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英语 English英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-29 16:27:33


英语 English英语短句 例句大全



1.The Exploration and Analysis onEnglish Learning Strategies of Medicine Graduates;医学研究生英语学习策略使用的研究与分析

2.Transliteration inEnglish translation of traditional Chinese medicine;言不过其辞,动不过其则——谈谈中医英语翻译中的音译问题

3.Self-criticism on theEnglish translation of traditional Chinese medicine;何由换得银河水,净洗群生忿欲心——我的一份中医英语翻译检讨书


1.British and American English英国英语和美国英语

2.American English and British English美国英语和英国英语。

3.The English Speaking Society,“英语口语协会”,

4.English, music, Chinese.英语,音乐,语文。

5.(also Old English)the English language of this period古英语(该时期的英语).

6.You know that English as a language can be classified as British or American.英语这门语言可以分成英国英语和美国英语。

7.Study on the Abbreviation of English;英语Abbreviation赏析

8.An analysis of difference in grammar between American and British English试谈美国英语和英国英语的语法差异

9.On the Differences between British English and American English;浅析英国英语和美国英语的语体差异

10.Internet English--A New Variety of the English Language;网络英语——英语语言的一种新变体(英文)

11.A Study of Standard English, China English and Chinese English;谈标准英语、中国英语和中国式英语

12.Differences Between American And British English美式英语与英式英语的差异(英文)

13.Fluent oral English and good knowledge of written English.良好的英语书面语,流利英语口语。

14.Implication of ESL to EFL英语作为二语对英语作为外语的启示

15.Additions to the English Grammar by The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language(2002)《剑桥英语语法》2002版对英语语法的增补

16.The Application of English Corpus in Grammar Teaching;英语语料库在英语语法教学中的应用

17.French and English fluently, written and spoken法语和英语口笔语流畅

18.She is familiar with English, German and French..她通晓英语德语和法语。


English language英语

1.Sexism in theEnglish language and its countermeasures;英语中的性别歧视现象及其对策


1.On English Words & Expressions Originating inChinese;源于汉语的英语词汇分析

2.Differences of Thinking between English andChinese Nationalities and Research on the Diversification of English Sentences;英汉民族思维差异及英语句式开头多样性探讨

3.Chinese-English Translation Skills from Languages Formal Differences;从汉英语言形式差异看翻译技巧

4)the English language英语

1.From the perspective of pragmatics and through a comparative study of the Lisu language andthe English language, the author discusses the interaction between language and thinking as well as the cultural differences between China and the West.本文从语用学的角度,通过对英语和傈僳语的形容词用不同用法比较来论述语言与思维的互动关系,从而探索中西方民族文化特征的差异性。

2.It points out that the discourse markers ofthe English language play an influential role as cohesive device in English text or discourse and deserve full attention from English language teachers, learners and users to achieve better understanding and effective expression.本文论述了英语语篇标记的定义,形式,位置以及其所表达的各种逻辑语义关系,并指出英语教师、英语学习者和使用者都应该对英语语篇标记的衔接作用给予充分重视,从而达到理解正确,表达连贯、得体、有效。

5)English teaching英语

1.The article mainly discusses that Internet plays an important role inEnglish teaching, which will lead to the change of the way of learning and mode of teaching and become one of the best ways in English learning.主要阐述Internet在英语教学中的重要作用,它将影响我们的学习方式和教学模式,成为掌握英语这门语言最为理想的英语教学手段之一。

2.This essay deals with the concept of quality education ,the actual meaning of carrying out the quality education inEnglish teaching ,the cultivating of listening ,speaking ,reading and writing ability and virtue education etc.文章阐述了素质教育的概念 ,外语教学中实施素质教育的现实意义 ,英语素质教育中“四会”能力的培养和对学生的德育教育等。

6)British English英国英语

1.Differences between American English andBritish English;美国英语与英国英语的差异

2.The Vocabulary and Grammar Differences ofBritish English and American English;英国英语与美国英语的词汇和语法差异

3.British English and American English Under the Condition of Diversified English Varieties;英语变体多元化情境下的英国英语与美国英语


