900字范文 > 保护生态 protecting ecology英语短句 例句大全

保护生态 protecting ecology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-29 22:36:39


保护生态 protecting ecology英语短句 例句大全

保护生态,protecting ecology

1)protecting ecology保护生态

1.Development of small hydroelectric power orderly on the basis ofprotecting ecology;在保护生态的基础上有序开发小水电


1.Protecting Cultural Ecology Inheriting the Chinese Culture--Some thoughts on the developing and protecting of the Huizhou cultural ecology保护生态空间 延续中华文脉——徽州文化生态保护区建设的一点思考

2.4. Ecological Conservation and Construction四、生态保护与建设

3.Sub-plan for Environmental Protection生态环境保护专项规划

4.The protection of the ecological system was further enhanced.生态环境保护力度加大。

5.Brief Talk on Ecological Tourism and Environmental Protection of Nature Reserve;浅谈自然保护区生态旅游与环境保护

6.Discussions on Ecotourism Protection and Exploiture in Nature Reserves;自然保护区生态旅游开发与保护浅析

7.Researches on ecological value and protection of ecological environment of Qinghai Lake;青海湖生态价值与生态环境保护研究

8.Ecological environment protection and ecological philosophy of Qinghai-Tibetan plateau;青藏高原的生态环境保护与生态哲学

9.Ecotourism Development and Biodiversity Protection in Protected Areas;保护区生态旅游的发展与生物多样性的保护

10.Ecological Situation Ecological Safety Ecological Protection--setting northwestern area as an example;生态地位·生态安全·生态保护——以西北地区为例

11.Laws to Protect Global Ecologic Environment;加强环保法律意识,保护地球生态环境

12.The Situation and Countermeasures on Environmental Protection in the Special Protection Area of Chengdu成都市特殊保护区域生态环境保护现状及对策

13.Study on Protective Exploitation of Eco-tourism in Natural Reserve of Emeifeng;峨嵋峰自然保护区生态旅游保护性开发研究

14.The Basic Principle of the Island Protection Law:The Principle of Protecting Ecological;论海岛保护法的根本宗旨:生态保护优先

15.Study on the Legislative Conception of Nature Protection in the Region of 3-Rivers;三江源自然保护区生态保护立法基本理念研究

16.Ecological Environment of Puti Islet Natural Reserve and Protection Countermeasure;菩提岛自然保护区的生态环境与保护对策

17.On Ecological Environmental Protection in Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve Area;三江源自然保护区生态环境保护问题探讨

18.Exploitation and Conservation of Ecological and Tourism Resources in Hanasi Reserve,Xinjiang;新疆哈纳斯湖保护区生态旅游资源开发和保护


ecological protection生态保护

1.Practice and revelation onecological protection of hydroelectric development;我国水利水电开发的生态保护实践与启示

2.Resource-based advantages ofecological protection project of Linyi Riverside Wetland and its benefit analysis;临沂滨河湿地生态保护工程资源优势及效益分析

3.Study on coastal wetlands use and itsecological protection of Jiangsu Province;江苏省沿海滩涂土地利用与生态保护研究

3)ecosystem protection生态保护

1.The basic conditions of natural resource andecosystem protection in Pizhou City were introduced,and the main reasons for current problems ofecosystem protection were analyzed.通过对邳州市自然资源和生态保护基本情况的调查,分析了生态保护中存在的主要问题及其原因,提出对邳州市今后生态保护的原则和对策。

2.In this paper,theecosystem protection measures in designing Yang-ping Expressway is expatiated.阐述了阳平高速公路在设计过程中的生态保护措施,说明了高等级公路设计是可以兼顾到环境保护的功能的。

3.The features of these plants in the livestock production and economic values in medicine industry,effects forecosystem protection were summarized as well.通过长期的科学研究和经验总结,综述了干旱、寒冷、荒漠化比较严重的青海海西地区草原上分布广泛、对畜牧业经济生产危害较大的棘豆属、黄芪属、野决明属、麻黄属、铁线莲属、狼毒属、芨芨草属7个属的主要有毒植物对放牧牲畜危害的具体表现和发病原理,及其在医药学、生态保护学等方面的传统应用和最新研究成果的经济价值及利用。

4)ecology protection生态保护

1.According to these characters, we analysed the adverse effects of all kinds of engineering activities on eco\|system, and made measures aboutecology protection, water and soil conservation, landscape recover,.介绍了青藏铁路荒漠生态系统的特点 ,即生态系统组成成分单纯 ,结构简单 ,自我调节能力小 ,系统稳定性差 ,十分原始脆弱 ,极易遭到破坏 ,且恢复困难 ;针对青藏高原荒漠地区自然生态环境的特点 ,分析了各种工程活动对生态环境的不利影响 ,由此制定了各种工程活动的生态保护、水土保持、景观恢复等措施。

2.And they formed rich thoughts ofecology protection.汉代道家十分关注人类生存的环境,充分认识到保护环境对人类生存的重要意义,因此他们注重保护自然环境,强调对水土资源与生物资源的保护,从而形成了丰富的生态保护思想。

3.On the other hand,its affiliated administration should been animadverted in order to bringing into play its operation inecology protection.一方面要主张环境刑法应以环境大生态的可持续存在和发展为目的,这有利于实现环境大生态的安全、公正、和谐等价值;另一方面要批判环境刑法的行政从属性,这有利于发挥环境刑法的生态保护作用。


1.Sun Yat-sen"s thought onEco-protection;论孙中山的生态保护思想

2.The Religious Belief VSEco-protection Idea of the Limi Branch of the Yi People;彝族支系俐侎人宗教信仰习俗与生态保护初探

3.Correlative dissertation on poverty alleviation in Tibetan region in China and eco-protection policy;中国藏区脱贫与生态保护政策的联动性探讨

6)ecological conservation生态保护

1.Study on the present state and countermeasures ofecological conservation in Dongting Lake wetland;洞庭湖湿地生态保护现状及对策

2.Ecological Conservation for Historic City历史城市的生态保护初步研究——以徽州文化区绩溪为例

3.Based on the development and research in Tarim River basin in recent decades the paper puts forwardecological conservation and development measures form the viewpoint that the western development is sustainable.在总结综合了数十年对塔河流域开发和研究的基础上 ,结合当地的特点 ,从西部大开发走可持续发展之路的高度 ,提出了塔河流域应取的生态保护和开发对


