900字范文 > 生态种养 eco-planting and breeding英语短句 例句大全

生态种养 eco-planting and breeding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-21 17:51:33


生态种养 eco-planting and breeding英语短句 例句大全

生态种养,eco-planting and breeding

1)eco-planting and breeding生态种养


1.Value Evaluation on the Ecosystem Services of Rice-duck Ecological Management Model with No-tillage;免耕稻—鸭生态种养模式生态系统服务功能价值评估

2.Rice-Duck Ecological Management with No-tillage and Studies on Comprehensive Benefits of This System;免耕稻—鸭生态种养模式及综合效益研究

3.Studies on Rules of Nitrogen Transformation in Ecological Planting and Farming Models in Paddy Fields;稻田生态种养模式氮素转化规律的研究

4.An environmental economics analysis of a rice-duck ecological management technique with no-tillage;免耕稻-鸭生态种养技术的环境经济学分析

5.Studies on Function of Mitigating Methane Emission in Paddyfield and Imporvement of Rice Growth Environment in Rice-Duck-fish Complex Ecosystem;稻鸭鱼生态种养对稻田甲烷减排及水稻栽培环境改善的功能研究

6.The Study on Seedling-stage Growth, Dynamic Changes of Soil Nutrients of Introduced Fast-growing Poplar Breeds;速生杨引种苗期生长与土壤养分动态研究

7.Study on Nutrient Balance of Five Agro-Ecosystems in Jurong;句容市五种农田生态系统的养分平衡研究

8.Study and Practice of the Expert System on Rice-duck Planting and Breeding Eco-engineering on Wetlands;湿地稻鸭种养生态工程专家系统的研究与实现

9.Fermentative Hydrogen Producing Bacteria and the Population Ecology of Mixed Culture Systems;发酵产氢菌株与混合培养系统种群生态研究

10.Impact on the native marine ecosystem from the imported species of marine aquaculture;海水养殖引进种的生态影响及管理对策研究

11.The ecological economic significance and measure exploration of planting fodder grass in desert steppe and raising Livestock;荒漠绿洲种草养畜的生态经济意义及措施探讨

12.The project for developing the cultivated and fed pattem ecological agriculture at poor soils in tai ko village;台口村沙荒滩地种养型生态农业开发设计


14.Studies on the ecological factors of four microalgae populations in mixed-culture共培养系统中4种微藻生态因子的研究

15.Differences of root growth and morphology of seed-base seedling and container seedling种基盘苗与营养钵苗根系生长和形态的差异

16.Decomposition and nutrient release of four mulching plants in the upland area of Guizhou Province四种生物覆盖植物的自然分解及养分释放动态

17.Seed Germination and Seedling Morphogenesis of Bletilla striata under the Different Culture Medium不同培养基上白芨的种子萌发与幼苗形态发生

18.At present, all nutrient elements are gradually enriched in the nutrient cycle of Fargesia denudata ecosystem.(3)目前,缺苞箭竹生态系统养分循环中,各种营养元素都在逐渐富集。


rice-duck ecological management稻-鸭生态种养

1.Effects ofrice-duck ecological management technique on growth performance and meat quality of ducks;稻-鸭生态种养对鸭生产性能及肉品质的影响

3)Scale rice-duck ecological farming稻鸭生态种养

4)ecological pattern of planting-breeding"种养结合"生态农业模式



1.Influence ofeco-nutrition on serum TNF-α in severe craniocerebral injury rats developed acute gastric mucosal lesion;生态营养对重型颅脑创伤继发急性胃黏膜损伤大鼠血清肿瘤坏死因子的影响

2.In this paper, based on the review of the status of controlling or minimizing animal pollution, the approaches and measures were pointed out for controlling the husbandry enviromental pollution and ensuring the animal product safety by principle ofeco-nutrition and bio-technolog本文针对我国畜牧业环境污染现状及特点,提出了应用生态营养学理论和技术,控制畜牧业环境污染、保证畜禽产品安全的措施和途径。

3.This article elucidates the relationship between animal nutrition and ecology,the concept and researching content ofeco-nutrition and,in particular,the instruction guidance of ecology fundamentals about sustainable development to animal nutrition.本文论述了动物营养学与生态学的关系、生态营养的概念以及研究内容;着重论述了可持续发展应遵循的生态学基本原理对动物营养学的指导作用。


