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商业诉求 business tells to beg英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-05 15:25:36


商业诉求 business tells to beg英语短句 例句大全

商业诉求,business tells to beg

1)business tells to beg商业诉求


1.Then what ideas did Mencken hold that made a newspaper like the Commercial Appeal castigate him publicly?那么门肯持有什么思想以至于让一家像《商业诉求报》这样的报纸公开地强烈反对他呢?

2.The Cultural Manifestation of Commercial Demonstration Designand Brand Consumption;商业展示设计与品牌消费的文化诉求

3.Deliberative Democracy: The Political Demands of Building the Socialist Harmonious Society;协商民主:建设社会主义和谐社会的政治诉求

4.On the theoretical basis and practice request of developing vocational education;职业生涯教育的理论基础及实践诉求

5.Business Establishment by the Entire People--Inherent Requirement of Scientific Outlook on Development;全民创业——科学发展观的内在诉求

6.Asking for openly humanity spirit among modern corporation′s image design;现代企业形象设计中的人文精神诉求

7.Scientific Managing the Modern Enterprise by Moral Seeking;试论现代企业科学管理中的道德诉求

8.Medical Action at Law and Lenient Working Environment;临床医学的法律诉求:宽松的执业环境

9.Investigation on Some Issues of Criminal Lawsuits of Infringement Commercial Secret;侵犯商业秘密刑事诉讼若干问题研究

10.Discussion on Distribution of Onus Probandi in Trade Secret Civil Proceedings;论商业秘密民事诉讼的举证责任分配

11.Career Development:Appealing for the Value of College Career Guidance职业生涯发展:高校就业指导工作的价值诉求

12.What every commercial enterprise seeks is Brisk Buying and selling.购销两旺,是每个商业企业的追求。

13.7. If the consultations fail to settle a dispute within 60 days after the date of receipt of the request for consultations, the complaining party may request the establishment of a panel.7. 如在收到磋商请求之日起60天内,磋商未能解决争端,则起诉方可请求设立专家组。

14.Crafts the right message for your particular product, service or business为特定产品、服务或业务,设计出适切的诉求

15.Managerial System Requirements & Formations in the Development of Chinese TV Content Industry;中国电视内容产业发展的管理体制诉求与建构

16.The Political Participation and Interests Appeal of Private Entrepreneurs in Social Change;社会变迁中的私营企业主政治参与与利益诉求

17.The Fair Appeal and Overall Planning Strategy in the Higher Vocational Education’s Development;高等职业教育发展的公平诉求与统筹策略

18.Exploring to the Talent Training Model of the Economics and Management Specialty based on the Requirement of Future Society;基于未来诉求的经管类专业人才培养模式探索


profession appeal职业诉求

3)Business Needs商业需求

4)commercial pursuit商业化追求


1.Managerial System Requirements & Formations in the Development of Chinese TV Content Industry;中国电视内容产业发展的管理体制诉求与建构

2.Being aware of therequirement and responding to it in time help to realize revitalization of northeast old industrial base.东北老工业基地振兴中,经济发展、社会稳定、腐败的防治及政府管理水平的提高,无一例外地对政务公开提出诉求。

3.With the social development and the technology advancement, every featur-e the information society shows, such as civilianization of subjects, instant interaction of commutation, efficiency of technology, diversification of culture and standardization under the background of globalization, all has its ownrequirement towards the reform of administrative division system.随着社会的发展和科技的进步,信息社会中每表现出来的一个特征,如主体平民化、沟通方式即时交互化、技术手段的高效化、文化的多元化以及经济全球化背景下的标准化等,都对应着它对行政区划体制改革提出的现实诉求。


1.Mathematical statistics has been conducted and analysis has been made to obtain theappeal on the reform of the teaching of physical education course by the students.比较分析当前高职院校体育教学的共性和特点,数理统计并分析得出学生对体育教改的诉求,在此基础上作出应对,制定符合实际的改革方案,据此寻求最优化对策。

2.At modern times,the society is filled with redundancy and the suitable way should be found toappeal to the audience by putting the same emphasis on emotion and reason,desire and need,sense and thinking,and by carrying out echoingappeal and noiseappeal.当今时代,冗余已经弥漫到社会的各个角落,广告要寻找最合适有效的诉求方式打动受众,就要做到情与理并重,"欲望"与"需要"并重,"感官"与思维并重,要根据实际情况进行"附和诉求"或"噪声诉求"。

3.Through Rosa s defensive narration at court,Faulkner successfully conveys the Southern femalesappeal for normal life and love after the Civil War.福克纳通过罗莎法庭辩护般的叙述传递了美国内战后南方女性对爱与正常生活的诉求。


广告观念诉求广告观念诉求advertising appeal to idea广告观念诉求(advertising appeal toidea)广告诉求方法之一。其特点是不直接宣传某种产品或劳务,而是鼓励和树立一种新的消费观念,或改变某种消费习惯。其最终目的还是为了推销某种产品或劳务,通过新观念的形成而利于企业经营。(傅汉章撰马谋超审)
