900字范文 > 天地人 heaven.earth.human英语短句 例句大全

天地人 heaven.earth.human英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-16 21:35:48


天地人 heaven.earth.human英语短句 例句大全



2)Participation of man in nature人参天地

3)the unity of nature and mankind天地人和


1.Let"s Go to See Shenyang World Horticulture Exposition天地人和 同享芬芳——到沈阳看世园会

2.Opportunities of time vouchsafed by Heaven are not equal to advantages of situation afforded by the Earth, and advantages of situation afforded by the Earth are not equal to the union arising from the accord of men.天时不如地利,地利不如人和

3.The time isn"t as important as the terrain; but the terrain isn"t as important as unity with the people.天时不如地利, 地利不如人和。

4.There are 31 types of natural wetlands and 9 types of artificial wetlands in the whole country.全国有31类天然湿地和9类人工湿地。

5.Mencius noted, Heaven"s favorable weather is less important than earth"s advantageous terrain, and earth"s advantageous terrain is less important than human unity.孟子提出“天时不如地利,地利不如人和”;

6.My Understanding on Heaven"s Favorable Weather,the Earth"s Advantageous Terrain and Human Unity in the Economic Zone of the“Two Corridors and One Ring”解读“两廊一圈”经济区的天时、地利、人和

7.This Ouija board knows)heaven, earth and people.这一个占板板知道)天堂,地球和人。

8.On Opportunity,Favourable Geography and People s Support of Wushu Culture Traveling Development;论武术文化旅游开发的天时地利人和

9.A guardian angel is believed to be a good spirit which protects a person or a place.人们相信守护天使是保护人和地方的好神灵。

10.Today, PCs are our individual enclaves of software and information,今天,个人电脑是我们储存软件和信息的私人天地,

11.After this the young woman became thinner and paler.妇人是一天天地黄瘦了。

12.MOVERS & SHAKERS [1]震撼天地的人[一]

13.A constellation in the equatorial region of the southern sky near Cancer, Libra, and Centaurus.长蛇星座南天赤道地区的一个星座,靠近巨蟹座、天秤座和人马座

14.The Relationship Between the JingQi(Dao) and Body;“天出其精,地出其形,合此以为人”——试论《管子》中的身体和天道关系

15.the abode of God and the angels and the souls of those who have gained salvation.上帝,天使和获得拯救的人的灵魂居住的地方。

16.On Basic Status of "the Interactive Harmony between Nature and Humanity" in the Modernization of China;略论“天人互动和谐”在中国现代化中的基础地位

17.Successful Factor of“Psychological Interview”Column;天时、地利、人和——《心理访谈》栏目的成功因素

18.Today, with humanism prevailing, the behavior of mankind has greatly destroyed this relationship.在“人本主义”盛行的今天,人类的创造极大地破坏了人与自然的和谐。


Participation of man in nature人参天地

3)the unity of nature and mankind天地人和

4)quadripartite structure of heaven,earth,god and man天地神人

5)heaven earth men system天地人系统

1.Modernheaven earth men system is a result of the early universe which passed through a series of symmetry destruction and symmetry organization.天地人系统是从宇宙早期以来处于非平衡态的混沌体 ,经过一系列对称破缺和对称重组的结果。

6)unity of man and universe天地人合一


《天地会》中国档案汇编。中国人民大学清史研究所、中国第一历史档案馆合编。中国人民大学出版社1980年起陆续分册出版。全7册,约250万字,平装。所辑史料绝大部分是有关天地会创立及其1840年前反清斗争的档案文件,少量为有关天地会起源和有关人物传记的文献资料。凡档案文件均全文公布。文献资料则据内容酌情节录选编,对所录原文文字不作改动。该书依史料内容分为 4个部分:①天地会的起源。辑录有关天地会创立于晚清说、康熙甲寅年或雍正甲寅年说、乾隆二十六年说、乾隆三十二年说等说法所依据的主要史料。②林爽文起义。系统辑录清政府镇压起义的文件,并收录起义军的告示、军令、委任状、书信及天地会的会簿、结盟誓词等珍贵史料。③乾隆五十三年(1788)至六十年期间天地会的活动。记录林爽文起义被镇压后天地会在台湾、福建等地复兴、发展和发动起义的情况。④嘉庆、道光年间天地会的活动。记录添弟会、小刀会、三点会、三合会、仁义会、双刀会、阳盘会、阴盘会、平头会、洪莲会等天地会新支派。在台湾、福建、浙江、广东、广西、云南、贵州、湖南、江西、江苏、新疆等地的频繁活动以及发动武装起义的情况。
