主义的研究中,一些人强调生产力和生产关系、经济基础和上层建筑的宏观结构;而另一些人则强调历史唯物主义是现实的人及其历史发展的科学,从个人活动的微观维度来考察历史。


1.In foreign countries,themacro-model of Internet Higher Education mainly contains three forms,which are new-type long-distance education model,traditional campus-complement model and complete Internet university model.正是这种宏观模式与微观模式的交互,勾画出了国际网络高等教育发展的斑斓景观。


