900字范文 > 保证险 insurance英语短句 例句大全

保证险 insurance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-29 16:17:42


保证险 insurance英语短句 例句大全



1.Pricing mortgageinsurance with house price driven by O-U process;房价服从指数O-U过程保证险的鞅定价

2.Obtain the martingale pricing formulas and theinsurance actuary pricing formulas to two kinds of mortgageinsurance,and also prove that they go all the way when the unpaid money is a constant and the house price is driven by a genegal It process.假设未偿付额为常数且房产价格服从一般的It过程,得到了2类住房抵押贷款保证险的传统鞅定价公式和保险精算定价公式,并证明了2种方法的定价结果是完全一致的。

3.Using the principle of option pricing and the method of martingale pricing,we analyze the pricing of mortgageinsurance when the interest rate is modeled by Vasi c ∨ek model,and obtain the accurate formulas of two kinds of mortgageinsurance.利用期权定价理论和鞅方法 ,分析了 Vasic∨ ek利率模型下住房抵押贷款保证险的定价问题 ,得到了全额担保和部分担保两类住房抵押贷款保证险的无套利定价公式 ,其中房价服从一般的扩散过程 。

2)guarantee insurance保证保险

1.On the Control of the Risks of Real Estates Finance from the Perspective of the Private Law --The Study of Comparative Law and the Case Analysis of Guarantee Insurance;房地产金融风险防范之私法视角——关于保证保险的案例和比较法研究

2.The Research on the Operational Mechanism of the Automobile Expends-Loan Guarantee Insurance and Its Risk Guard;汽车消费贷款保证保险运行机制及风险防范研究

3.Discussion on the meaning and countermeasure of engineering qualityguarantee insurance刍议工程质量保证保险的意义与对策


mercial blanket fidelity bond insurance商业总括忠诚保证保险

2.Analysis on the Nature of Guaranty Insurance--and Some Misunderstanding in China;保证保险性质之探讨——兼论我国保证保险之误区

3.Guaranty Insurance s Application of Law--Thoughts on the Differences of Guaranty Insurance and Guaranty Liability from a Case concerning Automobile Consumptive Loan Guaranty Insurance Contract;谈保证保险的法律适用——从一起车贷险案看保证保险与保证责任的区别

4.The Development and Legal Perfection of Mortgage Guarantee Insurance of Housing;住房按揭保证保险的发展与立法完善

5.Bankable assurances银行可承兑的保险、保证

6.A written contract or certificate of insurance.保险单,保险契约一张书面的保险契约或证明

7.Whether the maintenance period is to be covered?If so,please specify the period of such maintenance:是否投保保证期保险?如是,请列明保证期期限:

8.To insure with coinsurance.共同保险按共同担保来保证

9.An insurance certificate has the same effect as an insurance policy.保险凭证与保险单具有同样的效力。

10.P.P.I. [policy proof of interest]凭保证单证明的保险利益[

11.The insurer shall issue an insurance policy or other insurance certificates to the insurance without delay.保险人应当及时向投保人签发保险单或者其他保险凭证。

12.I assure you (that) there is no danger.我向你保证没有危险。

13.There is no danger. I assure you.没有危险。我向你保证。

14.written contract or certificate of insurance.书面合同或保险证书。

15.Please delete the word“ insurance certificate or policy” from the L/ C.请将“保险凭证或保险单”从信用证中删除。

16.An Empirical Study on Risk Analysis of Equity-linked Life Insurance with Guaranteed Clauses;投资连接保险保证性条款风险分析实证研究

17.The Empirical Analysis for Pricing Risk in Insurance Company保险公司寿险产品定价风险实证研究

18.insurance value保险价值保险额保险值


guarantee insurance保证保险

1.On the Control of the Risks of Real Estates Finance from the Perspective of the Private Law --The Study of Comparative Law and the Case Analysis of Guarantee Insurance;房地产金融风险防范之私法视角——关于保证保险的案例和比较法研究

2.The Research on the Operational Mechanism of the Automobile Expends-Loan Guarantee Insurance and Its Risk Guard;汽车消费贷款保证保险运行机制及风险防范研究

3.Discussion on the meaning and countermeasure of engineering qualityguarantee insurance刍议工程质量保证保险的意义与对策

3)guaranty insurance保证保险

1.Analysis on the Nature of Guaranty Insurance——and Some Misunderstanding in China;保证保险性质之探讨——兼论我国保证保险之误区

2.Asguaranty insurance is a new type of property insurance,its nature has not yet been defined by the existing legal documents,and there have been heated debates on this issue in the academic circles.保证保险作为一个全新的保险类型,目前对其性质的界定存在立法空白,加之理论界争议颇多,以致出现大量纠纷。

3.At present,the dispute of automobile consumptive loanguaranty insurance contract increases day by day.目前,汽车消费贷款保证保险合同(以下简称保证保险)纠纷案件日趋增多,在已审结的保证保险合同案件中,人民法院对保证保险是一种保证行为还是一种保险行为认识不一。

4)C/I certificate of insurance保险凭证

5)certificate of insurance保险证书

6)Certificates of Insurance保险单证


