900字范文 > 超额利润 Excess profit英语短句 例句大全

超额利润 Excess profit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-14 21:01:05


超额利润 Excess profit英语短句 例句大全

超额利润,Excess profit

1)Excess profit超额利润

1.The excess profit reaped by monopoly enterprises has further enlarged the gap between the rich and poor and resulted in the loss of social welfare.垄断企业得到垄断的超额利润,会导致社会贫富差距进一步分化,造成社会福利的损失。

2.This article mentioned from relationship between the price and the value,promulgates the excess profit origin of the intangible capital,and concludes that by the driving of the excess profit,the capitalist keeps on trying inevitably to expand the sphere and the scale of production of the intangible capital,in other words,the intangible capital has the more intense trend of expan.本文从价格与价值的关系谈起,揭示了无形资本超额利润的来源,并得出结论,在超额利润的驱动下,资本家必然力图扩大无形资本的生产范围和规模,也就是说无形资本具有更为强烈的扩张趋向。

3.In the paper, the financial implication of human capital is defined as the value of human resource that can bring excess profits for enterprises based on the discussion of the resource of profits.人力资本的财务含义是能够给企业带来超额利润的人力资源的价值。


1.They have carried back an unused excess-profits-tax credit他们已扣除未使用的超额利润税贷款。

2.a legal seizure by the government of profits beyond a fixed amount.政府对公司超额利润的依法征收。

3.Do Innovation Inputs Bring Extra Profits to the Corporation?;创新投入能否为企业带来超额利润?

4.Profits of20%/ month are more rule then exception.每月可以获得20%上超乎想象的超额利润。

5.At the same time, the lower cost agent gains excess profits, while the higher cost agent attains only normal ones.同时,低成本代理人获得超额利润,高成本代理人只得到正常利润。

6.The corporate giants who try to drive down wages in order to make super profits那些企图压低工资以获超额利润的公司巨头们

7.The corporate giants try to drive down wages in order to make superprofits.公司巨头们企图压低工资以获得超额利润。

8.Supply Chain Optimization Based on Excessive Profit Redistribution;基于超额利润再分配的供应链优化问题

9.If an asset( portfolio) has riskless super profits, there is arbitrage opportunity in the market.如果某个资产(合)在无风险的超额利润,就会产生套利行为。

10.Technological Innovation and Sources of Extra Profit:Explanations Based on the Labor Theory of Value;技术创新与超额利润的来源——基于劳动价值论的各种解释

11.This company has spun off several assembly plants in Latin America to turn in super profits from cheaper labor.这家公司在拉丁美洲开办了几家装配工厂,以便从廉价劳动力中榨取超额利润。

12.This paper assesses whether moving average rules can gain excess profits in China"s stock market.本文讨论了在中国股票市场上,移动平均线是否具有获取超额利润的能力。

13.A single seller can raise the price of a good sky-high in order to earn extra profits.为了获得超额利润,一个销售者可单方面大幅度提高某一商品的价格。

14.ratio of profit to net sales利润与销售净额比率

15.Share of the profits from sth(从利润中分得的)份额

16.Large profit made by acting before one"s competitors do抢先赚得的巨额利润

17.profit(loss)from other operation of the year年其它业务利润(亏损)额

18.an investment that yields high percentages.产生高额利润的投资



1.The paper reviews the formability of the mineral land rent, manifestation, its relationship with thesuperprofit, the profit made from the exploitation of the mineral resources, charges for using the mineral right, and the concrete expression about the value of the mineral right.本文论述矿山地租的形成、表现形式 ,它与超额利润的联系以及在矿产资源开采收益、矿业权使用费和矿业权价值上的具体体现。

3)excessive profit超额利润

1.An Argument on if the Characteristic of goodwill be Defined as the Excessive Profit;商誉性质能否视为超额利润辨析

2.The high rate of "mine disasters"is not a simple problem of production safety,but has deep mechanism and various factories that take place,specifically including the crude management on the economy growth,the distortion of mineral resources ownership,the greedy pursuit inexcessive profits of tiny business enterprise,and the imperfection of government regulation.“矿难”频发不是一个简单的安全生产问题,而是具有其发生的深层次机理和多种因素,具体包括经济增长方式的粗放式经营、矿产资源产权的扭曲、微观企业对超额利润的贪求、政府监管职能的缺失等。

3.Then by respectively analyzing both the retailers and the manufacture s profit, theexcessive profit redistribution ratio satisfied optimizing the whole supply chain can be fond under both the situation of buy back pricing and non-buy back pricing.供应链将零售商和制造商纳入一个利益整体,在不确定性需求下,通过建模求均衡解寻找能实现整个供应链利润最大化的产量,再对零售商和制造商的盈亏情况进行单独分析,从而分别确定在买断式定价和回购式定价情况下,能够使得供应链优化的可行的超额利润再分配比例。

4)extra profit超额利润

5)excess profit duties超额利润税

6)surplus profit increase rate evaluation method超额利润增长率


