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实施 implementation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-02 03:24:53


实施 implementation英语短句 例句大全



1.Theimplementation of ERP quality system module in Heda Paper Co.,Ltd. and its optimization;贺达纸业ERP质量系统模块的实施及优化

2.Standardized management andimplementation of digitalization input for Liaohe Oilfield past geologging data;辽河油田历年地质录井资料数字化录入的规范管理与实施

3.Implementation and Management of Manufacturing Execution System in Tobacco Enterprise;烟草企业MES的实施与运行管理


1.SS7 Implementation, ContinuedSS7实施(续)

2.Article 5 Application of Safeguard Measures第5条 保障措施的实施

3.To administer(laws, for example).实施、执行(如法律)

4.The March 1986 Program to stimulate the development of high technologies was implemented successfully.“863”计划顺利实施。

5.Unit for the Application of the Peace Agreements和平协定实施股(协定实施股)

6.A Research on the Difficulties of China s Property Taxation Policy and the Discussion for Methods;我国物业税实施难点及实施方案探讨

7.Institutional Gains and Costs;制度的实施收益、实施成本和维持成本

8.Puzzledom and resolve approach of urban tourism planning.城市旅游规划的实施困境与实施要则

9.Measures of Dewatering Deep Confined Water in Extra-deep Excavation超深基坑施工中实施抽降深层承压水的措施

10.A correction can be made in conjunction with a corrective action.纠正可连同纠正措施一起实施。

11.(c) effective production-restricting measures are applied to the primary agricultural product;(c)对初级农产品实施有效限产措施;

12.These recommendations were implemented during the year.上述的建议措施,已在年内实施。

13.That measure must be carried into execution at once那项措施必须立即贯彻实施。

14.(c) taking a decision to apply or extend a safeguard measure.(c)就实施或延长保障措施做出决定。

15.Water surface in the urban area will be well maintained and expanded as appropriate.继续实施拆墙透绿、拆违还绿措施。

16.The new procedures have been officially christened, so to speak.新措施可以说已经正式实施了.

17.Implementation: Construction, Planting. Maintenance. Post-construction Evaluation.实施: 施工、,绿化、养护 和完工后的评价

18.(a) implementation of China"s Regulation on Safeguards(a)中国关于保障措施的法规的实施情况



1.The Implement of Researching Subject of Chemistry Teaching in Network Circumstance;化学教学中探究课题在网络环境下的实施

2.Value byimplementing Quality Management System in an Enterprise;企业实施质量管理体系所带来的价值

3.Difficulties and measures ofimplementing HSE effectively;有效实施HSE体系的难点和对策


1.Thepractice and effect of setting up unattended severe ward in neurosurgery;神经外科无陪护重症病房的实施与效果

2.Thepractice and effect of health education in pediatric department;健康教育在儿科的实施及效果

3.The Concepts,Design,Practice and Reports of Allocation Concealment and Blinding;隐蔽分组(分配隐藏)和盲法的概念、实施与报告

4)Carry out实施

1.Whichever a leaders or a chief of leader in even organization who would carry out ISO9001,including the six administrative duties carefully,who could set up,carry out and keep the effective ad ministrative quality system.任何一个组织的领导(即最高领导者)只要认真实施ISO9001规定的六项管理职责,就一定能够建立、实施和保持一个适用有效的质量管理体系。

2.Working practice in new situation on how to carry out the effective control of the battery product quality was studied.结合工作实践,在新的形势下提出了如何实施以原材料质量控制和生产过程控制为主要内容的产品质量控制,提出了产品质量闭环管理的方法。

3.Objective manage theory is a science on researching how to fully bring man s talent energy into play,it s basic frames are set up manage objectives and carry out ,in order to ontrol them and establish a mechanism for checking.目标管理理论是研究充分调动人的潜能的科学,其基本框架是通过管理目标的设置,组织管理目标的实施,以期达到对管理目标的控制,并建立目标考核及奖惩机制。


1.Quality Analysis ofEnforcement of New State Standard for Edible Salt;《食用盐》新国标实施的质量分析

2.Discussion onEnforcement of Laboratory Information System;对实施医院实验室信息系统的探讨

3.Quantization andEnforcement of Medicine Provision Management Aim in Our Hospital;我院药品供应管理目标的量化与实施

6)bring into effect实施

1.Discussion andbring into effect of 10kV Hexi substation buzz control technology;110kV河西变电站噪声治理技术的探讨与实施

2.Population and Family Planning Law”willbring into effect on1st,September.《人口与计划生育法》将于9月1日实施,如何把人口与计划生育工作纳入依法管理的轨道,是各计划生育管理部门面临的新问题。


