900字范文 > 中西方美 aesthetics in China and West英语短句 例句大全

中西方美 aesthetics in China and West英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-08 20:54:55


中西方美 aesthetics in China and West英语短句 例句大全

中西方美,aesthetics in China and West

1)aesthetics in China and West中西方美

2)western aesthetics西方美学

1.The word western is a geographic but a politic term inwestern aesthetics,thus there is no reason to exclude Marxist Aesthetics thoughts from it.西方美学史中的"西方"二字只是一个地域性的概念,不是政治概念。

2.Western aesthetics has experienced a steady improvement since 1750 when it became independent.西方美学在1750年独立以后经过了一个不断完备的过程,这个过程是在德国古典美学内部逐步进行的。


1.Attention Should Be Paid to "Narrate Clearly" When Studying Western Aesthetics History: the Postscript of A Study of Western Aesthetics History;研究西方美学史要注意“说清楚”——《西方美学史》后记

2.Teaching the History of Western Aesthetics As a General Elective Course;西方美学史课程公选课教学方法初探

3.Bacchus s Spirit--A Doughty Beauty Rhyme of Western Aesthetics;“酒神精神”:西方美学的“刚美”意韵

4.An Inquiry into Poetry and Beauty -Reread Western Aesthetic Classics;诗与美的追问——重读西方美学经典文本

5.Introspection" in Chinese Aesthetics and "Confession" in Western Aesthetics──A Comparative Study of the Chinese and Western Aesthetic Consciousness;中国美学的“内省”与西方美学的“忏悔”——中西审美意识比较研究

6.Postmodernism and Contemporary Aesthetics and Psychology in the West当代西方美学、心理学与后现代建筑派

7.The Influence of the Modern Esthetics to the Contemporary Western Architectural Esthetics;近现代西方美学思潮对当代西方建筑美学的影响

8.A Review of Five Symbolic Works of Western Aesthetic History:Comments on the Writing of Western Aesthetic History in China;西方五大美学史著作述评——兼及中国的西方美学史写作

9.Chinese Context and Western Aesthetics --On China` s Acceptance of Western Aesthics in 20th Century;汉语语境与西方美学——对20世纪中国接受西方美学的沉思

10.On the Relationship between the Western Esthetic History and the Knowledge Construction of the Contemporary Chinese Esthetics;《西方美学史》与中国当代美学的知识建构

11.Researches in Aesthetic History and Current Situation of Chinese Aesthetics;美学史研究与美学的当代状况——从《西方美学通史》谈起

12.Affection of Translation and Introduction of Western Aesthetics to the Transition of Chinese Poetic Perspective;西方美学输入与中国诗学观照方式的现代转型

13.Critique of Chinese & Western Classical aesthetics From the Ken of Cultural Aesthetics文化美学视野与中西方古典美学批判

14.A Study on Aesthetics of Myth神话的美学探询——西方神话美学札记

15.On Prejudication of the Speech Ways of "Beauty" in Chinese and Hesperian Aesthetics;论中西美学“美”的言说方式的先在预设

16.The Mutual Interpretation of the Law of the Beauty and the Western Modern Aesthetics“美的规律”与西方现代美学的互动阐释

17.Analysis on Linguistic Change of Modern WestPhilosophy and Aesthetics;现代西方哲学与美学“语言学转向”述评

18.History of Western Music Aesthetics and Problem Consciousness of Chinese--Thoughts on "History of Western Music Aesthetics" Teaching;西方音乐美学史与中国问题意识——“西方音乐美学史”教学随想


western aesthetics西方美学

1.The word western is a geographic but a politic term inwestern aesthetics,thus there is no reason to exclude Marxist Aesthetics thoughts from it.西方美学史中的"西方"二字只是一个地域性的概念,不是政治概念。

2.Western aesthetics has experienced a steady improvement since 1750 when it became independent.西方美学在1750年独立以后经过了一个不断完备的过程,这个过程是在德国古典美学内部逐步进行的。

3)western art西方美术

1.It summarizes the spirit of lines in different phases ofwestern art history.这里从西方美术历史中各个不同时期的具体美术作品出发,探讨原始美术、古希腊罗马美术、中世纪美术、文艺复兴至19世纪美术、现代美术几个阶段中线是否作为独立艺术表现手段存在。

4)Chinese and Hesperian aesthetics中西美学

1.Chinese and Hesperian aesthetics consideration,examination and answer of "what is beauty" can be divided into two kinds of methods:Depiction and description.中西美学五彩缤纷的“美是什么”的思考、追问与回答,可分为两种方式:叙述与描述。

5)Chinese and Western fine arts中西美术

6)western aesthetic history西方美学史

1.The five symbolicwestern aesthetic history books are written in three models:the objective,the subjective,the objective and subjective combined types.而中国的西方美学史写作却只承认一种模式,即所谓客观型。


