900字范文 > 轮椅车 wheelchair英语短句 例句大全

轮椅车 wheelchair英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-18 10:52:37


轮椅车 wheelchair英语短句 例句大全



1.Study of lifting up caster ofwheelchair;对轮椅车前轮举起动作的研究

2.According towheelchair\"s relative national standard and code,binding the characteristics of interior trim for metro vehicles,analyses the designing key points ofwheelchair\"s area in the metro vehicle.根据轮椅车的相关国家标准和规范,结合城轨车辆内饰的特点,具体分析城轨车辆轮椅位设计应关注的要点。


1.Researcg on Control System Applied in Electric Wheelchair Based on Dsp基于DSP的电动轮椅车控制系统的研究

2.Research on Bldc Motor Control System Applied in Power Wheelchair Based on DSP;电动轮椅车用无刷直流电动机控制系统的研究

3.Charles saw them both at the same time: the small white bird floating from among the park trees and the girl wheeling down the walk.查尔斯同时看到鸟和人:小白鸟自公园的树林中穿梭,女孩开着轮椅车上了人行道。

4.When it is hard for you to push a wheelchair off the bus, a steel plate will stretch out of the bus, so that you can push the wheelchair off.当你推着轮椅下车有困难时,公共汽车内的钢板会延伸到车外,这样你就能推出轮椅。

5.My glance turned to a small wheelchair strapped to the back of the van.我的目光转向车后用带子束住的一辆小轮椅。

6.The three of us struggled to lift Tom out of his wheelchair into the car.我们三人费劲地将汤姆架出轮椅,扶进车里。

7.The Design and Research of a New Automatic Elevator for Vehicle Seat新型车载轮椅自动升降机的设计与研究

8.Of course, however good the van is, it will need adapting so the wheelchair can go in and be secure.当然,不管车子怎么好,也需要改装才能安全地放进轮椅。

9.We lifted Tom out of the car, settled him into the wheelchair, and loaded our picnic stuff into our arms.我们将汤姆扶出车,安置在轮椅上,然后捧出野餐的东西。

10.As the car pulled away,the woman in the wheelchair waved and clutched the lilacs to her heart.当汽车开动时,轮椅中的妇人挥起了手,把紫丁香花抱在胸口。

11.A four-wheeled open carriage with the seat or seats attached to a flexible board running between the front and rear axles.平板马车一种轻便的四轮马车,车身为一有弹性的平板,上设座椅,无顶盖

12.Several examples of direct materials are major subassemblies such as the seat, back, and frame of a chair; the wheels of a bicycle; the electronic components in a calculator; and the sheet metal and glass in an automobile.比如椅子的座面、靠背、骨架,自行车的轮子,计算器的电子元件,汽车的钢材和玻璃等。

13.She backed the chair into the doorway.她把轮椅退到门口。

14.a disabled child in a wheelchair坐轮椅的残疾儿童.

15.a wheelchair propelled by a motor.由电动机驱动的轮椅。

16.The concert hall has accesses for wheelchairs .音乐厅设有轮椅通道。

17.Grandpa sat in his wheelchair at the front door.祖父坐在门前的轮椅里。

18.push a wheelchair up/down a ramp把轮椅推上[下]坡道



3)electric wheelchairs电动轮椅车

1.Based on ultrasonic measuring distance technology, a new method of detecting obstacle and giving a wide berth used inelectric wheelchairs is presented.根据超声波测距原理,提出一种基于超声测距技术的电动轮椅车检测障碍物、避障的新方法。

4)Motorized wheelchair机动轮椅车

5)wheelchair aids轮椅辅助车

6)Multifunctional wheel chair多功能轮椅车

1.Finite element analysis and optimization of multifunctional wheel chair多功能轮椅车有限元分析及其优化


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