900字范文 > 生态保护实施者 implementers of ecological protection英语短句 例句大全

生态保护实施者 implementers of ecological protection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-22 20:30:28


生态保护实施者 implementers of ecological protection英语短句 例句大全

生态保护实施者,implementers of ecological protection

1)implementers of ecological protection生态保护实施者

2)benefit from ecological protection生态保护受益者

3)protection and implementation of Reader"s right读者权利保护与实施

4)protection Implementation实施保护


1.and a lack of enforcement of protection laws.以及没有实施保护法。

2.Carry Out Protective Agricultural Methods for Sustainable Development in Hubei Province;实施保护性耕作,实现湖北农业可持续发展

3.Additional measures are urgently needed to ensure customer protection.切实保护消费者的新措施急需出台。

4.Ⅰ. Comprehensively Organizing and Implementing the Natural Forest Protection Project一. 全面组织实施天然林保护工程。

5.The State adopts the following protective measures on the forest resources:国家对森林资源实行以下保护性措施:

6.On the Harmonization of Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Law Applications;论知识产权保护与竞争法实施的协调

7.A Documentary review on protection and implementation of property rights;一个关于产权保护和实施的文献述评

8.Some measures about the chemical protection in chemical experiment of our college;我校化学实验中环境保护的几点措施

9.A Selective Protection Method of Low-voltage Power System实现低压电网选择性保护的一种措施

10.The Essentials and Crucial Links in Implementing Protective Cultivation Techniques保护性耕作技术实施要点及关键环节

11.The main Bureau of China"s Customs will implement protective measures for intellectual property rights中国海关总署将实施对知识产权的保护措施

12.The Implement Problems of International Protection of Human Rights and Solutions;浅析人权国际保护实施中的问题及完善措施

13.The methodology uses a multi-layer protection approach consisting of combinations of administrative and physical controls."保密措施包括行政和实物控制等多种保护”。

14.Empirical Analysis on Effects of Natural Forest Protection Project in Hainan Province;海南省天然林保护工程实施影响实证分析

15.Analysis of the Protective Policies to Strategic Resources in China;我国实施战略性资源保护政策的实效分析

16.Projects to protect the natural forests and wetlands, and to reconvert farmland into forest or pasture have been carried out on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.在长江上游实施天然林保护工程,退耕还林、还草和湿地保护工程。

17.Using the Rules of Market Economy to Protect the Historical Constructions;运用市场经济规律实施历史建筑保护——新乡市历史建筑保护初探

18.The Development of Environmental Protection Law of the Peoples Republic of China中国环境保护法的发展历程——纪念《中国环境保护法》颁布实施30周年


benefit from ecological protection生态保护受益者

3)protection and implementation of Reader"s right读者权利保护与实施

4)protection Implementation实施保护

5)Protection and Implementation保护实施

6)ecological protection生态保护

1.Practice and revelation onecological protection of hydroelectric development;我国水利水电开发的生态保护实践与启示

2.Resource-based advantages ofecological protection project of Linyi Riverside Wetland and its benefit analysis;临沂滨河湿地生态保护工程资源优势及效益分析

3.Study on coastal wetlands use and itsecological protection of Jiangsu Province;江苏省沿海滩涂土地利用与生态保护研究


生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。
