900字范文 > 节约型经济 economizing economy英语短句 例句大全

节约型经济 economizing economy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-11 04:06:31


节约型经济 economizing economy英语短句 例句大全

节约型经济,economizing economy

1)economizing economy节约型经济

1.Aeconomizing economy may help guide the whole society into sustainable development in the path of ecological security,its philosophical base and power are the control-doctrine on t.节约型经济模式有利于在生态安全的轨道上引导全社会走向可持续发展,其哲学基础和动力是在物质上的节制主义,在日常生活中的简约主义。

2.The dialectical thinking over the relationship between finiteness and infiniteness of natural resources,on whicheconomizing economy is founded theoret.节约型经济的理论基础是对自然资源的有限性与无限性关系的辩证思考,主张为社会的可持续发展留下充分的余地。

3.Accordingly, "economizing economy" is suggested to replace "circulation economy" and regarded as the maintainable economy mode, which co.建议以“节约型经济”取代“循环型经济”作为可持续发展的经济模式。


1.Reiterate "Circulation Economy" and "Economizing Economy";再论“循环型经济”与“节约型经济”

2.A Deep Differentiation and Analysis on"Circular Economy" and "Economizing Economy";关于“循环型经济”与“节约型经济”的深层辨析

3.A Study of Chinese Economy Transition during High-cost Era and a Rough Analysis of Saving Economy;高成本时代与中国经济转型——兼论节约型经济

4.Rejuvenating and Developing Economical Economy Based on Old Industrial Base;立足老工业基地振兴发展节约型经济

5.Transforming the Pattern of Economic Growth and Developing Resource-conserving Economy;转变经济增长方式发展资源节约型经济

6.The Development of Agricultural Circular Economy and Establishment of Ecomical Society;发展农业循环经济 创建节约型社会

7.Developing the Circular Economy to Construct Source-saving-type Shanxi Province;发展循环经济 建设资源节约型山西

8.Circum-Economy is Key to Construction of Resources-Economical Society;循环经济:构建资源节约型社会的关键

9.Recycling Industry:Building A Resources-Conserving Society;循环经济:建设节约型社会的有效之举

10.Analysis on Exorbitant Packaging in Economized Society;节约型社会下过度包装经济现象分析

11.The Circulation EconomyPush Qinghai Provincial Developments Economy Type Society;以循环经济助推青海建设节约型社会

12.Economy Circulating: An Inevitable Choice to Build Economical-typed Society;循环经济:建设节约型社会的必然选择

13.Pratice on Developing Circulating Economy and Building Cost-effective Enterprises发展循环经济、建设节约型企业的实践

14.Deep Economics Thought on Developing Circular Economic and Establishing Economical Society;发展循环经济,建立节约型社会的经济学思考

15.To Develop "Saving" Economy and Promote the Construction of Environment-Friendly Society;发展“节约型”经济促进环境友好型社会的形成

16.Encouraging the Development of Economical-Type Automobile is Advantageous to Building Economical-Type Society;鼓励经济型汽车发展有利于建设节约型社会

17.economy of large scale industry大规模经营的经济节约

18.economy of agglomeration合并经营的经济节约


saving economical system节约型经济系统

1.The concrete objective of ecological economy is to establish a “saving economical system” instead of a “circular economical system”.可持续发展战略的中心任务是实现经济的生态化,生态化的具体目标应当是建立一个"节约型经济系统",而不是"循环型经济系统"。

3)resources-saving economy资源节约型经济

1.The improvement of resource tax and fee is very important to constructresources-saving economy It is important to protect environment, reduce pollution This article compare the system of resource tax and fee in China with foreign countries, analysis the inconsistent of theresources-saving economy and resource tax fee, and gives some advices for thi随着我国工业化、城镇化和现代化建设的推进,资源需求将持续大幅度增加,资源供需矛盾日益突出,建立一种资源节约型的经济增长方式已经迫在眉睫,而资源税费改革已经成为建立资源节约型经济的重要环节,这对于提高资源利用效率,加强环境保护,减少污染具有重要意义。

4)Resource-Saving Economy节约型经济体系

1.In respect of sustainable development, the construction of China sResource-Saving Economy(RSE) would be stressed on maintaining a balance between its social consumption and production rested on sticking to not only an acceptable consumption but also an intensive production.从可持续发展角度看,我国资源节约型经济体系机制应在坚持集约经济和适应消费的基础上,强调社会生产与消费两者间的平衡和协调发展,欲达此目的,加快市场经济体系的完善和国家宏观指导是保障这一体系机制正常运转的根本条件。

5)economy and thrift经济节约

1.In respect of management mode, it stresses the features ofeconomy and thrift, including improving efficiency by streamlining the administrative structures, conferring full authority to operation branches, strengthening budgeting and performance evaluation; in respect of service form, it holds the "people first" philosophy, aiming to create a civilized and harmonious atmosphere and establish.在管理模式方面,突出经济节约的特色,包括机构精简高效、对运营分公司充分授权、强化预算和绩效考核;在服务形式方面,突出以人为本的理念,包括提升服务指标、营造文化氛围、完善服务设施、创造服务品牌、构建和谐地铁、加强监督检查;在运作机制方面,突出高效安全的原则,包括改善设备的维护方法、深化运营安全保障机制、完善应急预案、与公安部门实施联动机制。

6)economic system of economized utilization of resources资源节约型经济体系


