900字范文 > 地膜覆盖栽培 plastic film cultivation英语短句 例句大全

地膜覆盖栽培 plastic film cultivation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-19 07:36:12


地膜覆盖栽培 plastic film cultivation英语短句 例句大全

地膜覆盖栽培,plastic film cultivation

1)plastic film cultivation地膜覆盖栽培

1.Experiments were conducted during 1998~1999 in hilly dry land and plain to test the effects ofplastic film cultivation on the growth,development and grain yield of wheat.1998~ 1 999年 ,在罗江县丘陵旱地和广汉市平原稻茬麦田进行小麦地膜覆盖栽培的小区试验和大区示范 ,结果表明 :(1 )丘陵旱地膜际栽培有显著的抗旱保墒作用 ,其增产增收效果显著 ,增产 1 551 。


1.Preliminary Research on Use of Film Mulching for Walnut Cultivation核桃幼园地膜覆盖栽培技术初步研究

2.Effects of Plastic Film Cultivation on the Growth ,Development and Grain Yield of Wheat;地膜覆盖栽培对小麦生长发育及产量的影响

3.Study on plastic Mulched Cultivation and Feeding Value of Fodder Sugar Beet(Beta vulgaris)in Alpine Region;高寒地区饲用甜菜地膜覆盖栽培及其饲用价值评定的研究

parative studies on the yields and qualities of different cultivars of Rehmannia glutinosa f. hueichingensis under plastic film mulching cultivation不同怀地黄品种在地膜覆盖栽培下产量和品质的研究

5.Plastic Film Mulching Cultivation Technique and Pests and Diseases Control Measures of Peanut地膜覆盖花生栽培技术及病虫害防治

6.The increasing in grain yield was about 10.3%, 8.9%, 23.2%respectively as compared with the plastic film mulch, the straw mulch and the unmulched cultivatiom.稻谷产量较地膜覆盖、秸秆覆盖、露地旱作栽培分别增产10.3%,8.9%,23.2%。

7.Theories and Techniques of High-yield and High-efficiency Cultivation in Planting Sweet Potato Covered with Plastic Film甘薯地膜覆盖高产高效栽培理论与技术

8.The effect of straw and plastic film dual mulch in dry-cultivation of rice planting was studied.我国覆膜稻栽培研究始于1996年,但迄今都为地膜单元覆盖。

9.Effects of Polythene Mulch Cultivation on Rice Yield and Canopy Properties地膜覆盖旱直播栽培对水稻产量及群体冠层特性的影响

10.Cultivation Study on Different Film-covering Modes for Rape in Weibei Dryland;渭北旱地油菜不同覆膜方式栽培研究

11.The effect of straw and plastic film dual mulch on the ecological environment in the farmland and the yield of wheat planting was studied.研究了秸秆与地膜二元覆盖栽培对小麦田间生态环境及产量的影响。

12.On ground of raised beds, an impermeable cover is utilized to impound the steam.在地面上高位栽培床用不透气的覆盖物把蒸气盖

13.Analysis of Autumn Corn Cultivation Techniques of the Whole Covering on Double Ridges and Planting in Furrows in Pengyang,Ningxia宁夏彭阳县秋季全膜覆盖双垄沟播玉米栽培技术要点浅析

14.Culture Technique and Increase Yield Effect on Potato with Whole Film Covering Double Ridge Collect Rain in Minhe民和县马铃薯双垄全膜覆盖集雨栽培技术及增产效益

15.Cultivating Technique of High Yield and Efficiency for Spring-sown Potato "Lu-yin No.1" under Double-film Mulch春播马铃薯“鲁引一号”双膜覆盖高产高效栽培技术

16.Characters of Nitrogen Nutrition in Ground Cover Rice Production System;水稻地表覆膜栽培体系中氮素营养特征研究

17.Effects of soil-surface mulching on organic carbon,inorganic carbon and light fraction organic carbon in dryland soil不同地表覆盖栽培对旱地土壤有机碳、无机碳和轻质有机碳的影响

18.Preliminary Study on Culture Techniques of Sweet Potato for Fresh Food Covered with Rice Straw in Whole Course on Hilly Red Soil Upland丘陵红壤旱地鲜食红薯稻草全程覆盖栽培技术初探


film coverage地膜覆盖栽培技术

1.This paper,on the basis of the experiences in agrofilm coverage technical extension and application for corn and wheat crops in the past decade,pointed out that this mulching technology has great potential to increase grain production and wide application range.在回顾总结近10年陕西省玉米、小麦地膜覆盖栽培技术推广应用的基础上,指出该项技术增产潜力大,适宜区域广,不仅为陕西省粮食增产带来巨大的经济、社会效益,而且成为今后陕西省特别是黄土高原粮食生产上新台阶的重大科技战略措施。

3)mulching cultivation覆盖栽培

1.Effects ofmulching cultivation on growth of young Lycium barbarum in high altitude area高海拔区覆盖栽培对幼龄枸杞生长的影响

2.Effect ofmulching cultivation on soil physical properties and yield components of cot ton were studied by using experiments with plastic film, wheat straw, plastic film plus wheat straw and no-mulching.结果表明:覆盖栽培能改善土壤物理性状;表现在降低土壤容重、调节土壤温、湿度、提高土壤水分利用率(秸秆覆盖处理较对照增加18。

3.The experiment ofmulching cultivation in garlic was conducted by using the participatory technology development method.运用参与式技术开发进行了大蒜覆盖栽培试验,该方法在该项目中的应用,使村民参加了讨论设计试验方案,更好地调动农民的积极性,在实施过程中将外来技术与乡土知识相结合,因地制宜地进行项目选择,取得了较好的效果。

4)Film mulching cultivation覆膜栽培

1.Planting density, sowing date, film mulching cultivation and smut control of high quality foxtail millet Longgu 6 were tested in arid land.5万株 / hm2 ,适宜播期是 4月 2 0日 ,覆膜栽培能显著提高陇谷 6号产量 ,增产率达 5 0 %以上 ,用种子量 0 。

2.The results showed that film mulching cultivation resulted in a higher emergence percentage, an earlier, shorter flowering stage with profuse flowers at early phase, shorter periods within which most flowers opened and most pods set, higher percentages of effective flowering, pod setting and mature pods, higher pod.对福建春花生覆膜栽培的产量、产量构成因素、开花习性、光合特性、库源关系及部分性状进行了研究。

3.Film mulching cultivation is an all-around technology controlling temperature,water,nutrient,structure and microorganism of soil about cropland ecosystem project.作者综述了覆膜栽培大豆条件下由温度、水分、通透性、pH值、微生物、根系空间分布、土壤肥力诸因素构成的土壤生态效应及其在提高作物产量中的应用前景。

5)plastic film mulching cultivation覆膜栽培

1.Study on mechanism of high yield of salt-tolerant wheat with theplastic film mulching cultivation in saline soils;盐碱地耐盐小麦覆膜栽培高产机理的研究

2.During the whole season of spring wheat,plastic film mulching cultivation has effectively inhibited soil evaporation, elongated wheats growth period, increased yield with great step and improved water use efficiency.在宁夏南部山区海原县对春小麦覆膜与露地栽培土壤水分变化进行了监测 ,得出 :覆膜栽培 ,前期能减少土壤蒸发 ,播种 -出苗耗水量少 ,低于露地 ,出苗 -拨节高于露地 ,拨节后逐渐降低 ,抽穗后低于露地。

6)covered with film盖膜栽培

1.The effects of different peanut varieties and fertilizers in small furrow culturecovered with film;不同花生品种和肥料在小畦盖膜栽培中的效应


甜菜地膜覆盖栽培(growing sugar beet with mulching membrane)甜菜地膜覆盖栽培(growing sugar beet with mulching membrane)用塑料薄膜覆盖甜菜地,以改善生态条件,促进早发,延长生育期,对增加块根产量和产糖量有着重要作用的一项技术措施。地膜覆盖除具有增温、保水、改善营养外,还可抑制土壤中的盐碱上升,减轻盐碱为害。在深松整地基础上,及时耙耢、整平地面,覆膜后用土压严。东北春播区,普遍采取垄作覆膜栽培,选用幅宽60-70cm地膜覆盖。华北和西北甜菜区,采取平作覆膜栽培,选用幅宽1.1m地膜,每幅播种三行,行距40cm,地膜边缘距离苗远15cm,埋入土中的地膜5cm左右,每隔三行甜菜留45cm宽不覆膜,以备取土压膜和田间管理。甜菜产量高,吸收营养增加,消耗土壤肥力多,一般覆膜地要比未覆膜地施肥量增加30-50%,可保证甜菜丰产,防止早衰。在春季土壤含水量较多和灌溉区,宜先覆膜后播种。一般比正常播期早7天覆膜、提前1-2日播种,以增高表层土壤的温度和含水量,加速种子出苗;土壤干旱、地温低或盐碱地区宜采取先播种后覆膜,比正常播种期提早2-3天。种床土壤疏松,水、温适宜,有利发芽,播种深度略浅,为2-3cm。定植后穴呈凹形,四周突出1.5cm,防止幼苗接触地膜受冻害或被灼伤,促进早发,增强抗寒力。先播种后覆膜的,根据幼苗的长势和天气条件放苗。一般全苗后2-3天开始破膜晾苗,阴天可全天晾苗;晴天,在前一天下午破膜,翌日晾苗。晾苗后,用细土封严晾苗口,防止水分散失或刮风揭膜。在中国东北、华北甜菜区,一般于覆膜后60-70天揭膜,进行追肥和除草中耕、培土等促进块根增长,减少根头高度。在降水量不足地区,揭膜后应及时灌水,满足甜菜需水要求。
