900字范文 > 标语口号 slogans英语短句 例句大全

标语口号 slogans英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-04 19:10:36


标语口号 slogans英语短句 例句大全



1.Social Linguistic Research and Analysis on the Validity of Noncommercial Slogans of Shanghai;上海市区户外非商业性标语口号有效性的社会语言学调查和分析

2.On this basis,this articlemade the comparison with the 30 s poetries of Guo Moruo which can be called "genuyneslogans".郭沫若的《女神》中所表达出来的是一种情绪的恣意释放与飞升,这种恣意通常以一种呼喊的方式出现,即标语口号的诗句。

3.Nowadays we can easily seeslogans allover the countryside,which cocern all aspects of people s life.当代中国标语口号遍布城乡,其内容涉及老百姓生活的方方面面,但是作为言语行为,标语口号必须具有合法性。


1.particularized thinking as distinct from stereotyped sloganeering.与滥调的标语口号不同的特殊思想。

2.Reassessment of the slogan verses in the Poetry "Goddess" by Guo Moruo;郭沫若《女神》中标语口号诗句的再评价

3.Linguistics Analysis of the Outdoors Educational and Propagandistic Banners and Slogans in the Countryside;乡村教育宣传类户外标语口号的语用学分析

4.Linguistic Analysis on Birth-control Slogans in Countryside;乡村计划生育标语口号合法性的语言学分析

5.Strategies of C-E Translation of Slogan Signs标语口号类公示语汉译英翻译策略的研究

6.The idea of government innovation is nothing to do with fantastic thinking or lip service and slogan.政府创新不是随心所欲,也不是标新立异,更不是标语口号。

7.Political slogans are rare, but posters can be seen everywhere to remind people of fines for various offences.标语口号不多,而违法就得面对罚款等的警语处处可见。

8.Social Linguistic Research and Analysis on the Validity of Noncommercial Slogans of Shanghai;上海市区户外非商业性标语口号有效性的社会语言学调查和分析

9.Research Epochal Spirit Development from Physical Education Banners and Slogans since Founding of the Nation;从新中国成立以来的体育标语口号看时代精神的变迁

10.As we strive to remake Singapore, we should be mindful that the term "remaking Singapore" should not be reduced to just a slogan.改造新加坡不应只是一句标语口号,它应当既能实实在在地急民之所急,以人为本;

11.someone who coins and uses slogans to promote a cause.用标语和口号来促进动机的人。

12.They rush around sticking up posters and shouting slogans.他们到处奔忙,贴标语喊口号。

13.Slogan or rallying cry of a group of people fighting for the same cause(为共同事业而斗争的人们所用的)标语或口号

14.Phonetic symbols represent sounds.语音符号是标音的符号.

15.statement label required for format statement格式语句要求语句标号

16.They put up many posters, the most striking of which carried these three slogans: "Down with fascism!"他们贴了好多标语,其中有这样三个最突出的口号:“打倒法西斯

17.The advertising slogan was a play on words.那条广告口号是双关语.

18.macroassembler statement label宏汇编程序语句标号



1.Slogans, including political slogans is in favor with the public, that\"s because it is decided by its such characteristics as artistry、popularity、profundity and interestedness.纵观古今中外,政治类的标语口号颇受世人瞩目。

2.Slogan is an important linguistic phenomenon.公示语的种类很多,本文着重阐述标语口号类公示语的汉译英策略。

3)Physical education banners and slogans体育标语口号

4)outdoor banners and slogans户外标语口号

5)translation of chinese slogan标语口号英译

6)congratulatory message/slogan致语口号

1.Because there are many difference between South- em Song Dynasty s Zaju and Northern Song s Zaju incongratulatory message/slogan,performance form,actors,performance structure and the importance of Zaju.实际上北宋杂剧与南宋杂剧是两种不同的杂剧形式,因为在运用致语口号、演出形式、演出角色、演出结构、艺术社会地位五方面,南宋杂剧区别于北宋杂剧。


