900字范文 > 器物 implements英语短句 例句大全

器物 implements英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-20 06:28:57


器物 implements英语短句 例句大全



1.The modernization thoughs of HongRengan was mainly included in the 《new page of capitalistic politics》,It mainly includesimplements modernization,institution modernization,thoughs and culture modernization.洪仁的现代化思想主要反映在他的《资政新篇》中,主要可概括为:器物现代化、制度现代化以及思想文化现代化三个方面。

2.This article analyzes the close relationship between the creation of Tujiaimplements and the natural environment, economic life, life style, recreational and sports activties, and cultural exchanges.文章分析了土家族器物的创制与自然环境、自然资源、经济生活、生活方式、文体活动、文化交流的密切关系,考察了土家族器物的发展演变历程及其原因,阐述了各个历史时期器物的特征。

3.In this thesis,the author has inquired into theimplements that are used in the ritual of Zhuang s shigong folk-religion and their deification.这些器物经过“开光”后 ,本身便具有了神化的意义 ,而师公对它们的使用 ,则是对其固定意义的延伸和发挥 ,从而使仪式的意义更加丰富和完善 ,构成一个完整的行为体


plete with animals, plants, and artifacts,连同动物,植物以及史前古器物,

2.physics of high energy particle accelerator高能粒子加速器物理学

3.Biosensors and Bioinstruments ?生物传感器与仪器学

4.The unearthed relics are: bronze wares, iron wares, jade wares, stone wares, pot ware,lacquer ware, bamboo wares, agate etc.出土文物计有:青铜器、铁器、玉器、石器、陶器、漆器、竹木器、玛瑙等。

pared with microbe bioreactor and animal bioreactor, plant bioreactor has many unique advantages.与微生物生物反应器和动物生物反应器相比,植物生物反应器有其独特的优越性。

6.An organ or a structure that secretes a substance.分泌物质的器官或组织

7.( of a container or its contents)overflo(指容器或所盛之物)溢出

8.differential pressure level transducer[sensor]差压(式)物位传感器

9.geophysical apparatus factory地球物理仪器制造厂

10.biomedical nuclear electronic instrument生物医学核电子仪器

11.geophysical instrument, electronic电子地球物理勘测仪器

12.grow together (of plants and organs).(植物或器官)长在一起。

13.load support and pusher货物支承架和推出器

14.sensitive microbiological detector灵敏微生物学检定器

15.Polymer filter/elements/fibermets聚合物过滤器/部件/滤芯

16.cargo ballast handling simulator货物压载操作模拟器

17.tramp-iron magnetic separator铁质夹杂物磁力分离器

18.Hardy plankton indicator哈迪浮游生物指示器



1.In our history the unique legal culture of nationalities in system,thought andutensil was evolved.历史上我国很多少数民族在制度、思想和器物方面都形成独特的法律文化,各民族多元法文化的存在大大丰富了中华法文化的内容,有些民族法律文化现象一直保留至今。

2.The cognition of modernization experienced the course from "utensils, system to culture", while the development of China s modernization is from culture, system, andutensils to all round development.本文认为,中国现代化的发展属于后发外生型的现代化,在对现代化的认识问题上,经历了个从“器物、制度到文化”的过程,而中国现代化的发展却经历了一个从文化、制度到器物,再到社会全面发展的过程。

3.The fundamental discrepancy between traditionalutensils and modern products results from material and technical situations.传统器物与现代产品的根本差异性是物质技术条件的差异性,相似性是人的内在相似性心理结构,表现为共通的审美观和文化价值观。


1.However,the Wu culture lacked such a connotation as there was not a definite kind of burial custom concerning graves,andutensils of Wu also lacked a fixed pattern or feature.然而吴文化却缺乏这种独特的内涵,其表现为吴人的墓葬没有一定的形制与葬俗,吴人的器物也缺乏固定的器型与特色,吴文化的不定型和变动性反映出吴人兼收并包和多元杂糅的特点。

2.The current dominant thinking model which treats nature asutensils, namely regarding essence of nature as that ofutensils, leads to series of ideologies, such as scientific rationalism, utilitarianism, dogmatism and anthropocentrism.当今社会的主导思维范式是一种器物化的自然观。

3.The content of Han Bamboo slips contain many aspects, such as documents、letters、utensils and so on.汉简内容极其庞杂,涉及文书、簿册、器物、经籍、簿检、计簿、信札、历谱等多方面。


1.After 1949,Chinese modernization has been realized and carried forward step by step fromimplements,systems,culture to ideas of humanrights by the CPC,so has the sinification.建国以来,我们党一步步地从器物、制度(体制)、文化以至人学观层面实现和推进着中国的现代化,同时又是在一步步地实现和推进着马克思主义的中国化。

2.Five thousand culture of china gives us myriadimplements, some were oblivion in long history, the other were used till today.华夏五千年的文明,给我们留下了无数器物,有的被历史的长河所湮没,有的至今仍沿用,而宜人性作为器物源源流传的基本条件之一,凝聚了历代匠人的心血。


1.The first is viewing the history from the evolution of various hardwares including mainly the implements especially the tools,industries,making modes,objects processed with further developed technologies,technological materials,progress of technological dynamism and expansion of technological space.其一是器物的视角,主要包括器具史(尤其是工具史)、产业史、造物方式史、技术对象深入史、技术材料史、技术动力进步史、技术空间扩展史等;其二是活动与技艺的视角,包括“技术方法”发展史,诸如操作史、发明方法史等;其三是思想与社会视角,包括技术思想史和技术社会史等。

2.Thewares in Chu Dynasty are diverse in types,distinct in theme,elegant in style,colorful in color,which creates a new horizon for the southern aesthetic culture in ancient times.楚器物从造型到装饰所表现出来的楚风特征表明,楚器物的产生与楚风俗有着密切的关联,楚风俗是楚器物发育生长的母胎。

3.This article attempts to discuss the topic onity that implies in the ritual according to the research on the ritual of the stages ofwares.通过对器物层次的礼的研究,来探讨礼背后所蕴涵的权力问题,并进而认为,器物之礼不仅彰显着权力关系,而且还论证了这种权力关系配置的正当性。


1.The effect of hyperoxic condition on abiofilter in a closed recirculating aquaculture system;高溶氧对闭合养殖系统中生物滤器功能的影响

2.Study on design and performance of two-layer floating beadbiofilter for recirculating aquaculture system;双层浮球生物滤器设计及其水产养殖水处理性能试验

3.Applications and studies on thebiofilter in American industrialized recirculating aquaculture美国工厂化循环水养殖中生物滤器的研究与应用


器物1.原指尊彝之类。后为各种用具的统称。 2.器具和货物。
