900字范文 > 宜宾 Yibin英语短句 例句大全

宜宾 Yibin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-28 02:47:42


宜宾 Yibin英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis on Bamboo Vinegar Produced inYibin;宜宾碧源竹醋液成分分析

2.The Present Condition and Developing Trend ofYibin Environmental Protection Industry;宜宾环保产业的现状及发展趋势

3.An Investigation of the Sexual Physiological and Psychological Development of 2 770 High School Students inYibin;宜宾市2770名中学生性生理、性心理发展的调查研究


1.Wuliangye Group Fine Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.宜宾五粮液集团精细化工有限公司

2.The paper describes the passive and disposal constructions of Yibin dialect in Sichuan province.本文介绍宜宾方言的被动句和处置句。

3.Research on Development Strategy of Yibin Vocational High School of Commerce;宜宾商业职业中专学校发展战略研究

4.An Exploration on Economic Development of Industrial Clusters in Yibin(Continaud);宜宾市产业集群经济发展探讨(下)

5.A Test on Nervous Behavioral Function of Traffic Policemen in Yibin City;宜宾市区交通警察神经行为功能检测

6.An Exploration on Economic Development of Industrial Clusters in Yibin;宜宾市产业集群经济发展探讨(上)

7.Countermeasures of New-type Industrialization Way in Yinbin City;宜宾市走新型工业化道路的对策探讨

8.Experiences on "Grass Family" in the course of New Countryside in Yibing City, Sichuan Province;四川宜宾市新农村建设的“禾甫”经验

9.The Comparative Analysis of the Industrialization Modein Mianyang and Yibin;绵阳、宜宾两市工业化模式比较研究

10.Investigation on the cause of "9·15" explosion in Yibin宜宾市“9·15”爆炸事故原因调查分析

11.Prevalence of Obesity of Primary and High School Students in Yibin City From 2001 to 宜宾市城区中小学生2001-肥胖调查

12.Diversity of Fungal Endophytes Obstained from Three Kinds of Arbores in Yibin, Sichuan四川宜宾三种乔木内生真菌的多样性

13.Notes to Yibin"s Liquor History重碧倾春酒,轻红擘荔枝——宜宾酒史札记

14.Technical Study on Construction of PC Main Girder for Yibin Yangtze River Bridge宜宾长江大桥PC主梁施工技术探讨

15.Preliminary Hydroacoustic Investigations of Fishes Stock in Yichang & Yibin Reaches of the Yangtze River;长江宜昌和宜宾江段鱼类资源的水声学初步调查

16.It"s a year now since I left my husband"s family and returned to my mother.在宜宾我从赵家回来跟着我母亲住了将近一年。

17.The Self-adjusting Limits and Harmony Control of Multi-VQC in Yibin Power System;宜宾电网多级VQC自适应整定和协调控制

18.Prediction and Protection Measurements of Seismic Damage of Ancient Buildings in Urban Area of Yibin City;宜宾市区古建筑物震害预测及保护对策


yibin city宜宾市

1.The Empirical Analysis on the Convergence and Divergence of County Economy of Yibin City;宜宾市区县经济增长敛散性的实证分析

2.Analysis on land use change in Yibin City;宜宾市土地利用变化分析

3.Research on the Developing Stratagem of New-type Industrialization in Yibin City;宜宾市新型工业化发展战略研究

3)Yibin cross section宜宾断面


1.A Study of the Models for Controlling Stone Desertification inYibin;宜宾市石漠化土地治理模式初探——以宜宾市内筠连、兴文、珙县等石漠化县为例

2.The present investigation report on turfgrass development inYibin City;宜宾市草坪发展现状调查

3.The Effect Analysis and Reasons of National Economy forYibin s Tertiary Industry;宜宾市第三产业对国民经济影响效应及原因分析

5)Yibin County宜宾县

1.Soil Erosion and Prevention Countermeasures of Jinsha River Catchment inYibin County;宜宾县金沙江流域水土流失与防治对策

2.Analyze the current situation and Yibin county education funding, finding solutions approach to resolve Sichuan rural education f.宜宾县是四川省农业大县、丘陵大县、人口大县,其经济社会发展在四川省属中等水平。

6)Cinnamomum longepaniculatum in Yibin宜宾油樟


宜宾宜宾YibinYibin宜宾(Y ibin)中国四川省南部军事重镇,历史文化名城。位于长江上游金沙江与眠江汇合处。故有“万里长江第一城”之称。北距成都约220千米。面积1 123平方千米,人口70.32万,其中城区面积16平方千米,人口25.58万(1993)。汉初在其西南筑城,建元六年(公元前135)置葵道县,为键为郡治。后徙县治于今市区。梁大同十年(公元544)置戎州。宋政和四年(1 14)改焚道县为宜宾县,戎州更名叙州。明、清为叙州府治。1951年析县设市,宜宾专署驻此。市区多丘陵,地势由西向东缓斜,南北两翼高,中部低,沿江多平坝。南部佛界山最高,海拔805米;长江出境处最低,海拔259米。金沙江自西南、山民江自西北流向城区,城区跨两江而立,海拔约280米。市中区三面环水,西靠翠屏山,为商业区,各有铁路和公路大桥与山民江北岸工业区、金沙江南岸新城区沟通。比高200多米的翠屏山、营盘山和100多米的登高山,可瞰制全城。属亚热带湿润季风气候。年平均气温18℃,1月平均气温为7.8℃,7月平均气温27.6℃。年平均降水量1 177毫米。摆霎圈 宜宾李友诚摄宜宾是长江上游的港口城市,800吨位轮船可沿长江下至庐州、重庆等地,100吨位的航船可溯江至新市镇,溯lllK江至乐山也能通航,新建的安蚌码头投人使用。内江一昆明铁路(安边以南段未成)经此,宜宾至琪县有支线。公路干线可北通内江、成都,西至西昌,南达昭通、昆明,东至重庆。西北有机场。矿产资源主要有煤、硫铁矿、天然气、铜、锌等。工业主要有化工、机械、制革、造纸、采矿等。誉称酒都,特产“五粮液”等,驰名中外。农业主产水稻、小麦等。宜宾为川南水陆交通枢纽和通往云贵地区的门户,地位重要。东汉岑彭、吴汉,三国赵云,明末张献忠等,溯长江攻成都,均先取此。蜀汉诸葛亮进军南中(今云南、贵州及四川西南部一带),唐鲜于仲通攻南诏,也都经此。19,蔡愕自云南率讨袁护国军进抵川南,克宜宾等地。1949年12月,中国人民解放军第5兵团进至该地区,切断了川境国民党军南撤退路。境内名胜古迹较多,翠屏山上有抗日英雄赵一曼纪念馆。(任昭步中)
