900字范文 > 中西对话 communication between west and china英语短句 例句大全

中西对话 communication between west and china英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-05 04:49:52


中西对话 communication between west and china英语短句 例句大全

中西对话,communication between west and china

1)communication between west and china中西对话


1.The Metaphysical Issue of Chinese Philosophy in the Embarrassing Background of Sino-Western Academic Dialogue;中西对话困境中中国哲学的形而上学问题

2.On Dialogue and Harmony of Chinese and Western Cultures from the Perspective Paradigm of Philosophic Dialogue;“对话范式”视域中中西文化的对话与会通

3.Contradiction and Dialogue between Humans and Gods--Mythological causes of the differences between Chinese and Occidental Cultures人神对立与人神对话——中西文化差异的神话根源

4.Understanding on margins--The“Trace" in the dialogues between Chinese and Western thoughts;边缘处的理解——中西思想对话中的“印迹”

5.The development of Western philosophy in China and dialogue between Chinese,Western and Marxist philosophies西方哲学在中国的发展和中、西、马哲学对话(英文)

6.Declaration on Dialogue and Cooperation in the Western Mediterranean西地中海对话与合作宣言

7.Transformation of Western Ideology of Teacher-student Relationship from "Center" to "Dialogue";从“中心”到“对话”:现代西方师生观的转向

8.Imaginations and Dialogues:Tibet in Chinese and French Media s Eyes;想象与对话——中法媒体报道下的西藏

9.The Impossibility and Possibility of Dialogues Between Eastern and Western Translatology;中西译论对话的不可能、可能及其他

10.Construction of a Macroscopic Framework of Communication Between Chinese and Western Aesthetics in the New Century;建构新世纪中西美学对话的总体框架

11.Corresponding Speech Sound in West Shaanxi Dialect and Mandarin;陕西关中西府方言与普通话语音的对应关系

12.Cultural Dialogue between China and Western and Integration of Cultures under the Challenge of Globalization;中西文化交往中的对话与全球化挑战下的整合

13.On Wei Yuan Thought’s Cultural Significance in Sino-western Cultural Dialogue;论魏源思想在中西文化对话中的文化意义

14.Meeting of the Nine Western Mediterranean Countries on Dialogue and Cooperation in the Western Mediterranean西地中海九国关于西地中海对话与合作问题会议

15.Chinese Historiography and(West) German/Western Historiography:a Dialogue? the " Turning of Social History " in China Since the 1980s;中国史学和(西)德/西方史学:一种对话?——始于1980年代中国社会史转向

16.The Re-comparison of Mythological Images between China and West-the Influence of Mythological Education on Ideal Personalities;中西方神话人物形象再比较——兼论神话教育对理想人格的影响因素

17.On the Influence of Different Values between Chinese and Western Countries in Intercultural Communication upon Conversational Principle;中西文化价值取向差异对会话原则的影响

18.Introducing Philosophy of Language to Chinese Learners: A Dialogue;中国学者如何学习西方语言哲学:对话(英文)


dialogue between Chinese and Western philosophy中西哲学的对话

3)Context of dialog between China and Western中西对话语境

4)East-West dialogue东西对话

5)Chinese and Western mythology中西神话

1.The author discusses the similarities and diffe re nces related to the origin, patterns, themes, ideology, aesthetic standards and forms inChinese and Western mythology and traces their causes.中西神话作为有限个体追求无限超越、生命存在追求永恒以及人确证自我的一种方式 ,具有共同的特点 ,但由于地理环境、心理结构和审美情趣等方面的差异 ,形成了各自神话的变异和差别 ,这种差异正好应合了中西美学传统的差

2.Chinese and Western mythology are quite different in their origin,the images of Gods and their change,Gods\" nature and marriage civilization.中西神话在神话起源、神的形象及其变化、神的本性和婚姻文明等方面都存在较大差异。

6)sino-foreign conversation中外对话


