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具体 Concrete英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-15 02:23:31


具体 Concrete英语短句 例句大全



1.Determination of the concrete under the ontological horizon;哲学本体论视域中的具体性规定

2.A concrete building can sit the special mark of space and time in this time and this place.定位于此时此地特定的时空坐标上的某一具体建筑,处于其所在场所的整体情景上下文的外在制约与自身的具体情景需要的内在制约之下。

3.to concrete is helpful in improving teaching and developing students comprehensive abilities.掌握从抽象上升到具体的方法,有助于提高教学效果,培养学生的能力。


1.concrete copula具体系词copular

2.concrete operational stage具体运算阶段具体运思期

3.Steps for using both of these utilities appear below.具体的使用方法将在下面作具体阐述。

4.We should make a concrete analysis of each specific question.对于每个具体问题要进行具体分析。

5.Not specifically adapted to a particular environment or function;not specialized.一般化的并非具体适应于一具体环境或功能;没有具体化

6.But to get a grip on it, we need to have specific policies and measures, and we need to solve specific ideological and practical problems.抓,要有具体政策、具体措施,解决具体的思想问题和实际问题。

7.Die Manufacturing products of the concrete implementation phase.模具制造是产品的具体实施阶段。

8.The E-payment must have got some particular tools.电子支付也应该有些具体的工具吧?

9.the quality of being considered apart from an specific instance or object.没有实例或具体对象。

10.The details vary from country to country, of course.当然,具体情况各国不同。

11.illustration(abbr. illus.)图解,例证,具体说明

12.Well, that depends.嗯,这要看具体情况。

13.Anything particular you want to inquire?具体想询价哪项商品?

14.If you inquire specificly,如果你有具体询价,

15.Specific measures therefor shall be formulated by the State Council.具体办法,由国务院规定。

16.Specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.具体办法由国务院规定。

17.The specific measures thereof shall be formulated by the State Council.具体办法由国务院规定.

18.Our specific objectives have been:我们的具体目标一直是:



1.The Logic structure of Das Kapital, the theoretical demonstration of the inner configuration of the capitalist economy, is a course from abstraction to concreteness.《资本论》的逻辑结构是从抽象到具体的过程,是资本主义经济内部结构的理论表现。

3)concrete thoughts具体思路

1.Meanwhile, it probes into theconcrete thoughts on the industrial reorganization of coal enterprises.本文在阐述了煤炭企业重组的重要性和紧迫性、分析了当前煤炭企业产业重组的有利条件的基础上,提出实施产业重组是解决这一矛盾的必由之路;并在提出煤炭产业重组的原则和目标的同时,探讨了煤炭企业产业重组的具体思路。

4)Housing mould壳体模具

5)concrete measure具体措施

1.This article elaborates the concept and necessity of open experimental teaching,elaborates the content andconcrete measures.本文论述了开放式实验教学的概念及其必要性,阐述了开放实验教学的内容及其具体措施。

bining with the practice in school of metallurgy and resources,in the practice of cultivating talents,we probe into the basic ways,put forwardconcrete measures,carry out creative education,making the sense of creative education permeating in all the processes and achieve good results.冶金与资源学院结合实际,在人才培养实践中,探索基本途径,提出具体措施,实施创新教育,使创新教育理念融入人才培养过程的各个环节,取得了初步成效。

6)fixture body夹具体

1.Taking the machining diesel engine cylinder nozzle hole as example, the course of workingfixture body used in machining space double inclined hole is analyzed and the design formulas of dimensional tolerance are deduced.以 75系列柴油机汽缸盖喷油嘴孔的加工为例 ,分析了空间双斜孔加工用夹具体的加工过程 ,推导了其尺寸公差的设计公


具体智力具体智力concrete intelligence具体智力(eonerete intelligenee)了解具体事实的知识并用以解决具体问题的能力。美国心理学家桑代克对人类智力活动的一种分类。与“抽象智力”相对。(赵娟撰成立夫审)
