900字范文 > 带束层 belt英语短句 例句大全

带束层 belt英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-17 22:52:44


带束层 belt英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on thebelt compound formulation of steel-belted radial tire;半钢子午线轮胎压延法带束层胶配方的研究

2.Application of predispersed accelerator H-80 in thebelt compound of semi-steel radial tire;预分散促进剂H-80在半钢子午线轮胎带束层中的应用

3.Application of rebar element to analyzing mechanical properties forbelt of tire;加强筋单元在轮胎带束层力学性能分析中的应用


1.Application of adhesive resin A250 in the belt compound of radial tire粘合树脂A250在子午线轮胎带束层胶中的应用

2.Application of 4+6HT Betru series of steel cord in belt of TBR tire4+6HT Betru系列钢丝帘线在全钢载重子午线轮胎带束层中的应用

3.Study on correlation between belt swelling rate and endurance of TBR tire载重子午线轮胎带束层膨胀率与耐久性能关系的探讨

4.Application of New Material NW SiO_2 in the Tread Rubber and Simulation of Affection of Belt Structure on the Performance of Radial Tire;新材料NWSiO_2在胎面胶中应用及新结构带束层对轮胎性能影响仿真的研究

5.Bi-level Linear Programming on the Basis of Genetic Algorithms;带上层约束二层线性规划的遗传算法

6.Modeling and Simulation of a Constrained Damping Beam with Slotted Stand-off Layer新型带槽扩展层约束阻尼梁结构的建模与仿真

7.Dynamic Hierarchical Multicast Routing with Delay-Bandwidth Constraints支持时延-带宽约束的动态层次组播路由

8.The three zones of adrenal cortex from capsule inwards : zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, and the zona reticularis ? can be seen here.肾上腺的三个区带来自于脏层被膜:球状带、束状带、网状带-可以被看到!

9.A raised horizontal surface or continuous band on an exterior wall; a stringcourse.飞檐一堵外墙上凸起的水平表面或连续的条板;束带层

10.Analysis and Study of the Embedded and Restriction of the Multiple and High-rise Building with Different Floors of the Basement带地下室的多高层建筑嵌固约束问题的分析研究

11.A Bi-level Programming Model for Competitive Location under a Pricing Constraint一个带产品定价约束的竞争选址双层规划模型及其求解算法

12.fasten one"s belt束紧皮带,系上皮带

13.accordion hose load车载带束叠装的水带

14.To encircle with a belt or band.束紧用腰带或带子围住

15.a full skirt with a gathered waistband.带一条束腰带的连衣裙。

16.She girded her waist with a sash.= She girded a sash round her waist.她以饰带束腰,她把饰带束在腰上。

17.To be fastened or tied with laces or a lace.以系带系紧用束带或花边束缚或固定

18.When sunspots release their electrical energy, they shoot beams of negatively charged electrons into space, some of which escape into the earth"s atmosphere.当太阳黑子释放其电能时,它们带有负电荷的电子束射入太空,其中有一部进入地球的大气层。


belt ply带束层

3)belt compound带束层胶

1.Modification of thebelt compound of semi-steel radial tire;半钢子午线轮胎带束层胶配方的改进

2.Application of domestic HMMM in carcass ply compound andbelt compound;国产HMMM在胎体帘布胶和带束层胶中的应用

3.Application of adhesive resin PN759 inbelt compound of semi-steel radial tire;粘合树脂PN759在半钢子午线轮胎带束层胶中的应用

4)0-break belt0带束层

5)string course束带层

6)belt angle带束层角度

1.Effect ofbelt angle on stress of an all steel cord truck radial tire by finite element analysis;带束层角度对全钢子午线轮胎应力影响的有限元分析

2.Three-dimensional nonlinear analysis of effect ofbelt angle on structure and properties of radial tire;带束层角度对子午胎结构性能影响的三维非线性有限元分析

3.Studying effect ofbelt angle on performance of car tire by FEM;用有限元法研究带束层角度对轿车轮胎性能的影响


