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轮椅 wheelchair英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-26 06:17:55


轮椅 wheelchair英语短句 例句大全



1.Structure study onwheelchair wear based on human body engineering;基于人体工效学的轮椅使用者服装的结构研究

2.Development of automatic elevator for minibus carryablewheelchair;车载式轮椅自动升降机的研制


1.She backed the chair into the doorway.她把轮椅退到门口。

2.a disabled child in a wheelchair坐轮椅的残疾儿童.

3.a wheelchair propelled by a motor.由电动机驱动的轮椅。

4.The concert hall has accesses for wheelchairs .音乐厅设有轮椅通道。

5.Grandpa sat in his wheelchair at the front door.祖父坐在门前的轮椅里。

6.push a wheelchair up/down a ramp把轮椅推上[下]坡道

7.Wheelchair Foundation has donated 2,500 wheelchairs to Hainan province.世界轮椅基金会最近向海南岛捐赠了2500辆轮椅。

8.Research of Wheelchair Comfortability and Design of Wheelchair Specially for Cerebral Palsy Patients;轮椅舒适性研究及脑瘫患者专用轮椅的设计

9.A chair mounted on large wheels for the use of a sick or disabled person.轮椅为病人或残疾人所用的置于大轮子之上的椅子

10.His bad leg condemns him to a wheelchair.他那条有残疾的腿迫使他坐轮椅。

11.a legless man in a wheelchair.坐在轮椅上的没有腿的人。

12.a crippling disease which sentenced him to a lifetime in a wheelchair把他终生束缚在轮椅上的残疾.

13.He had to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.他在轮椅上度过了以后的生活。

14.That sick person has got a Bath chair.那个病人有一部巴斯轮椅

15.She competed in a wheelchair.她是坐在轮椅上参加的比赛。

16.he rented a wheelchair for his aunt,为他的姑妈租了一个轮椅,

17.He used a wheelchair for the rest of his life.因而他的后半生不得不依靠轮椅生活。

18.He collapse the wheelchair and put it on the boat.他将轮椅摺叠起来放在船上。


wheel chair轮椅

1.Objective To study effect of racing training on 54 paraplegic ability of drivingwheel chair.目的提高截瘫患者驱动轮椅的能力。


4)tennis wheelchair网球轮椅

1.The design of thetennis wheelchair based on the human engineering;基于人机工程学的网球轮椅设计

5)electric wheelchair电动轮椅

1.Based on the idea of modular design,an overall design scheme for a new type ofelectric wheelchair which can not only lies and stands but also climbs ladders is proposed,then the driving module,ladders-crawling module,lying-standing module and multifunctional module are introduced.采用模块化设计思想,提出了一种新型可卧立可爬梯电动轮椅的总体设计方案,并依次给出了助行模块、爬梯模块和卧立模块3个核心模块及多功能模块的设计。

2.Based on studying adverse influence in sitting posture theory,broken through function and structure of traditional wheelchairsa,design ofelectric wheelchair for stance and supine posture was developed and the principle of work was clarified.在研究坐姿对身体产生的不利影响的基础上,突破传统轮椅的功能和结构,提出了一种可实现站立及仰卧姿态的电动轮椅车的设计方案,阐明了轮椅机构的工作原理,并对站立机构进行了运动分析。

6)Basketball wheelchair篮球轮椅

1.The Design and Fatigue Life Analysis of Basketball Wheelchair;篮球轮椅的设计及疲劳寿命分析

2.Based on the human engineering theory the structure of the newlyBasketball wheelchair is designed.基于人机工程学的理论对篮球轮椅进行了结构设计,采用了PRO/E软件对篮球轮椅进行三维实体造型,并利用I-DEAS软件对篮球轮椅进行了有限元计算分析,计算结果验证了所设计的篮球轮椅的安全性。


