900字范文 > 方法论心理主义 Methodological psychologism英语短句 例句大全

方法论心理主义 Methodological psychologism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-22 12:23:28


方法论心理主义 Methodological psychologism英语短句 例句大全

方法论心理主义,Methodological psychologism

1)Methodological psychologism方法论心理主义

2)humanistic psychology methodology人本主义心理学方法论

3)methodology of polyphyletism多元主义方法论

1.This paper pays attention to the heuristic effects of the thinking mode of the intuition image to understand the quantum physics and scientific creation,and analyzes several typical interpretations of quantum mechanics from the outlook ofmethodology of polyphyletism,indicating that all of them have their particularities.重点强调了直觉图像思维模式对于理解量子物理学和对于科学创造的启发性功能,并用多元主义方法论的观点,分析了几种典型的量子力学解释,表明它们各有独特的一面。

2.This paper lays stress on the heuristic function of the thinking mode of the intuition image to understand the quantum physics and scientific creation,and analyzes several typical interpretations of quantum mechanics from the outlook ofmethodology of polyphyletism,indicating each of them has its own particularities.并用多元主义方法论的观点分析几种典型的量子力学解释,表明它们各有独特的一面。

4)Methodology Systemism方法论制度主义


1.Analyzing the evolution of system needs the integration of methodology individualism and methodology systemism;制度演化分析需要方法论个人主义与方法论制度主义的综合

2.A Valuation on the Methodology of Institutional Analysis;制度分析的方法论评价——兼论马克思主义制度分析的方法论特征

3.On methodological holism in institutional change theory of Marxist Economics;马克思主义经济学制度变迁理论之方法论整体主义视角

4.Talking About the Methodology Problem on Understanding of Superiority of Socialist System;谈谈认识社会主义制度优越性的方法论问题

5.Holism Methodology of Institution Analysis and Dialectical Materialism --Comparing Old Institutional Economics and Marxist Methodology of Economics;论制度分析的整体主义方法与唯物辩证法——老制度经济学与马克思经济学方法论之比较

6.A Western Perspective on the Relationship between the Rule of Law and the Institution of Market Economy;论西方的法治主义思想——法治与市场经济制度的关系

7.Approaches to Public Policy Making: Rationalism and Irrationalism政策制定的方法论:理性主义与反理性主义

8.From Normal Empiricism to Institutionalism--A Review on Research Literature and Method of Agricultural Industrialization;从规范经验主义到制度主义——农业产业化研究的文献回顾及研究方法的评论

9.Administering the country according to law is the fundamental poling that the Communist Party of China leads the people to manage the state;依法治国是迈向社会主义民主制度的基本方略

10.The Institutional Holism and The Institutional Individualism;制度整体主义与制度个体主义──马克思与新制度经济学的制度分析方法比较

11.On Influences of New Institutional Economics on Western Economics;论新制度主义经济学对西方经济学的影响

12.a socialist, fascist, etc regime社会主义、 法西斯等制度.

13.Role of Juridical Independence in Preventing Juridical Corruption--A Prspective of Neo-institutionalism;论司法独立对遏制司法腐败的作用——以新制度主义理论为视角

14.How to consummate Our Socialism Market Economy Law System;论如何完善我国社会主义市场经济法律制度

15.On The Modern Significance About the Legal Philosophy of Value Relativism--A concurrent study about the un-tolerant systemof undergo education through labor;论价值相对主义法哲学的现代意义——兼论不宽容的“劳动教养制度”

16.On the Methods and Methodology of Feminist Research in Education;论女性主义教育研究的方法和方法论

17.On the Significance of the Establishment of Evaluation System of China s Local Legislative Quality;论我国建立地方立法质量评估制度的意义

18.Socialistic System Is Not Equal to Specific Deeds in Socialtic Construction;“社会主义制度并不等于建设社会主义的具体做法”——论邓小平的社会主义观


humanistic psychology methodology人本主义心理学方法论

3)methodology of polyphyletism多元主义方法论

1.This paper pays attention to the heuristic effects of the thinking mode of the intuition image to understand the quantum physics and scientific creation,and analyzes several typical interpretations of quantum mechanics from the outlook ofmethodology of polyphyletism,indicating that all of them have their particularities.重点强调了直觉图像思维模式对于理解量子物理学和对于科学创造的启发性功能,并用多元主义方法论的观点,分析了几种典型的量子力学解释,表明它们各有独特的一面。

2.This paper lays stress on the heuristic function of the thinking mode of the intuition image to understand the quantum physics and scientific creation,and analyzes several typical interpretations of quantum mechanics from the outlook ofmethodology of polyphyletism,indicating each of them has its own particularities.并用多元主义方法论的观点分析几种典型的量子力学解释,表明它们各有独特的一面。

4)Methodology Systemism方法论制度主义

5)methodological Individualism方法论个体主义

1.The strong version of the principle of methodological individualism characterized by rock-bottom explanation which was advocated by earlier J.沃特金斯早期提出的以彻底解释为要义的强形式的方法论个体主义主张,遭到了布洛德贝克的反驳。

6)methodological individualism方法论个人主义

1.However,as a logical form of ideology,Popper smethodological individualism has found itself confusion in logic and fallen into predicament while it.波普尔政治哲学的方法论个人主义认为,社会制度和社会进程必须依照个人及其关系和行为的无意识结果来阐释。

2.Its academic background is the explanation mode ofmethodological individualism which prevails in the area of Western social sciences.埃尔斯特构建出分析马克思主义方法论的框架——以方法论个人主义为方法论原则,以意向性解释尤其是理性选择理论、博弈论为具体解释方法。

3.The Institutional change theory of Austrian school and its methodology is based on three cornerstones, namely, subjectivism,methodological individualism and evolutionary rationalism.奥地利学派的制度变迁理论其方法论主要有三大"基石"构成,即,主观主义、方法论个人主义、演进理性主义。


