900字范文 > 环带 belt英语短句 例句大全

环带 belt英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-15 21:05:45


环带 belt英语短句 例句大全



1.In the case of invariable of outriggerbelt and changing the vertical positional arrangement,the effect on structural inner force,natural vibration period and sidesway were discussed.分析固定加强层水平伸臂的位置不变,改变环带的竖向位置,研究环带的竖向位置对高层框筒结构力学性能的影响。

2.A method of sidesway controlling by horizontal loads on high-rise frame-core wall structures was discussed and mechanism of reducing structure sidesway with horizontal outrigger andbelt elements had been analyzed.探讨了高层框架-核心筒结构在水平荷载作用下的侧移控制方法,分析了设置水平伸臂构件和环带构件对减小这类结构侧移的作用机理。

3.Sometimesbelts beam or truss are set up when necessary.针对现阶段国内外水平伸臂的研究较多,而环带对结构的影响分析较少,论文通过工程算例分析研究了伸臂和环带对结构在水平荷载作用下的力学性能,着重分析了环带在加强层中的作用。


1.zonal structure【矿】带状构造,环带构造

2.circulating out fill循环带出井底沉淀物

3.The first band is composed of several distinctly different SUB-BANDS.第一环带由数个明显不同的副环带组成。

4.Having zones;belted, striped, or ringed.有带的,有腰带的;条纹的、斑纹的或环带的

5.Run the strap through the strap eyelet as shown.把背带穿过背带环。

6.garland of flowers (worn on the head)(带在头上的)花环.

7.The part of a harness strap that passes through a buckle.扣环的皮带穿过皮带扣环的皮带的一部分

8.environmental stressor带来环境压力的因素

9.Something that encircles or surrounds.带环绕或围绕之物.

10.cromflex oil (piston) ring钢制带胀圈的(活塞)环

11.Pulley Snap Ring Remove/Install皮带盘扣环拆卸/安装

12.Cover with ring in it which fit into special hole make in sheet of paper带特别孔的纸中装入带环眼的硬封皮

13.Remember to Pack it In, Pack it Out, and recycle.记住:带来,带走,还有循环使用。

14.An encircling band for holding in a baby"s protruding navel.脐带连于婴儿突出的肚脐上的环绕带

15.Insert the shoulder/lap belt buckles in the elastic straps.插入肩部/膝部安全带扣环到塑料带圈。

16.To surround or encircle with or as if with a belt or girdle.用(好象用)带子或腰带围绕或环绕

17.inserted nut abrasive discs and inseted nut ring wheels带螺母砂盘和带螺母环形砂轮

18.a blunt needle for pulling tape or ribbon through a series of loops or a hem.用于将带或带状物拉过环或圈的钝针。



1.However during the fixed-orthodontic appliance bonding,gingivitis often emerges because of plaque on the brackets, bend and arch wire.但在固定矫治中,由于托槽,带环及弓丝可以引起更多的菌斑附着,因此常出现牙龈炎症。


1.Effects of straight-archwireband in edgewise appliance;直丝弓带环在方丝弓矫正技术中的临床应用

2.Study of cementation buccal tube substitute for molarband粘接型颊面管替代磨牙带环的初步研究

4)annulus magnetic field环带磁场

5)outer-ring forest-belt外环林带

1.By measuring the concentration of the air ions, temperature, air humidity, wind speed and PM10 in theouter-ring forest-belt and botanic garden of Shanghai, This paper analyzed the correlation between the air ions and its environmental influential factors, finding that in the outer-ring the air Cleaning Index (CI) in the wilds and road were 0.通过测量上海城市外环林带和植物园空气离子、温度、相对湿度、风速及可吸入颗粒物浓度(PM10)等指标,研究分析了城市绿地空气离子与环境因子的相关关系。

6)carbonyl compounds with ring带环羰基


