900字范文 > 生态防护 ecological protection英语短句 例句大全

生态防护 ecological protection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-14 06:32:45


生态防护 ecological protection英语短句 例句大全

生态防护,ecological protection

1)ecological protection生态防护

1.Primary study onecological protection methods of slopes beside Hengda express way;衡大高速公路边坡生态防护方式的初探

ments of technology aboutecological protection of rock slope in highway;高速公路岩质边坡生态防护技术评述

3.Study onecological protection technology for lithical side slope in expressway from Linxiang to Changsha,Hunan;湖南临湘至长沙高速公路石质边坡的生态防护技术


1.Study on the Protection Skill of Zoology and Environment Aimed at Slope in the Collapse Loess Area;黄土地区路基边坡生态防护技术研究

2.Discussion on Several Problems in the Projects of Slope Ecological Protection Engineering;边坡生态防护工程中的若干问题探讨

3.Selection and Application of Ecological Protection Methods for Highway Slope公路边坡生态防护方法的选择与使用

4.Preliminary Study on Ecological Protection Zone Construction of Three Gorges Reservoir三峡水库生态防护带建设的初步探讨

5.Construction of Ecology Protective Forest System of Dongshan in Urumqi乌鲁木齐市东山生态防护林体系建设

6.Research of the Ratio of Basis Material for Ecological Protection of Rock Slope in Guizhou;贵州岩质边坡生态防护基材配比的研究

7.Hebei Mountain Highway Slope Protection System;河北省山区公路边坡生态防护系统研究

8.Eco-Protection and Plant-Mechanical Analysis of Expressway Slope;高速公路边坡生态防护与植物固坡的力学分析

9.Study on the Bioengineering Protection Technique to Urban Rock Slopes and Engineering Practice;城市岩质边坡生态防护技术及其工程应用研究

10.Studies on Slope Plants Project and Landscape on Ning--Hang Expressway;宁杭高速公路边坡生态防护及景观研究

11.Eco-protection and Consolidating of Expressway Slope;高速公路边坡生态防护与加固研究分析

12.Study on Expressway Slope Eco-Protection Technology and Its Application;高速公路边坡生态防护技术及其应用研究

13.The state shall protect the ecological environment of the grasslands, to prevent and control pollution.国家保护草原的生态环境,防治污染。

14.Take precaution against the risk of exotic species invasion and safeguard the safety of ecosystem防范外来物种入侵风险,维护生态安全

15.The Effect of Ecological Field of Farmland Shelter-Forest on Rainfed Highland in the North of Weihe River;渭北旱塬农田防护林生态场效应研究

16.A Study on the Eco-compensation Mechanism of Jiangsu Coastal Shelterbelt江苏省沿海防护林生态补偿机制研究

17.Study on Three-Dimensional Drainage Ecological Slope Protection Technology三维排水柔性生态边坡防护技术研究

18.Design and Application of Ecological Protective Structure with Stonemesh生态石笼网防护结构设计与施工应用



1.Experimental Research on Plant-mechanical Analysis for Highway Eco-protection Slope;高速公路生态防护根系固坡的力学试验研究

2.Eco-Protection and Plant-Mechanical Analysis of Expressway Slope;高速公路边坡生态防护与植物固坡的力学分析

3.Eco-protection and Consolidating of Expressway Slope;高速公路边坡生态防护与加固研究分析

3)ecological protective forest生态防护林

1.Research on theecological protective forest GIS in Zhengzhou City and its application;郑州市生态防护林地理信息系统研究及应用

4)ecological shelter forest生态防护林

1.In improving the ecological environment, maintaining the ecological safety, the construction ofecological shelter forest has significant effect.我国生态防护林在改善生态环境、维护生态安全方面发挥着巨大的作用,然而,人们对生态防护林的破坏也十分严重。

5)ecological protective function生态防护作用

1.By use of the portable anemoscope and vertical array sand traps,theecological protective function of Agriophyllum squarrosum on the shifting sanddunes were researched in the field.使用野外风速廓线仪与阶梯式集沙仪,对流动沙丘先锋植物沙米及其群落的生态防护作用进行了野外实地观测研究。

6)flexible ecological prevention柔性生态防护


