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生物质 biomass英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-10 04:22:59


生物质 biomass英语短句 例句大全



1.Assessment ofbiomass pellets and briquettes technologies by using rough sets theory;用粗糙集理论评价生物质固体成型燃料技术的研究

2.Progress in bio-oil from liquefaction ofbiomass;生物质高压液化生物油的研究进展

3.Application of Chemical Modification of Biomass in Resin Technology;生物质化学改性在树脂化技术中的应用


1.microbial quality of effluents流出物的微生物质量

2.Studies on the biodegradation and bioconversion of feedstock and xenobiotics by white rot fungi生物质与异生物质的白腐菌降解研究

3.Biorefinery and comprehensive utilization of lignocellulose biomass木质生物质的生物炼制及其综合利用

4.Studies on the Insecticided Activity Secondary Chemicals of Tropical Plant;热带植物次生物质杀虫生物活性研究

5.yielding material gain or profit.产生物质利益和利润。

6.augmented physical quality of life index物质生活质量强化指数

7.(i) relating to fissionable materials or the materials from which they are derived;(1)涉及可裂变物质或从可裂变物质衍生的物质;

8.The decomposition of organic material by living organisms, such as microorganisms.生物分解有机物质被生物所分解,如微生物

9.the scientific study of bodies of fresh water for their biological and physical and geological properties.对深海生物的生物,物理与地质性质的科学研究。

10.Chitin synthase is the important enzyme that converts UDP-GlcNAc to chitin.几丁质合成酶是生物合成几丁质的关键物质。

11.influence of the substrate to plant growth基质对植物生长的影响

12.protoplasmic leaflet of biomembrane生物膜胞质片 -简称:P片

13.sandy algal biosparite砂质藻屑生物亮晶灰岩

14.Earthworms may produce antibiotic substances.蚯蚓可以产生抗菌物质。

15.dolomitic biomicrite白云石质生物微晶灰岩

16.sandy algal biomicrite砂质藻屑生物微晶灰岩

17.fertile thorium 232.能产生裂变物质的钍232

18.someone who provides the means for subsistence.为生存提供物质的人。


Biological Substance生物物质

1.Determination of Ca,Mg,Zn,Mn,Al,K,Si,Fe and P in the Samples from Fibrous Mineral Dusts Dissolved inBiological Substance by ICP-AES;纤维矿物粉尘与生物物质作用液中Ca、Mg、Zn、Mn、Al、K、Si、Fe、P元素的ICP-AES测定


4)lignocellulosic biomass木质生物质

1.Through pathway of orientated degradation or decomposition oflignocellulosic biomass,many high-value organic substances of small molecules such as glucose,xylose,phenylpropane units and their dimers,gaseous substances such as CH_4 and CO,liquid substances such as organic acids,aldehydes,alcohols and other platform chemicals such as furfurals,levulinic acids,xyli.本文阐述了木质生物质转化为主要化学品的类型及其转化途径,提出了从木质生物质转化高附加值化学品的新思路。

2.This new approach can effectively utilize thelignocellulosic biomass through pre-extracting its hemicelluloses that could be converted into bioenergy or other chemicals,chemical/mechan.本文通过分析木质生物质炼制与制浆造纸工业之间的关系,提出以制浆造纸产业为平台的生物炼制模式。

3.The efficient conversion and utilization of renewablelignocellulosic biomass is the hot research interest of the world.将可再生的木质生物质有效地转化利用是当前全球研究的热点。

5)woody biomass木质生物质

1.FTIR study on direct liquefaction products ofwoody biomass;木质生物质直接液化产物的红外光谱分析

2.Experimental research on direct liquefaction ofwoody biomass in water;水中直接液化木质生物质的试验研究

3.Woody biomass energy is an important part of the renewable energies;the fast pyrolysis technologies are the hotspot of studies onwoody biomass energy both at home and abroad.木质生物质能是可再生能源的重要组成部分,快速热解技术是国内外木质生物质能源化的热点研究课题。

6)biomass charcoal生物质炭

1.Newbiomass charcoal composite has vast prospect with its low price,reasonable cost and special properties.生物质炭复合材料是一种原材料价格低廉,制造成本合理,性能独特,具有广阔的开发应用前景的新型炭复合材料。


