900字范文 > 地膜残留 plastic film residue英语短句 例句大全

地膜残留 plastic film residue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-31 00:40:11


地膜残留 plastic film residue英语短句 例句大全

地膜残留,plastic film residue

1)plastic film residue地膜残留

1.The study investigated effects of mulchingplastic film residue in mono-cotton planting system with mulched plastic film lasting for 20 years,and cotton-tomato,and mono cotton planting system mulched plastic film lasting for 10 years in Shihezi district.以新疆石河子棉区作为研究对象,对连续20a覆膜单作棉花、棉花-西红柿轮作和连续10a单作棉花棉田的地膜残留状况进行了调查,研究结果显示石河子地区棉田地膜残留污染十分严重,土壤中平均残留量高达(300。

2.Considering the positive effects of plastic-film mulch and negative impacts ofplastic film residue synthetically,the evaluation model of effect of plastic-film mulch on crop yield was constructed.综合考虑地膜覆盖技术对农作物产量的正面效应和地膜残留对农作物产量的负面影响,构建了地膜覆盖技术对农作物产量影响的评价模型,并以湖北省为例进行了评价。

3.The amount ofplastic film residue depends on how long for the utilization of mulching plastic film,and th.本文以新疆石河子棉区作为研究对象,对连续覆膜单作棉花、棉花-西红柿轮作和连续单作棉花棉田的地膜残留状况进行了调查,研究结果显示石河子地区棉田地膜残留污染十分严重,土壤中平均残留量高达300。


1.Value Evaluation of Soil Remnant Film Pollution for Beijing Rural Areas;京郊农用地膜残留污染土壤的价值损失研究

2.Study on the Characteristic of Plastic Film Residue and Its Effect on Maize Growth in Typical Regions;典型农区地膜残留特点及对玉米生长发育影响研究

3.Crop residues are left on the surface.作物的残根留在地面。

4.A small residue is retained tenaciously by the surface.少量的残留物被表面牢固地保留着。

5.Persistence of vision causes visual impressions to continue upon the retina for a brief time.视觉残留引起视觉印象在视网膜上短时持续。

6.Determination of solvent residues in complex plastic film by static headspace gas chromatography静态顶空气相色谱法测定复合膜中的溶剂残留

7.Study on the Electrochemical Cleaning Method for Cleaning Residual Organic Contaminants of LCD金刚石膜电化学对LCD上残留有机物清洗的研究

8.Pesticides residue analysis of pure tea produced in Xishuangbanna state西双版纳地区普洱茶农药残留量分析

9.Detection of Residual Solvents in Cefodizime Sodium Using Gas Chromatography气相色谱法测定头孢地嗪钠残留溶剂

10.HPLC determintation of cefodizime sodium cleaning residueHPLC法测定头孢地嗪钠清洁残留物

11.Quick Determination of Diazepam in Pork by Gas Chromatograph-microelectron Capture DetectionGC-μECD法快速检测猪肉地西泮残留

12.Effect of kangwangling on residual subretinal fluid after retinal detachment surgery康网灵对视网膜脱离复位术后残留视网膜下液的影响

13.Clinical research of Kangwangling Decoction on residual subretinal fluid after retinal detachment surgery康网灵对视网膜脱离复位术后残留视网膜下液的临床研究

14.Meso-Cenozoic North Yellow Sea:Residual Basin or Superimposed Basin?北黄海中、新生代盆地:残留盆地还是叠合盆地?

15.Response of Different Vegetables to Light Conversion Film and Degradation Dynamics of Pesticide Residues;不同蔬菜对转光膜的反应及其农药残留消解动态研究

16.The application of new carbon membrane in analysis of ignitable liquid residues;新型碳基渗滤膜在易燃液体残留物提取检验中的应用

17.A Conductometric Sensor for Determination of HS-CAP in Milk Based on Molecularly Imprinted Films基于分子印迹膜的电导型传感器检测牛乳中琥珀酸氯霉素残留

18.The role of ~1H-MRS to differentiate residual or recurrent Meningioma from non-neoplastic lesions氢质子磁共振波谱鉴别脑膜瘤术后反应性损伤残留与复发



1.Late PostpartumHemorrhage:Clinical Analysis of 10 Years Cases;结论 :晚期产后出血的主要原因是蜕膜残留和胎盘胎膜残

3)mulch film residues残留农膜

1.Effects ofmulch film residues on soil properties;残留农膜对土壤性状的影响

4)residual film残留膜

5)residual basin残留盆地

1.Modelling of burial and hydrocarbon-generation histories of Meso-Paleozoic marineresidual basins in South Yellow Sea and its geologic significance;南黄海中-古生代海相残留盆地埋藏生烃史模拟及其意义

2.Potential analysis of petroleum explortation inresidual basins of the China sea;中国海域残留盆地油气勘探潜力分析

3.A review of progress on geophysics of Bohairesidual basin;渤海残留盆地油气地球物理研究综述

6)preserved basin残留盆地

1.The paper introduces exploratory history,present study status,category of ancient buried hill reservoir and features of ancient buried hill,and the author thinks the study of "preserved basin"can guide the exploration of ancient buried hill reservoir.文章介绍了古潜山油气藏的勘探历史、研究现状、分类及特征,并指出开展“残留盆地”的研究对古潜山油气藏的勘探具有指导意义。

2.The precenozoic sea faciespreserved basins turn to be the key target in the second round of oil &gas exploration.目前我国油气资源勘探难度不断加大,前新生代海相碳酸盐岩残留盆地已成为我国油气资源二次创业的重点突破对象,本文主要阐述了国内陆地油气勘探中采用地震勘探方法的几个难点问题及今后的发展方向。

3.The pre Cenozoic sea faciespreserved basins turn to be the key target in the second round of oil & gas exploration.目前我国油气勘探难度不断加大 ,前新生代海相碳酸盐岩残留盆地已成为我国油气资源二次创业的突破口 。


