900字范文 > 具体名词 concrete noun英语短句 例句大全

具体名词 concrete noun英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-16 13:39:41


具体名词 concrete noun英语短句 例句大全

具体名词,concrete noun

1)concrete noun具体名词

1.At the end of a ZUO(BE) phrase,there is often an abstract noun that serves as an object;at the end of a ZUO(DO) phrase,there is often aconcrete noun that serves as an object.一般如是实义动词应用"做"字,如果是当"作为、当作"讲时用"作"字;"作"字词组后面通常是抽象名词做宾语,"做"字后面则是具体名词作宾语;"做"字词组和它后面的名词构成动宾词组时,它的及物动词含义及语法功能特别明显,而"作"字的这一特征相对较弱。

2.In terms of sense,nouns can be divided intoconcrete noun and abstract noun,whose grammatical functions are different and asymmetrical.名词按照意义的不同可以分为具体名词和抽象名词。


1.The word "apple" is a concrete noun."苹果"是个具体名词。

2.Discussion on the Modification of Classifier "Pian" to Concrete Nouns of Vision Area from Cognitive Angle;从认知角度看量词“片”修饰视觉域具体名词

3.The generic and specific names are in Latin and are printed in italic type.第二和名字是种加词,表示该物种的具体种名。

4.concrete copula具体系词copular

5.To divide a noun is to add a morpheme before a noun-verb conversion, thus forms a compound noun.名词分化的具体做法是在名动转类词的前面添加一个实语素,构成一个单纯的复合名词。

6.Place and seat(both countable)are used for specific spaces,usually for people to sitplace 和seat(均为可数名词)指具体的空处,通常指座位

7.Nouns such as book, pen, apple and toy are countable nouns.像书、笔、苹果和玩具这类名词,称其为可数名词。

8.the doctrine that the application of a general term to various objects indicates the existence of a mental entity that mediates the application.经院哲学中非正统派唯名论的一种具体形式认为一般、共相作为名词概念都是有意义有内容的。

9.Nouns encode autonomous entities, containing various kinds of conceptual structures which belong in formal or functional aspect.名词是自主体,内含各种概念实在体和概念抽象体,可具有形式和功能两个侧面的内容。

10.Terminology of rock drilling machines and pneumatic toolsGB/T6247-1986凿岩机械与气动工具名词术语

11.a class of nouns having the same inflectional forms.具有相同屈折变化形式的一类名词。

12." Nomenclature and terminology for automotive electrical equipment, lighting and instrumentation"GB/T5337-1985汽车电器、灯具和仪表名词术语

13.a word that is more specific than a given word.比给定的词更具体的单词。

14.The restricted effect of style on the collocation of noun and measure word;论语体对名词和量词组合的制约作用

15.N-Mw phrases can not used after the predicate.形容词/动词后不能用表示具体差别的数量词。

16.A Qualitative Analysis on the Verb+(Human Body) Noun Compound Words;略论动词+人体名词式复合词的定性和定位

17.have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun).具有存在的性质;系动词,与形容词活着谓语性名词连用。

18.As you read make a conscious effort to screen the nouns, pronouns, and verbs from the other words, since these are the words that give meaning to what you have read.你读的时候,要有意识地把名词、代词和动词与别的词分开,因为这些词使你所读的东西具有意义。


concrete thing noun具体事物名词

1.The semanteme of the aspect category of aconcrete thing noun is usually shown by the lexical meaning and the grammatical meaning of aspect of the core predicate of the dictionary interpretation.具体事物名词的体范畴语义一般通过详解词典释文中核心述词的词汇意义和体的语法意义显示出来;俄语动名词的体范畴语义因素一方面和生产动词的语法体有联系,另一方面,这种联系又不是必然的。

3)abstraction or concretion名词的抽象化与具体化

4)concrete accusation具体罪名

5)human body words人体名词

1.English and Chinesehuman body words have many common semantic features.英汉两种语言的人体名词有着很多共同的语义特征,这些共同的语义特征揭示了操不同语言的人的某些思维共性。

6)parent noun母体名词


