900字范文 > 口号 slogan英语短句 例句大全

口号 slogan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-08 20:23:04


口号 slogan英语短句 例句大全



parison of temporal characteristics ofslogans in Russian and Chinese;现代汉语与俄语口号的时代特征之比较

2.Sorting ofslogans in Youth League work from the beginningof the Reform and Opening;改革开放以来共青团工作口号梳理

3.This paper will focus on the application of functionalist approach to the E-C translation of the trademark,slogan and body text of the ads to prove that the functionalist approach is an effective way of translati.本文就功能派理论在科技产品商标、口号和广告正文汉译中的运用证明功能派理论是指导科技产品广告汉译的一种有效方法。


1.A slogan, especially a political one.政治口号口号,尤指政治口号

2."The port number is not valid. Enter a valid port number."端口号无效。请输入一个有效的端口号。

3.This is the only basis for formulating correct slogans.口号只能是这样提。

4.Their slogan was" Open the granaries to relieve the poor."他们的口号是"开仓济贫"。

5.My slogan is "I care."我的口号是 我关心 。

6."Keeping improving"is our watchword.“精益求精”是我们的口号。

7.Do not raise the slogan, "Open the granaries to relieve the poor".不要提“开仓济贫”的口号。

8.Equality of men and women is not a slogan.男女平等不是一句口号。

9.(Warm applause and slogan shouting.)(热烈鼓掌,高呼口号)

10.This slogan should be publicized.这个口号应当宣传。

11.from speeches to action.从口号转化为行动。

12.`Lower taxes" was their cry .他们的口号是‘减税’.

13.Even the slogans will change.就是口号也得变样子。

14.Annie: What slogans are put forward?安妮:提什么口号了?

15."Safety first" is our slogan."安全第一"是我们的口号。

16.The advertising slogan was a play on words.那条广告口号是双关语.

17.It is a slogan that will give us the initiative, it is a tactical slogan.这是个主动的口号,是个策略性质的口号。

18.Where is gate No. 18?第十八号出入口在哪里?


weld seam number焊口编号

1.That method is exclusively to guarantee the correctweld seam numbering.西南成品油管道工程是中国石化集团实施西部战略的一项重点工程,管道在云贵高原需穿越山区和丘陵地带,施工中对焊口编号遇到了很多难题,如果将平原段管道施工时的焊口编号方法应用于山区,则存在很大的漏洞。

3)hole top signal井口信号

4)Crossing signal道口信号

1.With the remarkable acceleration of the railway, the system structure, theory of design, function,characteristic, main technique and application prospect of crossing signal automatic control system are introduced.随道铁路几次大的提速 ,为保证行车安全 ,介绍了铁路道口信号自动报警系统的构成 ,设计原理 ,功能特点和主要技术条件 ,测试结论及应用效果以及推广应用前景等。

5)Fiducial signal缺口信号


1.Social Linguistic Research and Analysis on the Validity of Noncommercial Slogans of Shanghai;上海市区户外非商业性标语口号有效性的社会语言学调查和分析

2.On this basis,this articlemade the comparison with the 30 s poetries of Guo Moruo which can be called "genuyneslogans".郭沫若的《女神》中所表达出来的是一种情绪的恣意释放与飞升,这种恣意通常以一种呼喊的方式出现,即标语口号的诗句。

3.Nowadays we can easily seeslogans allover the countryside,which cocern all aspects of people s life.当代中国标语口号遍布城乡,其内容涉及老百姓生活的方方面面,但是作为言语行为,标语口号必须具有合法性。


