900字范文 > 方法论原则 methodological principle英语短句 例句大全

方法论原则 methodological principle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-25 12:02:20


方法论原则 methodological principle英语短句 例句大全

方法论原则,methodological principle

1)methodological principle方法论原则

1.Itsmethodological principle lies in respecting the creative spirit of the people,sticking to the mass line and observing the world from the perspective of Marxism.它的方法论原则 ,即要坚持马克思主义的基本原理 ,坚持解放思想、实事求是 ;尊重人民群众的首创精神 ,坚持群众路线 ;坚持用马克思主义的宽广眼界观察世


1.We should keep to the principle of main body, human nature, macrocosm, sustainable and prospective methodology.其中应遵循的方法论原则主要有主体性原则、人本性原则、整体性原则、持续性原则、前瞻性原则。

2.The Ecology of Environment Ethics-Rules of Holism and Methodology;环境伦理学的生态整体论方法论原则

3.The Basic Principle of Methodology in Establishing a Social Value System;构建社会价值体系的基本方法论原则

4.Three Methodological Principles of Studying Social Formation;研究社会形态的三项方法论原则探赜

5.The Methodology Principle of Comparative Researches between the Chinese and Western Tragic Spirit;比较研究中西悲剧精神的方法论原则

6.On the Choice Criteria and Methodological Principles in the Responsibility Conflict;论责任冲突中的选择尺度及方法论原则

7.River"s Natural Life and Its Meaning for River Ethics河流自然生命:时代意义、方法论原则和初步结论

8.An examination of the objectives,principles and methodology of natural semantic metalanguage approach;NSM理论的研究目标、原则和方法

9.On Translating Abstracts of Scientific and Technological Theses into English;科技论文摘要翻译原则与方法的探讨

10.On Principle and Ways about the Improvement of our Finance Report;试论我国财务报告改进的原则与方法

11.The Teaching Principle and Method in Creative Music Education;试论音乐创新教育的教学原则与方法

12.A Talk on the Principles and Methods in the Management of Higher-Vocational Education;试论高等职业教育管理的原则与方法

13.On the "Inconvenience Doctrine" of International Civil Procedure;论国际民事诉讼中的“不方便法院原则”

14.On the Irilateral Principle as Embodied in China s Labor Legislation;论三方原则在我国劳动立法中的体现

15.On the Principle and Methods of the management for the Visiting Teachers of TVU;试论电大外聘教师的管理原则及方法

16.On the Principles and Means of Applying Varied Circumstances for Imposing Penalty;略论多种量刑情节的适用原则与方法

17.On the Methods and Principles of DENG Xiao-ping"s Ideological and Political Education论邓小平思想政治工作的原则与方法

18.Discussion on the Acquisitioning Principles and Working Methods of the Public Library试论公共图书馆采访原则与工作方法


principle of methodology方法论原则

1.It must adhere to theprinciple of methodology such as objective synergism,structure synergism and function synergism.科学宣传与经济建设的相互作用是两者协同的内在依据 ,两者的协同必须遵循目标协同、功能协同和结构协同等方法论原

2.Institutional construction is full of philosophical bedrock, it also demonstrates a profoundprinciple of methodology.制度建设是我国社会改革和理论探讨的核心问题之一,制度建设有丰富的哲学底蕴,也体现出深刻的方法论原则。

3.When he designs the grandiose blueprint of chinese socialist construction and guides the practice of chinese revolution and construction, DENG Xiao ping insists on the "Theory of Two-points" as the basicprinciple of methodology all the time.邓小平在设计我国社会主义建设的宏伟蓝图和指导我国革命与建设实践时 ,始终把“两点论”作为基本的方法论原则。

3)methodological principles方法论原则

1.To continuously summarize the practical experience and apply theories into practice are the important contents andmethodological principles.邓小平的实践观是邓小平理论深层的哲学基础,其精髓是解放思想,实事求是,不断地总结实践经验和坚持理论和实践相结合是邓小平实践观的重要内容和方法论原则,求实性、创造性、人民性是邓小平实践观的最根本特点,在实践中认识社会主义、在实践中发展社会主义是邓小平在实践观上的最大创新。

2.As a student of Fang Guangtao,Wang Xijie inherits from his teacher the academic attitude towards themethodological principles in scientific research.对方法和方法论原则的高度重视,是20世纪语言学的一个特色。

3.In this article,the author analyzes themethodological principles of Deng Xiaoping s theory of socialism from two points of view.本文从两个角度分析邓小平社会主义理论的方法论原则:第一,科学性与价值性相统一的方法论原则。

4)methodology principle方法论原则

1.At last,the supplementary relationship of control for feedback and aheadfeedback along with themethodology principle of doing well the work in management and control are pointed out.本文首先分析了管理控制系统的基本构成 ,接着着重分析了反馈控制及其可能的失误与局限性和前馈控制的作用与局限性 ,最后指出了反馈控制与前馈控制的互补关系和做好管理控制工作的方法论原则。

2.The key to understanding the integrity of Marxism is to insist on themethodology principle of scientific study of Marxism.弄清“什么是马克思主义,怎样坚持马克思主义”是理解马克思主义整体性的前提;坚持科学认识马克思主义的方法论原则是理解马克思主义整体性的关键;把握马克思主义科学结构及其内在联系是理解马克思主义整体性的途径。

5)principle of mathematical methodology数学方法论原则

6)the methodology principle to clear up the contrary theory消解悖论的方法论原则

1.Then gettingthe methodology principle to clear up the contrary theory from the solution of two famous contrary theory,that is,the original frame must be broken,the now look and new theories must be put forward,and point out finally that,in the progress for industri- alization,the economy development and enviromental protections meet an antinomy by all means.通过阐明悖论的科学含义,再从两个著名悖论的解决中,得出消解悖论的方法论原则,即必须突破原有的理论框架,提出新观点、新理论。


