900字范文 > 医保 Medical insurance英语短句 例句大全

医保 Medical insurance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-23 10:41:35


医保 Medical insurance英语短句 例句大全

医保,Medical insurance

1)Medical insurance医保

1.Owning to the adjustment of medical insurance policy and the establishment of web-based medical insurance system,some traditional working styles and methods are not fit with new situation.随之现代网络技术的应用与普及,计算机技术、网络技术、数据库技术等先进管理手段和方法正逐步走进医院管理者的日常工作中,同时,由于医保政策的调整及医保网络工作环境的逐步形成,一些旧的工作模式、工作方法已不能适应新的形势。

2.The author believes problems that should be paid attention to in new situation of the medical insurance are as followed, guaranteeing two directions, updating cognition, paying attention to service quality, developing medical specialty, strengthening relation with local government.本文认为军队医院在医保新形势下应注意的问题是 :确保“两个方向”不变 ;更新观念 ;注重服务质量 ;发展特色医疗专业 ;加强同地方党政部门的联

3.We can form a new mode,unites the school-government-hospital,which based on the medical insurance of the university students.采用大学生精神卫生援助双层模式,不同精神问题区别对待,特别是对严重精神问题的解决,以医保为平台,形成学校——政府——医院联合解决模式,可以较好地填补当前高校精神卫生援助体系在此处的空白。


1.Why Does the Tripartite of Medical Care,Drug Industry and Medical Security Co-reform not Succeed?;医疗、医药、医保联动改革为什么不成功?

2.Designing on Medicare Guarantee Tax System of Dual General Social Medical Treatment Guarantee System;复式全民社会医保下的医保税制设计

3.Research on the Overall Design of Joint Reformation for Public Health Services, Medical Insurance, and Medical Production-Circulation;三医(医疗/医保/医药)联动改革总体设计研究

4.Evaluative Research on Medical Quality for Insured Inpatients of Three Hospitals;三所医院医保住院患者医疗质量评价研究

5.Major [email protected] insurance policies“巨额医疗费保险”

6.health delivery system医疗保健制度,医疗保健系统

7.Deepening the Reform of Medical Insurance and Improving Medical Security System深化医疗保险改革 完善医疗保障体系

8.Medical Behaviors of Medical Workers in Medical Insurance and Its Management Countermeasures.;医务人员在医疗保险中的医疗行为与管理对策

9.Differences in Chinese and Western Culture:Medical System,Ethics and Security of Medical Care中西文化差异:医学体系、医学伦理及医疗保障

10.The doctor cannot guarantee a cure.医生不能保证治愈.

11.Atlas of Therapeutic Motion for Treatment and Health中国医疗保健推拿图谱

12.What kind of medical insurance are you covered by?您属于那种医疗保险?

13.Council for Medical Insurance and Welfare医疗保险福祉审议会

14."Medicines & Health Care Products Co., Ltd."医药保健品有限公司

15.Agency for Health Care Policy and Research保健医疗政策研究所

16.Overseas Health Insurance海外学生医疗保险费

17.To enjoy medical and old-age insurance享有医疗和养老保险

18.I am sure to cure you of your disease .我保证能把你的病医好。


Health Insurance医保

1.For these years the Wuhan city circle\"s construction has achieved the remarkable achievement, but, still has many organizational reform flaw, in urban circle construction process health insurance reform question and so on.这几年武汉城市圈的建设取得了显著的成就,但是,仍存在着许多体制改革上的缺陷,城市圈建设过程中的医保改革问题等。

3)medical monitoring and support医监医保

1.The astronautmedical monitoring and support is an important part of space operational medicine.航天员医监医保是航天实施医学的重要组成部分。

4)Medical care医疗保健

1.Characteristics and relationship of medical care and medical insurance;医疗保健与医疗保险特征及其相互关系研究

2.Analyzing the welfare of medical care market under incomplete competition;不完全竞争医疗保健市场的福利状况分析

3.The medical care of bottlenose dolphins in quarantine;海豚隔离期间的医疗保健

5)Medical insurance医疗保险

1.Discussion on building medical insurance management evaluation system in public medical institute;建立公立医疗机构医疗保险管理评价体系

2.Survey on medical insurance expenditure control policy in Shanghai s tertiary first-class hospitals;上海市部分三甲医院实施医疗保险费用控制政策的抽样调查

3.The thinking of marketing training for students of medical insurance speciality;高职高专医疗保险类专业营销能力训练若干思考

6)medical health care医疗保健

1.MOEA applied tomedical health care,is smallersized,more easily operated,safer and more economical than other sources of oxygen supply.膜法富氧用于医疗保健比其它氧源体积小,操作简单,安全和经济。

2.The paper presented here discussed in details the meaningof investment ofmedical health care as a kind of humancapital investment and the opportunities and competition for the market of medicalhealth care due to the increasing investmentof humancapital,and the suggestion and countermeasureon how to develop and construct the consumptionmar-ket of medicalhealth c.医疗保健投资是保证人力资源优质体质的关键,是人力资源投资的不可或缺的重要内容。


什么是普通医疗保险? 普通医疗保险给被保险人提供治疗疾病时相关的一般性医疗费用。主要包括门诊费用、医药费用、检查费用等。这种保险保费成本较低,比较适用于一般社会公众。由于医药费用和检查费用的支出控制有一定的难度,所以,这种保单一般具有免赔额和费用分担规定,保险人支付免赔额以上部分的一定百分比,保险费用则每年规定一次。每次疾病所发生的费用累计超过保险金额时,保险人不再负责任。
