900字范文 > 现代诉求 modem telling and seeking英语短句 例句大全

现代诉求 modem telling and seeking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-06 05:00:19


现代诉求 modem telling and seeking英语短句 例句大全

现代诉求,modem telling and seeking

1)modem telling and seeking现代诉求

1.But because of the differences in writing experience, aesthetic sentiment, and opinions on literature, these two novels show us different experience of wars and differentmodem telling and seeking, which built up a new sight of 20th century s literature.由于作者写作经验、审美情趣、文学主张不同,取自同一题材的两篇小说呈现了不同的战争体验和现代诉求,共同构成二十世纪文学景观。


1.Citizen Morality:The Contemporary Transformation of the School Moral Education;培养公民道德:学校道德教育的现代诉求

2.Interpretation of Modern Design Art the Embodiment of Emotional Appeal解读现代设计艺术中情感诉求的体现

3.Returning to Real Life World: a Necessity for Modern Taching Theory;回归生活世界:现代教学论的必然诉求

4.Asking for openly humanity spirit among modern corporation′s image design;现代企业形象设计中的人文精神诉求

5.The Modernization of Traditional Political Culture and Appeal for Good Governance;传统政治文化现代化的“善治”诉求

6.Scientific Managing the Modern Enterprise by Moral Seeking;试论现代企业科学管理中的道德诉求

7.Basic principles and psychological demands of modern advertisment design;现代广告设计的基本原则与心理诉求

8.Chinese Culture s Appeal for Modernity under the Background of Globalization;全球化背景下中国文化的现代性诉求

9.Public reason:value of modern pluralistic society demand公共理性:现代多元社会的价值诉求

10.On the Valuable Utilization of Responsibility Ethic in Modern Civil Society责任伦理:现代公民社会的价值诉求

11.From the Reflections on "Modernity" and "Postmodernity" to the Eternal Value Appeal;从“现代性”与“后现代性”的反思到永恒的价值诉求

12.The desire of modernity in Marx s view of social development and contemporary value;马克思社会发展观的现代性诉求及其当代价值

13.On Modernity Appeal of Chinese Literary Theory in the Late 20~(th) Century;试论20世纪晚期中国文学理论的现代性诉求

14.The Reconstruction of Poetic History : Modern Inquiries Made by Lin Yaode and Yang Zonghan;诗史重建:林燿德与杨宗翰的现代性诉求

15.Ethic Appeal of English and American Literature Teaching in Postmodern Context;后现代语境下英美文学教学中的伦理诉求

16.Responsibility Theory:Necessary Resort of the Ethics of Contemporary Society;责任伦理:现代社会伦理精神的必然诉求

17.The Development Pattern of Low-entropy as the Demand of New-modernization;论作为新型现代化诉求的“低熵化发展模式”

18.On the Political Legitimacy and Modernization of the Party in Power;论政治合法性诉求下的执政党现代化建设


modernity appeal现代性诉求

3)internal modernization need现代化内在诉求

4)Chinese appeal to modernity现代性的中国式诉求

1."Chinese appeal to modernity" at that time becomes the key issue in the transformation of Chinese literary theory,leading the intense appeal of constructing Chinese humanistic spirit and the challenge it confronts to penetrating the entire construction process of Chinese literary theory of this period.其时,"现代性的中国式诉求"作为变革中的中国文艺理论的最关键问题,令建设现代中国人文精神的强烈诉求及其遭遇的挑战贯穿于这一时期中国文艺理论的整个建设过程。

5)real pursuit现实诉求

1.Based on China s reality the author believes that administrative efficacy sreal pursuit is to construct eff.结合本国的实际,笔者认为,行政效能的现实诉求应当是建立一种服务型效能政府,其建设要从以下几个方面着手:第一,重塑行政效能主体,实现政府及其公务员的若干转变;第二,培养行政效能客体的公民意识,实现政府与公民的良性互动;第三,明确行政效能建设的目标,实现公共利益的最大化。

6)advertisement focus诉求表现


广告观念诉求广告观念诉求advertising appeal to idea广告观念诉求(advertising appeal toidea)广告诉求方法之一。其特点是不直接宣传某种产品或劳务,而是鼓励和树立一种新的消费观念,或改变某种消费习惯。其最终目的还是为了推销某种产品或劳务,通过新观念的形成而利于企业经营。(傅汉章撰马谋超审)
