900字范文 > 复合种养 complex planting and breeding英语短句 例句大全

复合种养 complex planting and breeding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-10 10:37:28


复合种养 complex planting and breeding英语短句 例句大全

复合种养,complex planting and breeding

1)complex planting and breeding复合种养


1.A Probe to the Cultural Approaches to the Renovation of Karst Rocky Desertification Convulsion-example from the Miao Nationality"s Environmental Adaptation of Composite Growing and Breeding Livelihood喀斯特石漠化灾变救治的文化思路探析——以苗族复合种养生计对环境的适应为例

2.Feature of Soil Nutrient Stocks and Physical Properties of E.grandis-herbs Compound Patterns at Initial Stages;巨桉林草复合种植模式初期土壤养分库及物理性质研究

3.Studies on the Effect of Two Multi-nutrient Blocks on Milk Goats;两种复合营养舔砖对舍饲奶山羊应用效果的研究

4.Breeding of Strain for Producing Citric Acid by Composite Mutation and Optimization of Fermentation Conditions and Culture Medium;复合诱变柠檬酸菌种的选育及发酵条件和培养基的优化

5.From a Comparative Study of Several Financial English Textbooks to See How to Educate Interdisciplinary English Language Talents;从几种金融英语教材的比较分析看复合型英语专业人才的培养

6.From Teaching Business English to Teaching Business in English: An approach to develop graduates with English proficiency and business expertise;从商务英语到英语商务——培养英语复合型人才的一种模式

7.Zooplankton species richness and impact factors in a compound aquaculture system复合养殖系统中浮游动物种类丰度及其影响因素

8.Marrow stromal cells cultured in a composite scaffold of fibrin glue and xenogeneic inorganic bone纤维蛋白胶与异种骨复合支架中立体培养的兔骨髓基质细胞(英文)

bined Degree: A New Model for Well-roundedStudent Education in 21st Century;联合学位:培养复合型人才的新模式

10.Preliminary Study on Cultivating Complex Type of Gardening Talent for Comprehensive Colleges综合性大学培养复合型园艺人才初探

11.(combining form) having seeds as specified.(复合形式)指特定种子的。

12.The idea of reform can cultivate the compound talents with good foundation and wide knowledge.这种改革思路有助于培养厚基础,宽口径的复合型人才,它是大势所趋。

13.To introduce ESP into the education for English majors is a promising interdisciplinary education attempt.将专门用途英语引入英语专业教育是培养复合型英语专业人才的一种有益尝试。

14.Feature of Runoff and Sediment and Nutrient Losses in Some Forest (Bamboo)+Grass Compound Patterns in Western Hills of Sichuan Province;川西低山区几种林(竹)+草复合经营模式的产流产沙特征及养分流失研究

15.Tissue Engineered Cartilage Culture in Rabbits" Knee Cavity by Homologous Decalcified Bone Matrix Combined Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell: An Experimental Research兔膝关节腔内同种异体脱钙骨复合骨髓间充质干细胞培养组织工程软骨的实验研究

16.Analysis of Nutrients in Nutritional Steamed Bread made of Multiple Vegetable and Fruit Juice and Soybean复合果蔬汁大豆营养馒头的营养成分分析

17.Bioremediation of Mariculture Wastewater by Mixed Microorganisms;复合微生物菌剂在海水养殖废水中的修复作用

18.Study on the Training Pattern of Compound Talents of English Major外语专业复合型人才培养模式的研究



1.The paper establishes an optimized model fitted with thecrop-livestock agricultural system by modifying the traditional linear programming method according to .现就种养结合型农业生产结构的特点,将传统的线性规划模型加以改进,建立适应种养结合型农业生产结构调整的优化模型,结合内蒙古土默特左旗以发展奶业为主的农区畜牧业结构进行农业生产结构调整优化方案的模拟,并提出相关政策建议,为各级基层政府制定和确立农业生产结构调整指导方案提供理论和方法上的参考。


1.Effect of lipopolysaccharide on Janus kinase expressions in cocultured lung microvascular endothelial cells;脂多糖对复合培养的微血管内皮细胞Janus激酶表达的影响

2.Enhancement of interleukin-6 expression in cocultured pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells in hypoxia;低氧对复合培养的平滑肌细胞中白细胞介素-6表达的影响

3.Effect of cocultured pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells on cytokine expressions in pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells after hypoxic exposure复合培养对低氧时肺动脉平滑肌细胞表达细胞因子的调节


1.Study on thepolyculture of Porphyra haitanensis and Moerella irredescens坛紫菜与彩虹明樱蛤复合养殖的研究

5)the type of combining planting and breeding种养结合型

6)Pseudoterranova decipiens complexPseudoterranovadecipiens复合种


