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植物量 biomass英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-25 13:20:01


植物量 biomass英语短句 例句大全



1.A mathematical model for abovegroundbiomass the in alpine shrub in Gannan,Gansu province;几种高寒灌丛地上植物量的估测模型

2.Investigation on Community Structure and Biomass of Kobresia Tibetica Swamp Meadow in Dawutan;大武滩藏嵩草沼泽化草甸群落结构及植物量调查研究

3.The effect of irrigation on allocation of above and under groundbiomass of turfgrass;灌溉量对草坪草地上、地下植物量分配的影响


1.Effects of PEG stress onphytomass,active oxygen metabolism and proline content of Leymus chinensis seedlings under split-root condition;分根PEG胁迫对羊草幼苗植物量、活性氧代谢及脯氨酸含量的影响

2.Dynamic ofphytomass and its nutrients of Bothriochloa ischaemum shrubland;白羊草灌丛草地植物量及优势种牧草营养动态研究

3.Study onphytomass and its distribution of Potentilla fruticosa;金露梅株丛的植物量及其空间分布的研究

3)dimension of greens植物绿量

4)plant quality植物质量

1.Dynamics of larch budmoth-plant quality interaction modelT2;落叶松食芽蛾-植物质量数学模型的定性分析

2.In this paper, based on established Larch Budmoth—Plant Quality Interaction Model, detailed qualitative analysis of the model are carried out including the boundness of solutions, positive invariant set, the existence and stability of equilibrium.本文对落叶松食芽蛾-植物质量相互作用模型的动力学行为进行了分析,为进一步解释落叶松食芽蛾(LBM)种群密度的振荡现象提供理论依据;利用Matlab软件对模型进行数值模拟,用以解释和补充我们的数学发现和生物发现。

3.In this paper, based on established herbivore-plant quality model, detailed qualitative analysis of the model are carried out including the existence and stability of equilibrium and the nonexistence of limit cycle.本文对植食种群-植物质量数学模型 (?)的动力学行为进行了分析,讨论了平衡点的存在性、稳定性及极限环的不存在性。


1.Qualitative Analysis of a Mathematical Model with Herbivore-Plant Quality;植食种群—植物质量数学模型的定性分析

2.Studies on the Quality Evaluation of Salvia Midical Plants Growing on Si Chuan and Yunnan Province;川滇产多种鼠尾草属植物质量品质评价研究

3.Quantification Detemination of Diosgenin and Quantity Evaluation of Dioscorea;皂素含量测定方法改进及薯蓣植物质量评价

4.Effect of Plant Growth Regulatiors on Yeild and Quility of Bupleurum Chinense;植物生长物质对柴胡产量及品质的影响

5.Improving the Quality of Teaching Experiments in Botany提高植物学实验教学质量的一些体会

6.A Reflection on Improving theTeaching Quality of the ExprimentalCourse in Professional Elementary Knowledge;提高植物病理实验课教学质量的思考

7.Infection of Host Plant to the Quality of V_(A) Mycorrhizal Inoculum;宿主植物对V_A菌根接种剂质量的影响

8.Soil and Surface-water Quality in the Planning Area of Chenshan Botanical Garden,Shanghai上海辰山植物园规划区水土质量现状

9.Phenols Content and Biology Evaluation of Alpine Plants;高寒草甸植物酚类物质含量及其生物学评价

10.Agronomic factors affecting yield and combustion quality of bioenergy plants影响能源植物产量和燃烧质量的农田管理因素

11.Quality Control of Medicinal Plant Extract;天然药用植物提取物的生产与质量控制

position of Nutritive Ingredients in Leaves for Forest Musk Deer(Moschus berezovskii)林麝饲用植物食用部分矿物质含量分析

13.Establishing of Good Extracting Practice of the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Facilitating the Stan-dardization of Chinese Botanical Extracts;建立中药提取生产质量管理规范,促进我国植物提取物质量标准化

14.Can be talked to (if Sim has Gold Talent Badge) to improve quality.如果你的小人拥有黄金勋章可以和植物说话以便提高植物的质量。

15.oily or greasy matter making up the bulk of fatty tissue in animals and in seeds and other plant tissue.油质或多脂的物质,构成动物、种子和其他植物细胞的大量脂肪组织。

16.Effect of Prowth Regulatiors-HKL-4 on Yeild and Quility of Aconitum Coreanum Raipaics;植物生长调节物质—HKL-4对黄花乌头产量与品质的影响

17.Effects of Plant Growth Substance on Physiological Characteristics and Yield and Quality of Flue-Cured Tobacco;植物生长物质对烤烟上部叶生理特性及产量品质的影响

18.Effects of Guofengling and Two Plant Growth Regulators on Yield and Quality of Shatian Pomelo;果丰灵与两种植物生长调节物质对沙田柚产量、品质的影响



1.Effects of PEG stress onphytomass,active oxygen metabolism and proline content of Leymus chinensis seedlings under split-root condition;分根PEG胁迫对羊草幼苗植物量、活性氧代谢及脯氨酸含量的影响

2.Dynamic ofphytomass and its nutrients of Bothriochloa ischaemum shrubland;白羊草灌丛草地植物量及优势种牧草营养动态研究

3.Study onphytomass and its distribution of Potentilla fruticosa;金露梅株丛的植物量及其空间分布的研究

3)dimension of greens植物绿量

4)plant quality植物质量

1.Dynamics of larch budmoth-plant quality interaction modelT2;落叶松食芽蛾-植物质量数学模型的定性分析

2.In this paper, based on established Larch Budmoth—Plant Quality Interaction Model, detailed qualitative analysis of the model are carried out including the boundness of solutions, positive invariant set, the existence and stability of equilibrium.本文对落叶松食芽蛾-植物质量相互作用模型的动力学行为进行了分析,为进一步解释落叶松食芽蛾(LBM)种群密度的振荡现象提供理论依据;利用Matlab软件对模型进行数值模拟,用以解释和补充我们的数学发现和生物发现。

3.In this paper, based on established herbivore-plant quality model, detailed qualitative analysis of the model are carried out including the existence and stability of equilibrium and the nonexistence of limit cycle.本文对植食种群-植物质量数学模型 (?)的动力学行为进行了分析,讨论了平衡点的存在性、稳定性及极限环的不存在性。

5)plant yield植物产量

1.An embedded study on medicinalplant yield to select reasonable intercropping mode and to serve for production was carried out in this paper.该文对林药间作系统中药用植物产量的空间分布规律进行研究 ,其目的是筛选合理的间作模式 ,为生产实践服务 。

6)Plant Surveying植物测量


《苏联药用植物及近缘植物分布区(图谱)》《苏联药用植物及近缘植物分布区(图谱)》А реа(?)ы (?)екарсмвенных u ро(?)смвенных uмрасменuu: CCCP Ам(?)асsulian yoovong zh一wu Ji]inyuan zhlwu fenbuqu(tupu)《苏联药用植物及近缘植物分布区(图谱)》(A尽泪刀、J五六刀那mBeH勘“ul轰义又mBe凡肋议械Pac服Hu反:CO皿〕A二a。)俄国B.M.施米特主编。列宁格勒大学出版社出版,1983年出第一版,1990年出第二版修订版。本书记载了前苏联1980年出版的《苏联药用植物资源及分布图集》未记载的152种药用植物和近缘植物。按恩格勒系统分科、属叙述。重要的属叙述了前苏联药用植物的数量和利用前景。每属中选一至若干种进行介绍,包括:该种的拉丁学名,在前苏联的地理分布、生境、利用部位及其主要有效成分、药理作用、制剂和功效。有些种类还介绍了种的生态特性、蕴藏量和可提供生产的经济量。该书以文字叙述为主,但每种都附有一幅分布区图(不同于前书的是黑白素图),在每科叙述之后。分布区图采用点线结合的方法绘制,用线条勾划出分布范围,用圆点标明主要分布地点,分布图主要根据已有的标本资料编绘。 (王良信)
